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Israeli missions in India, Georgia targeted

Simply Why Would Iran Do That .....In the Time Of Sanctions ?????
Just To Target A Israeli Diplomat ?

even Iran Knows, Game Like This Will Cost Them....
Why they attacked UK embassy? Regime is under pressure and hysteric.
Netyanhu is a big retard. The Indian intelligence didnt even finish their forensic works, research and this loudmouth knows already who is behind the attacks ?

I don't think this is the work of Mossad or Israel myself they have too much to lose with India if they did this and we caught the culprits we would make them talk and they will rat out who ordered it.
@Indian Members

NO Need to Name any country as of now,Let the investigation finish and truth will come out for SURE!!

Culprits must be bought to justice behind this coward attack!!

I've been seeing all the justice since 2008 November that this government has delivered... thanks for trying to cheer me up bro, but until we have proponents of militancy in our government, we cannot avenge these attacks.
Bl[i]tZ;2595583 said:
Former diplomat KC Singh on NDTV is making this point that there have been no Shia militant groups in India.

Although, he is saying that it could be retaliation by Iran against Israel.

What does Iran gain from an attack like this? Dude its outrageous to think of Iran gaining anything form acts of this nature. The problem is extremists in Israel will resort to ANYTHING at the moment to bang the war drums and rally all against Iran. So obvious.
Indian chennal said that police said It was a stick(Or sticky) bomb.
Why they attacked UK embassy? Regime is under pressure and hysteric.

Iran won't target attacks in India, mate. This is one of the many loose cannons operating from a much closer location near us. We have a lot of their trash living in our country shielded by treacherous politicians.
Be calm these dogs are still in Hindustan they not run away anywhere we can catch them God willing and they will talk who gave the order once we put electrodes to their testicles.
Even think otherwise... Harm India-Israeli relations due to this terrorist attack and then subsequently loss of an ally for both nations.. Its obvious that few haters of India-Israeli relations may bring out this incident and blame mossad itself for the wrong doing.. I say let the investigation report come out and then we conclude anything.. Its nothing but blamegame. Even what Iranian members here posted something very genuine that how loosing a friend like India can cost them very dear. I know a few Irani friends of mine since they were with me during my education at Pune and should tell you all that they were really nice personals.. Let the lunatics be caught and get capital punishment.. But with this impotent govnt, its unlikely to happen..

I've been seeing all the justice since 2008 November that this government has delivered... thanks for trying to cheer me up bro, but until we have proponents of militancy in our government, we cannot avenge these attacks.

Well can't agree more bro...
Whoever did it, it is by God's grace that no precious life was lost. India's friendship with Israel and Iran will not be affected as it will take a whole lot more than this half cocked incident to affect our long standing relations with these countries. In the meanwhile we should beef up security arrangements to preclude a repetition of such incidents.

Agreed. India should at all times focus on what benefits their nation and not get embroiled into a third party war. It serves no purpose to speculate - one must not jump to conclusions. The only people wanting to jump to conclusions seem to be Israel - no surprise their...
I hear what you are saying mate - just have a look at the amount of pressure Israel is exerting on the US. They are like a headless chicken to cause any type of Iran. Desperation and impatience - thats of course my opinion. Perhaps a warning shot.
Bro who benefits from such an attack? How does this look internationally?

As I said before this could very well be Indians. A lot of people in India (especially Islamists) are not comfortable with Israel.
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