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Israelis in secret trip to inspect Saudi bases

Literally surprise Yzd horrible knowledge about regional issues and history. Now really realize Saudi family need " some" democracy.
Literally surprise Yzd horrible knowledge about regional issues and history. Now really realize Saudi family need " some" democracy.

You're right he doesn't know much, he should read up on the British Empire and how it promised Arabs independence in Palestinian and ended up obliging to the promise given to the Jews.

This empire was a threat to many Arabic nations and right after Israel was created they got support of these nations and remember Israel supported the British and French attack and took part in it against Egypt during 1956.

For some reason he doesn't recognize mutual interests when it comes to countering Israel but he happily pledges to them against Iran.

But, he also lives in a nation which I too live in that is probably the only empire left in the world. Rarely any countries attack by the USA fired a bullet towards us during the Cold War for example yet we exercised a insane policy.

Nevertheless, he confuses us many times but his record tells me he is aware of the occupation and doesn't have good will towards Israel unless they adopt a peace initiative.

So lets not go at him he's still learning but looks at the world in a different point of view than some of us.
Good news.. Saudi Arabia must do whatever is required to protect its national interest.Sad part is Pakistan's position on the iranian nuclear threat,little do our leaders realize that the shia minority here will get out of control under iranian nuclear umbrella.
I say nuke them and capture their oilfields.Half for the saudi's and the other half for our beloved Pakistan :))))))
There is no diplomatic relation with Israel of any kind nor Saudi Arabia recognize Israel as a state to begin with.
Find me a trash basket please.:close_tema:
You never get tired of writing nonsense about KSA, do you, mr. Haidar?


If KSA allows US to have bases then why can't this news be true even if it were the self-mutilating shias reporting it?
I don't understand how you don't see that the KSA and almost leaders of Muslim countries are puppets and will only do what's dictated by their Western masters
KSA must be annihilated.

And I suppose a Stalinistic freak like yourself is go to annihilate it? :lol:

It's true, my friend was there undercover.

Enjoyed his time washing his hands in gold sinks and eating lizards.


^^^^Check the state of this vodka-soaked Ruskie :lol:

No lizards in winter. Good luck finding any ...

Next ....
A blogger quoting anonymous officials. Must be true.
Iran has the world largest population of drug addictions and this thread proves it spot on

Iran is neighbor with the country which develop 70% of drugs in the world.However moving any drug in Iran has execution.Using drugs in Iran is much much less than Latin american countries even not comparable to USA and some Europe countries like Holland.There are years and years we are fighting against drug movers ...
Another amazing news-flash on PDF! Nations spy! Had I not read it here, I scarcely would have believed such crazy things!
Iran is neighbor with the country which develop 70% of drugs in the world.However moving any drug in Iran has execution.Using drugs in Iran is much much less than Latin american countries even not comparable to USA and some Europe countries like Holland.There are years and years we are fighting against drug movers ...

You do realize his name is bozo right.
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