"The Europeans and the Americans support Israel because of their hate for Islam and the Middle East"
"Our colonial project" (Jabotinsky) in "the land of Canaan" is the core of the Judeo-Roman/Christian religion
The Great Rag Doll in the hands of ventriloquists in their pamphlets (also called the hard core of the "old testament") says (1) there is "a people (of lords)" and (2) a population, "the people of the land" ("am ha'eretz") who (3) must be subdued and enslaved
The Romans said (ca. 400-600): -how could we not have thought of such a true religion?
Western empires ... from the Portuguese, Spanish, French empires ... to its culmination in the Anglo-empire 1.0 and Anglo-empire 2.0 are diverse expressions of the same Biblical spirit
"Our colonial project" (Jabotinsky) in "the land of Canaan" is the core of the Judeo-Roman/Christian religion
The Great Rag Doll in the hands of ventriloquists in their pamphlets (also called the hard core of the "old testament") says (1) there is "a people (of lords)" and (2) a population, "the people of the land" ("am ha'eretz") who (3) must be subdued and enslaved
The Romans said (ca. 400-600): -how could we not have thought of such a true religion?
Western empires ... from the Portuguese, Spanish, French empires ... to its culmination in the Anglo-empire 1.0 and Anglo-empire 2.0 are diverse expressions of the same Biblical spirit