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Enigma writing that "someone has done the research" is not really a good argument. maybe YOU should do it too rather than follow blindly...
Enigma writing that "someone has done the research" is not really a good argument. maybe YOU should do it too rather than follow blindly...

i think giving a few attributes might convey the points to some.
i did have something in my kitty to answer the queries but also wanted others to click some by themselves.

Again, accepted that what you have referred to was not a 'guud argument'

P.S. Somethings are quite common that they need not to be pondered upon, if people really want to understand, and they will only understand if the had some background of the topic at hand.

Free masonry, new world order, controlling the world, centralizing everything, giving people just pieces of papers what they call Money, are a few issues i would like my friends to know before they accept what i request then to do.

Anywaz, thnx for the tip
Can you give some evidence regarding other products that are listed in my post?
Don't bother your mind, sir.
Someone did the research.
And what do you think that the Zionist will tell the world about there products and claim them openly so that they can be targeted easily?

P.S. Go to the Coca cola website you'll find then claiming that the are not the supporter of any specific religion, but the same time they never denied being Jews(although they gave this clarification long ago in some other case when the Arab League banned their products)

Also give a look to coca cola on wiki.

im not talking about coca cola im talking about armani
cant trust anyone blindly but the lord
god gave us a noggin and we must use it :agree:
so what does the guy visting the country have to do with anything
he has money and the isrealis want armani clothing in their country as well as every other country
basic economics

i am not sure, but i dunno why they didn't call Dolce & Gabbana?
armani's net worth is 1.7 billion while d & g is around some hundred millions
1 billion is a huge amount of difference

Come on dude just stop trying to justif your points for the sake of it!

What i wanted to say was that why armani was asked for by the israelis, there are other 100s of brands. Well if your answer is that armani worth more then i must say that you are slightly mistaken!
Come on dude just stop trying to justif your points for the sake of it!

What i wanted to say was that why armani was asked for by the israelis, there are other 100s of brands. Well if your answer is that armani worth more then i must say that you are slightly mistaken!

nope im not mistaken
armani is a big brand [money and popularity wise]
having armani in ur domestic market is a good thing and if it expands than thats a really good thing for ur economy
that'll create more jobs etc
Why do you want to Bycott the products??? Why dont u suggest alternatives....Remember most of the products are american based and PAKISTAN gets aid from US and its looking more foreign investment

I understand your logic..but this doesnt make sense or it doenst help either. If you think antipropaganda works yes it might work on Indian cinema in pakistan, Nothing else.

If have to suggest local pakistan product instead of this...
Well! Umm! Banning appeals to me more than merely boycotting on individual basis. We have become so easy going and lazy that it is difficult to discipline ourselves. Actually we will have to change our whole economic and political system. Stop the smuggling. Clean the corrupt leadership in every sector. Change the beaurocratic system. Ban imports for products which our country produces. Stop enjoying more than middle class luxuries. Concerntrate on needs. Always find alternatives. For instance we can also drink Fanta or Amrat Cola instead of Coca Cola. We can always wear locally made clothes instead of wearing Bonanza. We can ride in Suzuki instead of wanting Mercedes or Jewish or western manufactured Cars. Actually we have to revolutionize every sector of this country including ourselves. Its a shame that being an agricultural country we are importing even wheat and potatoes . We have to start working now or we are all gonna get in trouble.
I'm already boycotting Zionism. It's really easy, just support local ETHNIC foods & clothing/fashion, eat at ETHNIC restaurants, use Asian electronics, go support your local neighborhood businesses. It helps you local neighborhood and ethnic group and is more fun. Besides most clothing are not designed for you average thin (and slighter shorter) Asian. :)
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