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Israeli tourists killed in bus explosion in Bulgaria

Israeli PM Netanyahu is known for being a idiot.

it puts israel claims under doubts and fingers are raised against israel rather than iran.
it may be case of getting sympathy...

coz the way india handled the embassy car attack in delhi,it raised doubts that israel was behind that attack...
Israel is a menace to the world...They are the root cause for every war in this world.... Mossad would have carried out these attacks so that they can blame Iran and find a reason to attack.. They should be wiped out...

Not only wars, earthquakes volcanoes hurricanes asteroids etc
Israel already has a proven history of targeting civilians -- granted, these are mostly Palestinian and Lebanese.
No Israel does not target civilains.

But why would it be any different with Iranian civilians? You have already killed some of their civilian scientists.
Scientists who develop nuclear weapons are not civilians and there is no any proof that they were killed by Israel. Most probably they were selling secrets to West or planned to escape and thats why regime killed them.

And your great Mossad has already been caught funding terrorists with a history of suicide bombing against Iranian civilians.
This is just an article by Marc Perry - a former Arafat's advisor and clown. He also wrote fairy tales about Israeli warplanes in Azerbaijan.
RIP to the dead.
Israel will soon kill the terrorists responsible for these regardless of the country to which they belong.

Turks in Netherlands like Erdogan have an extremist mentality.
Two weeks ago Russia today broadcasted a show on this.
8:24 P.M: Several internet sites in Bulgaria reports that government authorities ignored warnings and alerts by Israeli and Russian sources over a possible attack

8:15 P.M: Burgus Mayor Dimitar Nikolov tells Bulgarian media that 33 Israeli tourists have been hospitalized, and nine other Israelis are still missing.

8:03 P.M: Bulgarian media reports that one of those killed is a local tour guide

8:00 P.M: Michal, the mother of Ron Parhan who flew to Bulgaria on Wednesday, said that her daughter called her in panic, and said that someone blew himself up on the bus. “She sustained cuts and was bleeding, they removed her through the window of the bus. She was hysterical, and is there without a cell phone, so she could not say much” (Revital Hovel).
Yeah, how terrible! LOL.. Those Palestinians who were killed just a few days ago don't matter of course. No "RIP" to Palestinians, Pakistanis, Afghans, Syrians and others who are being slaughtered as we are typing these sentences.

Erdogan, If the Yanks and Israelis get their jollies when our own die, then let it be. Do we need to fall to their level, do we?

Read Quran, it says, when an innocent dies..... what happens? It doesn't say when a 'muslim' innocent dies.

No Israel does not target civilains.

Israel has targeted civilians in all major confrontations it has had in Palestine and Lebanon. To prove this, I could reference here the work of the UN, of Western journalists (e.g., Robert Fisk) and historians of Israeli conflicts, of the human rights groups who have observed Israel's recent conflicts -- but what's the point? You'll insist on your dogmatic one-liners, such as the one above, that the IDF does no evil without even trying to address the facts mentioned, or at most excusing them away with some cliché refuted by foreign observers ("but the terrorists were hiding there"). I have no intention to keep debating an issue ad infinitum with someone I know is programmed to not accept any negative fActs about the IDF's war methods.

Scientists who develop nuclear weapons are not civilians and there is no any proof that they were killed by Israel.

Funny: on the one hand, you say those scientists weren't civilians -- thus you indirectly justify the terrorist attacks perpetrated against them. But on the other hand, you don't want to be held responsible for their deaths. I'm not seeing much coherence in you. It seems you're conflicted about possible deeds of your government.

In any case, you don't get to define who's a civilian. Whatever is it that those men you killed were working, they weren't holding any guns in the moment they were killed, and most likely they never killed, or ordered the murder of, anyone. They were non-combatants working for their government.

And by the way, not even your intelligence services are sure as to whether Iran has decided to produce nukes. That you nonetheless target those working for the program, is therefore cowardly and unjustifiable, even if one accepts your self-serving definition of who is a civilian.

Most probably they were selling secrets to West or planned to escape and thats why regime killed them.

You're one confused person. In one moment, they are dangerous Evil Scientists producing WMDs, and who deserved to be killed. One second later, they are the Good Guys killed by the fanatic regime. Settle for one theory already. And stop pulling out fake theories for which you have no evidence.

This is just an article by Marc Perry - a former Arafat's advisor and clown. He also wrote fairy tales about Israeli warplanes in Azerbaijan.

Ad hominem attacks and baseless accusations aren't enough to refute his story -- he was quoting CIA agents and writing for a magazine with good edition standards.
These Hindu extremists and Islam haters posting here didn't say "RIP" to the HUNDREDS of slaughtered Muslims in Burma. See thread;


These Hindu fanatics didn't say RIP to the murdered Iranian scientists by Mossad.

Who do these hypocrites think they are fooling, seriously? They suddenly become very humane and emotional when some of their white and zionist masters are killed. Absolutely disgusting and outrageous hypocrisy.

I crap on your fake "humanity"....

^^^Though here i agree with you.
7:50 P.M.: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "Iran is responsible for the terror attack in Bulgaria, we will have a strong response against Iranian terror."

Kinda reminds me of how they started WWI and WWII through false flags, i'm guessing they are itching for a WW3.

Now i'm even more certain the ME is going to become a full blown war zone within a couple of months if not a year then, considering the recent events.

Iran kills our civilians, yet we will not retaliate by killing your civilians. We are not going to low to your level.

I find that hard to believe.
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