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Featured Israeli PM flew to Saudi Arabia, Met Crown Prince of KSA


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Israeli PM flew to Saudi Arabia, met crown prince: reports
AP 23 Nov 2020

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This combination file photo shows Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. — Reuters

Israeli media reported on Monday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew to Saudi Arabia for a clandestine meeting with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, which would mark the first known encounter between senior Israeli and Saudi officials.

Hebrew-language media cited an unnamed Israeli official as saying that Netanyahu and Yossi Cohen, head of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, flew to the Saudi city of Neom on Sunday, where they met with the crown prince. The prince was there for talks with visiting United Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

A Gulfstream IV private jet took off just after 1740 GMT from Ben-Gurion International Airport near Tel Aviv, according to data from website FlightRadar24.com. The flight traveled south along the eastern edge of the Sinai Peninsula before turning toward Neom and landing just after 1830 GMT, according to the data. The flight took off from Neom around 2150 GMT and followed the same route back to Tel Aviv.

The Israeli prime minister’s office did not respond to requests for comment.

Pompeo traveled with an American press pool on his trip throughout the Mideast, but left them at the Neom airport when he went into his visit with the crown prince.

While Bahrain, Sudan and the United Arab Emirates have reached deals under the Trump administration to normalise ties with Israel, Saudi Arabia so far has remained out of reach.

King Salman long has supported the Palestinians in their effort to secure an independent state. However, analysts and insiders suggest his 35-year-old son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, is likely more open to the idea of normalising relations without major progress in the moribund peace process.

The kingdom approved the use of Saudi airspace for Israeli flights to the UAE, a decision announced the day after Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, met with Prince Mohammed in Riyadh. Bahrain normalising ties also suggests at least a Saudi acquiescence to the idea, as the island kingdom relies on Riyadh.

Israel has long had clandestine ties to Gulf Arab states that have strengthened in recent years as they have confronted a shared threat in Iran.
Attack on Iran is imminent. Lets see which way the cookie crumbles.
Attack by who ? Israel ? Too far from Iran for a direct attack. Their only hope is to strike Iranian interests in Syria,Lebanon etc
Saudi Arabia is a joke. They for sure do not want their oil industry to be razed to the ground. Last Iranian attack on Saudi Arabia was a warning.

The only nation on the planet to effectively attack and degrade Iranian power is the USA and we all know what is going on there right now.

On topic : I wonder how the Palestinians feel about their arab ''brothers'' ?
Israeli PM flew to Saudi Arabia, met crown prince: reports
AP 23 Nov 2020

This combination file photo shows Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. — Reuters

This combination file photo shows Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. — Reuters

Israeli media reported on Monday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew to Saudi Arabia for a clandestine meeting with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, which would mark the first known encounter between senior Israeli and Saudi officials.

Hebrew-language media cited an unnamed Israeli official as saying that Netanyahu and Yossi Cohen, head of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, flew to the Saudi city of Neom on Sunday, where they met with the crown prince. The prince was there for talks with visiting United Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

A Gulfstream IV private jet took off just after 1740 GMT from Ben-Gurion International Airport near Tel Aviv, according to data from website FlightRadar24.com. The flight traveled south along the eastern edge of the Sinai Peninsula before turning toward Neom and landing just after 1830 GMT, according to the data. The flight took off from Neom around 2150 GMT and followed the same route back to Tel Aviv.

The Israeli prime minister’s office did not respond to requests for comment.

Pompeo traveled with an American press pool on his trip throughout the Mideast, but left them at the Neom airport when he went into his visit with the crown prince.

While Bahrain, Sudan and the United Arab Emirates have reached deals under the Trump administration to normalise ties with Israel, Saudi Arabia so far has remained out of reach.

King Salman long has supported the Palestinians in their effort to secure an independent state. However, analysts and insiders suggest his 35-year-old son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, is likely more open to the idea of normalising relations without major progress in the moribund peace process.

The kingdom approved the use of Saudi airspace for Israeli flights to the UAE, a decision announced the day after Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, met with Prince Mohammed in Riyadh. Bahrain normalising ties also suggests at least a Saudi acquiescence to the idea, as the island kingdom relies on Riyadh.

Israel has long had clandestine ties to Gulf Arab states that have strengthened in recent years as they have confronted a shared threat in Iran.

Bloody sellout.
Attack by who ? Israel ? Too far from Iran for a direct attack. Their only hope is to strike Iranian interests in Syria,Lebanon etc
Saudi Arabia is a joke. They for sure do not want their oil industry to be razed to the ground.

The only nation on the planet to effectively attack and degrade Iranian power is the USA and we all know what is going on there right now.

On topic : I wonder how the Palestinians feel about their arab ''brothers'' ?

don't underestimate Saudi Airforce plus their cooperation with Israel should raise serious alarms for Iran. I hope Iran remains alert and this Jan 20 , 2021 comes asap for Iran without any incident.
don't underestimate Saudi Airforce plus their cooperation with Israel should raise serious alarms for Iran. I hope Iran remains alert and this Jan 20 , 2021 comes asap for Iran without any incident.
Saudi Arabia got too cocky the last time and Iran showed the world what a garbage army they have. The IRGC launched a direct attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities and knocked out 50% of their oil industry with a single coordinated attack from Southwestern Iran. Strangely the Saudis are quite on the silent mode side since then. Their airforce is the same, super shiny weapons but garbage talent. Their airforce are fixed and repaired by American engineers and technicians. The Saudis wont be able to put up a few jets in the sky without American help even if their lives depended on it. You can not buy talent, you need skilled and educated people for that. You need decades of hard work and effort. You need patriotism. Saudi Arabia is a soft target for Iran.

