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Israeli men going in droves to UAE to "sleep with prostitutes"

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  • Prostitution in Dubai has allowed Israeli men to come to town with thousands of dollars in their pockets just to fulfill their sexual desire
  • New development comes a month after UAE opened its airspace to Israel
Fahad Zulfikar 18 Dec 2020


(Karachi) In a startling revelation, Israeli men are reportedly flying in groups to Dubai to "sleep with prostitutes" just a month after the United Arab Emirates (UAE) opened its airspace to Israel, an article published in Ynet News reported.

The report highlighted the new disgusting phenomenon related to Israeli men who travelled to the UAE with a mission to "sleep with as many prostitutes as possible." The 'sex tourism' in Dubai has allowed the men to come to town with thousands of dollars in their pockets just to fulfill their sexual desire.

"It happens in the luxury hotels of Dubai, in the nightclubs, everywhere. Outside the hotels, people walk around with brochures and shove you in the hand," says Benny, a businessman who visits Dubai frequently.

"They already recognize the groups of Israelis, approach them with options of a photo gallery on an iPad or mobile. Everything is very open, as if it were a pizza menu with toppings," he said.

Another businessman Shlomi said, "This is a thriving Israeli sex tourism business in Dubai."

Meanwhile, Eran, who flew to Dubai from Tel Aviv with his friends has been staying in a luxury hotel. He and his friends say they came here to sleep with the prostitutes. The group paid a hefty amount for the purpose highlighting the degrading treatment of women in UAE.

A few months ago, the UAE and Bahrain signed agreements to normalize relations with Israel, becoming the latest Arab states to break a longstanding taboo in a strategic realignment of Middle Eastern countries against Iran.

US President Donald Trump hosted the White House ceremony, capping a dramatic month when first the UAE and then Bahrain agreed to reverse decades of ill will without a resolution of Israel's decades-old dispute with the Palestinians.

The deals, denounced by the Palestinians, make them the third and fourth Arab states to take such steps to normalize ties since Israel signed peace treaties with Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994.

The pact which brought Israel, the UAE and Bahrain together reflects their shared concern about Iran's rising influence in the region and development of ballistic missiles. Iran has been critical of the agreement.


What kind of an idiot comes up with such nonsense. Seriously, PDF is discussing this non-sense.
People here forget that UAE leaders have managed to build up the country as a cosmopolitan global country with expats and tourists as common as the common citizen . In fact we can even say that the UAE is the most globalised country in the middle East and probably the entire muslim world. This has also helped in shaping the people's mentality and mindset reason the country's citizens and leadership have a more forward looking globalised thinking, reason they are moving forward and developing so fast. Ask yourselves why people from all over the region and even around the world are flocking to the UAE for work/better life ? If anything you guys should be learning from their leaders and how they have achieved this. The fact that most people in the region have to leave their country to emigrate to the UAE in search of greener pastures should be a wake up call for you guys. Yet we see some people here putting down the country and calling them backwards meanwhile their own country is as poor as some subsaharan African countries and their people are emigrating to the UAE in large numbers to do menial jobs to help feed their family and relatives back home.

This news report seems to be politically motivated (which is expected giving many are angry about. UAE establishing diplomatic ties with Israel). UAE leaders have a vision for their country and are working towards that vision. They put their countrys interest FIRST , so if it hurts some of you then it's up to you guys. I admire their country's leaders pragmatism and forward thinking. They have built a country where any UAE citizen is and should be proud be proud of their country and their youth don't have to put their lives in danger to cross the sea/desert and refugee camps to emigrate to other countries for a better life. Having been to the UAE and other countries in the region, I will choose to be a UAE citizen over most "self righteous" countries in the region. :chilli: :P
Except you can't choose to be a "citizen". Expat is what you'll be. Unless you're a westerner and you'll get a free pass because it is what it is. Other nationalities get to be an economic refugee at best.
People here forget that UAE leaders have managed to build up the country as a cosmopolitan global country with expats and tourists as common as the common citizen . In fact we can even say that the UAE is the most globalised country in the middle East and probably the entire muslim world. This has also helped in shaping the people's mentality and mindset reason the country's citizens and leadership have a more forward looking globalised thinking, reason they are moving forward and developing so fast. Ask yourselves why people from all over the region and even around the world are flocking to the UAE for work/better life ? If anything you guys should be learning from their leaders and how they have achieved this. The fact that most people in the region have to leave their country to emigrate to the UAE in search of greener pastures should be a wake up call for you guys. Yet we see some people here putting down the country and calling them backwards meanwhile their own country is as poor as some subsaharan African countries and their people are emigrating to the UAE in large numbers to do menial jobs to help feed their family and relatives back home.

