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Israeli missions in India, Georgia targeted

Name me a time Israel/Mossad have attacked their own?

Read what longbrained said again. Moreover, Do you think only India and Georgia have Israeli missions in their soils? Why should we do something to make our Indian friends disappointed right when we're enjoying good diplomatic and economic ties? Don't you think that is so stupid to do an assassination in the soil of a country that has sided with us currently?
Why India? There are Israeli embassies in more than 100 countries except India and Georgia as far as I know, why India and Georgia? In particular, why India?
Exactly.. Look at the US. One 9-11 happened and they have tightened up their so much so that not a single major incident could take place inside their soil. Whereas, we, even after incidents after incidents, cannot pull our socks up.

Instead of doing a thorough introspection/ soul searching, we are busy with usual bickering among ourselves (one party supporter throwing mud at the other and vice versa), and collectively we just shout our blames at a third party. No matter how complicit the third party/ nation is with these attacks, the blame should, first and foremost, squarely fall with our abject failure of intelligence & inability to monitor certain type of whispering.

We cannot compare ourselves to US in this case..US does not live in a rough neighbourhood like us with neighbours who actively encourage terrorism inside our territory. Also US was damn lucky that the shoe bomber, underwear bomber & NY bomber was incompetent morons.
It's pretty obvious who benefits from this incidence now, anyone who thinks any country rather than Israel is behind this is gullible.
for the first time in its history Israel would attack its own?
this is not how they operate
It's pretty obvious who benefits from this incidence now, anyone who thinks any country rather than Israel is behind this is gullible.

I find it a little hard to believe Israelis targeting their own defense attaches' wife?
Read what longbrained said again. Moreover, Do you think only India and Georgia have Israeli missions in their soils? Why should we do something to make our Indian friends disappointed right when we're enjoying good diplomatic and economic ties? Don't you think that is so stupid to do an assassination in the soil of a country that has sided with us currently?

Im not blaming anyone at this point but it makes no sense that Israel would harm its own people does it? when have Mossad ever targeted fellow Jews? never so why start now
Iranians started attacking embassies long before that:

December 15, 1981. Suicide car bombing of the Iraqi embassy in Beirut, killing 27 people.

May 24, 1982. Car bomb attack on French Embassy in Beirut killing 12 and wounding 27.

April 18, 1983. Bombing of U.S. Embassy in Beirut. Detonated in a delivery van driven by a suicide bomber, carrying about 2000 pounds of explosives. The bomb killed 63 people, 17 of them Americans.

December 12, 1983. Suicide bomber on truck attacked US embassy in Kuwait. Other car bombs exploded at French embassy. 6 people killed.

My bad. I had to start from attacking US embassy in Tehran 1979.

Overall these attacks show the hysteria of Iran's regime. They are under sanctions, they are losing their only ally - Syria. First they attacked UK embassy for no reason, now they attack Israeli. Iran is isolating itself more and more.
Sit back guys and have a little think. Who would benefit from an attack of this nature? You guys are all intellectual enough to see the hand print of mossad at work. Well done Israel. If you think the world is so gullable and blame Iran then you really underestimate the world intelligence!
Sit back guys and have a little think. Who would benefit from an attack of this nature? You guys are all intellectual enough to see the hand print of mossad at work. Well done Israel. If you think the world is so gullable and blame Iran then you really underestimate the world intelligence!

hey bro but Mossad has never done a attack on fellow Jews that goes against the foundation of Israel.
There have been attempts in Azerbaijan and Thailand embassies and both times it was on orders from Iran, both attacks were foiled, not this time.
It is time to accept reality that in order to kill Israelis, they do not care of Indian or Georgian or Azerbaijanis or Thais die in the attempt as well.
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