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Israeli warplanes bomb Syria

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701
"The territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence of Lebanon within its internationally recognized borders"

Does it tell you something?
The text of 1701 is convoluted, It took some time to negotiate, apparently because each side wanted it to mean something different. You have to read it in its entirety to figure out that Clause 15, which unlike the other clauses uses the phrase "Decides further", means that Israel or other states don't have to ask anybody's permission to attack Hezbollah arms resupply, whether such shipments are in Lebanon itself or in transit via sea, air, or ground transportation.

While Israel has been the only nation to employ its air force to do so, for some time after the Hezbo war Western naval forces (mostly German, I think) off the coast were also following this directive and they didn't ask Lebanon's permission, either.
Is that music from some old spaghetti western movie? why is it on the video?
First of all that music is the music of My Homeland (Mawtini) ( popular patriotic Arabic poem and song) , it used be Palestine national anthem but now its the Iraqi national anthem... and you just insulted the Iraqi National Anthem and all the Arabs...

I won't go down your level and insult you, because you are not worth it...
First of all that music is the music of My Homeland (Mawtini) ( popular patriotic Arabic poem and song) , it used be Palestine national anthem but now its the Iraqi national anthem... and you just insulted the Iraqi National Anthem and all the Arabs...

I won't go down your level and insult you, because you are not worth it...

Sorry, didnt know that, deleted
they are not terrorists....they are freedom fighters
did that freed palestine from israel?or did israel stopped attacking on palestine??
and if i am wrong...fine...but what will you say about israel's actions...about natanyaho's hatered statements???wont you condemn it???

then can I call TTP or the guys fighting in bolichistan( sorry for the spelling mistake) as freedom fighter, cause I don't see any different between them in accordance with ur logic.....

they are not terrorists....they are freedom fighters
did that freed palestine from israel?or did israel stopped attacking on palestine??
and if i am wrong...fine...but what will you say about israel's actions...about natanyaho's hatered statements???wont you condemn it???

then can I call TTP or the guys fighting in bolichistan( sorry for the spelling mistake) as freedom fighter, cause I don't see any different between them in accordance with ur logic.....
then can I call TTP or the guys fighting in bolichistan( sorry for the spelling mistake) as freedom fighter, cause I don't see any different between them in accordance with ur logic.....

then can I call TTP or the guys fighting in bolichistan( sorry for the spelling mistake) as freedom fighter, cause I don't see any different between them in accordance with ur logic.....

TTP is funded by the CIA, a terrorist orgnization and those who are fighting in Beluchistan are funded by the RAW, another terror outfit. On the other hand, Palestine enjoys the official support of at least 170 countries. So, comparing the Palestinian struggle with the terrorist activities of some terror organs of notorious CIA or RAW is a zionazi strategy. If the terrorists of Beluchistan and the TTP are freedom fighters why don't the US and the indian government openly support them? Why is this 'covert' business?
then can I call TTP or the guys fighting in bolichistan( sorry for the spelling mistake) as freedom fighter, cause I don't see any different between them in accordance with ur logic.....

then can I call TTP or the guys fighting in bolichistan( sorry for the spelling mistake) as freedom fighter, cause I don't see any different between them in accordance with ur logic.....

dear...there is a wide difference in b/w our policy and yours,and so to organisations to which we are fighting right now:
Pakistan is not attacking on Afghanistan...but Israel is attacking on Palestine........Pakistan isnot murdering afghan women and children..Israel is doing....TTP is result of agencies (C.I.A,KHAD etc)
but hazebullah is result of such group of people who are fighting for Palestinian freedom....
and if you are saying that i am wrong...so tell me why israel attacked on Lebnon???why you guys attacked on freedom flotilla???i know that no matter what i say i will always be wrong in your sight ...because you are dear born in such an environment and media you are seeing that shows you different side of coin...while i am born in such an environment in which i am seeing different aspect....
anyways......i believe that we all are terrorists in each other"s sight because we consider each other as a threat for our survival.....
i don't hate jews...you want to prosper..please you are welcome....may era of prophet Solomon returns for your nation and you all enjoy the lost prosperity and peace....but please leave us alone.......
one more thing...when after holocaust...the ships that consist of poor jews.......was at that time looking for shelter,but no european country was there to help you out...your poor forefathers were all alone out there......at that time it was us...who opened our doors for you(palestine)and what are you doing now????killing those helpers of yours???:cry:we understand that you were scared,threatened at that time...you created israel for your survival........but now...??
tell me.........did we killed you guys???was hitler a muslim?????was he pakistani?afghani??irani???turki????syrian???Labnese??who was hitler????hitler was german..........
i stronly believe that what germans did was brutality and they should be punished for this....and for justice as well ... Israel was suppose to form in germany not plaestine....
d...when after holocaust...the ships that consist of poor jews.......was at that time looking for shelter,but no european country was there to help you out...your poor forefathers were all alone out there......at that time it was us...who opened our doors for you(palestine)and what are you doing now????killing those helpers of yours???
That's a gross distortion and concatenation of history. Everyone can see the result: it's been twisted to blame the victims for their fate and accuses them of being just as bad as their oppressors. That doesn't fit the facts, either.

It's the difference between what things are and what they are called. Pakistan and many other Muslim countries have been slaved to this deceptive rhetoric for generations now. Do you really want your kids to tread the same path?
but Israel is attacking on Palestine
Arabs in Palestine live much better than in Pakistan and have much lower mortality levels. Largely thanks to Israeli medicine.

so tell me why israel attacked on Lebnon???
Lebanon attacked us, we just retaliated.

one more thing...when after holocaust...the ships that consist of poor jews.......was at that time looking for shelter,but no european country was there to help you out...your poor forefathers were all alone out there......at that time it was us...who opened our doors for you(palestine)and what are you doing now????
No one opened doors. Palestine was controlled then by British. And because of Arab pressure they closed doors to Jewish refugees.
Fuck Palestine.

Go and loose your head over there if y'all like it so much instead of blabbering empty words and revisionism.
now since you are Israeli, what do you think of this? do you have any news, info, source regarding this? probably the Israeli media hid it

If this was true then the Israeli media would have been all over this, unlike the arab world the media in Israel is quite free all the major tv station (Channels 1, 2, and 10) and newspapers (Yediot,Maariv and Haaretz. exept Israel Hayom) are anti government and lean to the left-extreme left in the political spectrom. so my guess is if that sort of thing would actually happened then it would have been all over the news.

I am not saying that Israeli skies are impregnable, what I am saying is that anything that comes from a rv station that has Bashar Al Assad face as an icon on the right side of the screen souldnet be taken very seriously,my geuss is it was probably just propaganda to raise the Syrian people spirit.
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