This news report seems to be politically motivated (which is expected giving many are angry about. UAE establishing diplomatic ties with Israel). UAE leaders have a vision for their country and are working towards that vision. They put their countrys interest FIRST , so if it hurts some of you then it's up to you guys. I admire their country's leaders pragmatism and forward thinking. They have built a country where any UAE citizen is and should be proud be proud of their country and their youth don't have to put their lives in danger to cross the sea/desert and refugee camps to emigrate to other countries for a better life. Having been to the UAE and other countries in the region, I will choose to be a UAE citizen over most "self righteous" countries in the region. :chilli: :P

Jazak Allah Khair <3 And as an Emirati i wish only the best for Pakistan and Pakistanis.
And of course the trillions of petrodollars they receive from the ground had no role in this? :victory:

As an Emirati, i apologize that the UAE has reached where it is today by using a NATURAL resource given to us by the almighty Allah.

/face palm
Is prostitution legal in dubai UAE?

No it is not and prostitutes are not allowed to stand in the street.
Except you can't choose to be a "citizen". Expat is what you'll be. Unless you're a westerner and you'll get a free pass because it is what it is. Other nationalities get to be an economic refugee at best.

Will then let us poor people make our nations rich and successful so we don't have to go to the UAE and get humiliated. The UAE Arabs are not putting a gun to the heads of us poor people to go there.
People here forget that UAE leaders have managed to build up the country as a cosmopolitan global country with expats and tourists as common as the common citizen . In fact we can even say that the UAE is the most globalised country in the middle East and probably the entire muslim world. This has also helped in shaping the people's mentality and mindset reason the country's citizens and leadership have a more forward looking globalised thinking, reason they are moving forward and developing so fast. Ask yourselves why people from all over the region and even around the world are flocking to the UAE for work/better life ? If anything you guys should be learning from their leaders and how they have achieved this. The fact that most people in the region have to leave their country to emigrate to the UAE in search of greener pastures should be a wake up call for you guys. Yet we see some people here putting down the country and calling them backwards meanwhile their own country is as poor as some subsaharan African countries and their people are emigrating to the UAE in large numbers to do menial jobs to help feed their family and relatives back home.

This news report seems to be politically motivated (which is expected giving many are angry about. UAE establishing diplomatic ties with Israel). UAE leaders have a vision for their country and are working towards that vision. They put their countrys interest FIRST , so if it hurts some of you then it's up to you guys. I admire their country's leaders pragmatism and forward thinking. They have built a country where any UAE citizen is and should be proud be proud of their country and their youth don't have to put their lives in danger to cross the sea/desert and refugee camps to emigrate to other countries for a better life. Having been to the UAE and other countries in the region, I will choose to be a UAE citizen over most "self righteous" countries in the region. :chilli: :P
Bit of confusion here. UAE is great if you're into maintenance of an ethno-social hierarchy sort of thing. As for "citizenship"...again, the rights to and privileges of citizenship depend entirely on that same old ethnic class that UAE enjoys pigeon holing its various visitors into.
Will then let us poor people make our nations rich and successful so we don't have to go to the UAE and get humiliated. The UAE Arabs are not putting a gun to the heads of us poor people to go there.

You are wrong. Half of Dubai was built using Pakistani skilled labor. These bedouins were desert bandits and pirates before their new found oil wealth. They would come all the way to dehli just to beg and sell their arts and crafts.