The only real threat to Iran is from the US and they are currently too divided to do anything. Only hope for these pathetic Persian gulf states and Israel is Trump. He might be insane enough to do something in the coming weeks but even that i doubt.
Attack by who ? Israel ? Too far from Iran for a direct attack. Their only hope is to strike Iranian interests in Syria,Lebanon etc
Saudi Arabia is a joke. They for sure do not want their oil industry to be razed to the ground. Last Iranian attack on Saudi Arabia was a warning.

The only nation on the planet to effectively attack and degrade Iranian power is the USA and we all know what is going on there right now.

On topic : I wonder how the Palestinians feel about their arab ''brothers'' ?
Current geopolitical shift in relation to UAE and Israel, possibility of use of military base at UAE soil by Israeli Air Force cannot be ruled out.

This relationship may endanger not only Iranian strategic assets but also Pakistani strategic and nuclear assets.

It is better to prepare oneself against every possible incoming threat.
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Current geopolitical shift in relation to UAE and Israel, possibility of us of military base at UAE soil by Israeli Air Force cannot be ruled out.

This relationship may endanger not only Iranian strategic assets but also Pakistani strategic and nuclear assets.
Take a look at the map. You will see a giant Iranian land literally surrounding tiny UAE,Bahrain,Kuwait etc
There is no way that after a Israeli attack from UAE those bases will survive volley after volley of mach 6 impacting BM's. It is a suicide mission for them.

They can carry out sabotage, hit&run tactics though but that won't change much on the ground.
Biden administration will reduce involvement with the ME so Israel and Saudi Arabia are trying to find survival mechanism.
More Irani Mullah conspiracy against Pakistan. They have bribed our elder brother Saudia to join the Zionists. Now Pakistan must rescue UAE and Saudia Arabia from Irani clutches.

Ps. What have I been saying for a decade on this forum? I would literally get swamped by Paks acting more Saudi then Saudis. The the desert idols have fallen and exposed what anybody with a funtioning brain knew. Saudia was bastion of America in Middle East. Israel, UAE and Saudia made the triple US alliance against Iran. Yet on this very forum Saudia was idolized by sectarian zombies. Now time to wake up. Even now some zombies will refuse to accept the reality. Not even when they see Mohammed Bin Salman hugging Netanyu in Riyhad together scheming against evil Iran.

Once Saudi officialy recognizes Israel with decade so will Pakistan. But it will be too late. It will be a defeated and humbled Pakistan. Instead of setting a trend Pakistan will be seen as follower. There is much geo-political capital to be had by being first and nothing but shame to be last. And I know people will say "never" but they said same thing for the guardians of the two holy places of Islam. The clock now is ticking. Give another ten years or by 2030 so will Pakistan.

Pakistan will literally be forced. And as we saw in 2001 Pakistan can be forced easily by using economic blackmail. The Pakistani establishment knows that it will have to accept Israel but after 70 years of brainwashing the ignorant masses it is impossible to do it. So they will slowly make a sofdt lanbding over ten years. As pressure mounts don't expect China to help out. China will push Pakistan to accept Israel as they have very good relations with Tel Aviv.

Anyway I am chuckling here ..... hahahaha !!!


Well once they were used to bring down the Othman empire as last Islamic caliphate and now playing the same rule "Trojan horse" the rule that they were created for by british empire ... the Ebri Arabi axis (which ain't new) in our region is behind almost all problems.
But they are not in size of Iran to start a war ... their both protector has not dared let alone them.
I won't be surprised even if they secretly slept together.:-)
I will place my bet on Kushner :D.

That being said I personally do not like the Irani establishment and how they operate things and the damage they caused in Pakistan, whether it was the secetarianism or supporting Indian adventurism. However these Al-shaikhs had been equally involved in all similar activities, they had been funding terrorism to corrupt politicians and bureaucrats to achieve their objectives, but on these crossroads of Geo-political alignment, we should support Iran in case of any miss adventure by Israel, UAE or KSA for that matter. These middle-easterns are just a liability on this planet and to all these Umma Chumas, Allah apko hadayet naseeb keray.

It is about time that the holy cities are made independent of KSA influence and be declared as independent territory just like the Vatican city.
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Saudi Arabia got too cocky the last time and Iran showed the world what a garbage army they have. The IRGC launched a direct attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities and knocked out 50% of their oil industry with a single coordinated attack from Southwestern Iran. Strangely the Saudis are quite on the silent mode side since then. Their airforce is the same, super shiny weapons but garbage talent. Their airforce are fixed and repaired by American engineers and technicians. The Saudis wont be able to put up a few jets in the sky without American help even if their lives depended on it. You can not buy talent, you need skilled and educated people for that. You need decades of hard work and effort. You need patriotism. Saudi Arabia is a soft target for Iran.

The only real threat to Iran is from the US and they are currently too divided to do anything. Only hope for these pathetic Persian gulf states and Israel is Trump. He might be insane enough to do something in the coming weeks but even that i doubt.
u r talking about subjects u have 0 knowledge
it was someone wise who told them to stay put and focus on conserving there strength
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