Money comes and goes, but you can’t buy dignity or class with it. Anyways I’m not worried. I don’t plan on ever setting foot in UAE or any other Arab country for that matter.

I’m taking this harsh stance because time and time again these gulf Arabs have insulted Pakistanis and I’m tired of it.
Will then let us poor people make our nations rich and successful so we don't have to go to the UAE and get humiliated. The UAE Arabs are not putting a gun to the heads of us poor people to go there.
The west nurtures imbeciles like Zardari and Nawaz so that they can serve their geopolitical interests. UAE was the reason Gwadar didn't start up 30 years ago. Poor don't have any say in how the governments are run, and are therefore forced to go to the Gulf States to earn a better livelihood. If that isn't a gun to the head I don't know what is.
How does Imran Khan aides came to know that Israilis are travelling to UAE and sleeping with foreign women, without getting married?

Even if its happening, why does people of a nation who are daily raping underage girls and are contracting muta marriage are bothered?
A couple of you said Pakistanis have been insulted and humiliated by the UAE ! how so exactly ? I am genuinely interested.
You are wrong. Half of Dubai was built using Pakistani skilled labor. These bedouins were desert bandits and pirates before their new found oil wealth. They would come all the way to dehli just to beg and sell their arts and crafts.

Money comes and goes, but you can’t buy dignity or class with it. Anyways I’m not worried. I don’t plan on ever setting foot in UAE or any other Arab country for that matter.

I’m taking this harsh stance because time and time again these gulf Arabs have insulted Pakistanis and I’m tired of it.

If that's true then why can't Pakistanis build and make Pakistan like dubai? Why are we so dumb and corrupt?
The west nurtures imbeciles like Zardari and Nawaz so that they can serve their geopolitical interests. UAE was the reason Gwadar didn't start up 30 years ago. Poor don't have any say in how the governments are run, and are therefore forced to go to the Gulf States to earn a better livelihood. If that isn't a gun to the head I don't know what is.

Which is why Pakistan needs a revolution to cleanse itself of corruption and treachery. Why is it that the West only only corrupt Pakistan, Muslim countries, Africa and South America? Why can't they do the same to China?
If that's true then why can't Pakistanis build and make Pakistan like dubai? Why are we so dumb and corrupt?

Which is why Pakistan needs a revolution to cleanse itself of corruption and treachery. Why is it that the West only only corrupt Pakistan, Muslim countries, Africa and South America? Why can't they do the same to China?

Pakistan Does not need to be like Dubai (12 lane highways, 7 star hotels and skyscrapers) to be a tourism mecca. Pakistan has Deserts , Forests , mountains, lakes , rivers and all seasons of the year.

What Pakistan needs to do is make sure 100% of Pakistani girls and boys go to school and college. Build state of the art infrastructure projects such as :-

- airports
-sea ports
- houses for everyone (even if 5 by 5 meters - but has water and electricity /heat/air-con)

regarding tourism , Pakistan can do business with UAE Emaar company and it will put Pakistan on the map with high end resorts in the desert , forests , mountains

I am getting excited just typing this out. Imagine everyone is educated in Pakistan. Imagine everyone has a home with running water and electricity ?

Pakistan would EXPLODE , in 35 years , it will be a developing nation.

P.S Pakistanis are not dumb. They are poor, depressed and un-inspired
@Abu Dhabi if you are true Emarati... you won't be wasting your time here!

I have completed a month on this forum , liking it so far. working from home since march due to civd-19 , so i also have the time :P

I hope you don't mind !
A couple of you said Pakistanis have been insulted and humiliated by the UAE ! how so exactly ? I am genuinely interested.

Most of them are veterans of Syrian war, you have no control over them, at best you can report the matter in general to Pakistan /UK embassy.
I have completed a month on this forum , liking it so far. working from home since march due to civd-19 , so i also have the time :P

I hope you don't mind !

I don't mind... good luck.
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