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Israeli imaginary nuclear weapons

Do you believe Israel has nuclear weapons?

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The blue eyed boy of middle east is very dear to uncle SAM and it's survival depends on nuclear weapons. I think Israel have nukes.
You won't get in jail for just saying "the holocaust didn't happen" regardless of context. This isn't China.
If you go out in the streets screaming "the Jews are liars the holocaust didn't happen it's all a conspiracy theory" like some maniac then yes, you might go to jail.

Probably like a guy that would go out in Iran and scream "Allah doesn't exist, Islam is a lying religion" in the streets. Although he might get executed rather than just arrested.
Roger Garaudy

In 1996, Garaudy[15] published, with his editor Pierre Guillaume, the work Les Mythes fondateurs de la politique israelienne (literally, The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics), later translated into English as The Founding Myths of Modern Israel. In the book he wrote of "the myth of the six million" Jewish victims of the Holocaust.[16] Because of this breach of French law concerning Holocaust denial, the courts banned any further publication and on 27 February 1998 fined Garaudy 240,000 French francs. He was sentenced to a suspended jail sentence of several years. Garaudy appealed this decision to the European Court of Human Rights, but his appeal was rejected as inadmissible.[16][17] At his hearing, Garaudy stated that his book in no way condoned National Socialist methods, and that book was an attack on the mythologizing and use of "the holocaust" by Israeli government as policy. He argued that his book dealt with the Israeli government's use of "the holocaust" as a "justifying dogma" for its actions, mainly in Palestine and toward Palestinians.[18]

Garaudy v. FranceEdit
Garaudy challenged the French ruling and appealed to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), stating that his book was a political work criticizing the policies of Israel that did not deny that the Nazis had committed crimes against humanity, and that his freedom of expression was interfered by the French courts. The ECHR disagreed and ruled that Garaudy has denied historical facts in his book which is not a research work. It also argued that the interference pursued two of the legitimate aims included in Gayssot Act articles and is not a violation of Garaudy's right for free speech. The ECHR did not use this rationale in Perinçek v. Switzerland.[19]
Thats not actually true

Unfortunately our freedom is limited to insulting the prophet of Islam.

However I am not allowed to:

- critisise homosexuality. Orthodox Christians have been completely sidelined and will loose their jobs. We can't even debate it.
- discuss Israel and brutality against Palestinian people. We get labelled antisemitic.
- discuss the woke concept of pronouns and the gender, male athletes competing alongside women etc.
- exposing school children to sex/ homosexuality. Parents are not allowed to intervene l.

List is quite long. We are not allowed to discuss any of that without the risk of loosing jobs.

Wrong. Gender nonsense is even banned in some EU nations like France.
Gone to the Palestine perhaps and no even discussing the extent of it land you in jail discussing the fact of what you are shown in Auschwitz is actually were build after the war will land you in jail ask why after WW2 the number of victim increased from around 500000 to 6 milion and increasing send you behind the bar and a fine of tens of thousands of dollars .

Sorry but thats laughable. We had enough greeks who did hide jews to save them.
Thats not actually true

Unfortunately our freedom is limited to insulting the prophet of Islam.

However I am not allowed to:

- critisise homosexuality. Orthodox Christians have been completely sidelined and will loose their jobs. We can't even debate it.
- discuss Israel and brutality against Palestinian people. We get labelled antisemitic.
- discuss the woke concept of pronouns and the gender, male athletes competing alongside women etc.
- exposing school children to sex/ homosexuality. Parents are not allowed to intervene l.

List is quite long. We are not allowed to discuss any of that without the risk of loosing jobs.
Give me a break, shut up. You portrait yourselves as if you're victims and people can do you wrong while you can't do the same to them.
You're not even telling the truth.

Each time someone insulted Muhammed in Europe some Muslim "refugee" shoots him up or cut off his head

There is no brutality against alleged "Palestinian" people. On the other side there is terrorism by those same people.
Muslims started a war against Israel and lost, it's now rightful Israeli land. It was rightful Israeli land before Islam even existed and before the first Arab left the Arabian Peninsula.

I agree about the gender stuff. That's fucked up and should be changed.
Give me a break, shut up. You portrait yourselves as if you're victims and people can do you wrong while you can't do the same to them.
You're not even telling the truth.

Each time someone insulted Muhammed in Europe some Muslim "refugee" shoots him up or cut off his head

There is no brutality against alleged "Palestinian" people. On the other side there is terrorism by those same people.
Muslims started a war against Israel and lost, it's now rightful Israeli land. It was rightful Israeli land before Islam even existed and before the first Arab left the Arabian Peninsula.

I agree about the gender stuff. That's fucked up and should be changed.
Just tell me how many Palestinian throw out of their farm in last 30 years
There is no brutality against alleged "Palestinian" people.
Lol, there were no brutality against jews by nazis too.
On the other side there is terrorism by those same people.
Fighting against colonialism is a human right.
Muslims started a war against Israel and lost, it's now rightful Israeli land
I like this explanation. Hopefully you will stick to this narrative in future too...
It was rightful Israeli land before Islam even existed and before the first Arab left the Arabian Peninsula.
Useless jewy rants...
Roger Garaudy
That's an example of an unstable, sick, dirty communist that later converted to Islam and married a Palestinian woman, he also was in Algeria all throughout WW2 and he was denying the holocaust.

Devoted his life for the hatred of Israel although it had nothing to do with his life.

Thank god he died, he really was the worst of the worst.

Conversion to Islam[edit]
Around 1980, Garaudy read The Green Book by Muammar Gaddafi and became interested in Libya and Islam, meeting the country's leader on several occasions in the desert. He converted formally at the Islamic Centre in Geneva, an organisation controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood.[13][better source needed] Garaudy converted in 1982 after marrying a Palestinian woman, later writing that "The Christ of Paul is not the Jesus of the Bible," and also forming other critical scholarly conclusions regarding the Old and New Testaments.[citation needed] He became an Islamic commentator and supporter of the Palestinian cause.[citation needed]

In The Case of Israel: A Study of Political Zionism (1983), Garaudy portrays Zionism as an isolationist and segregationist ideology that is not only dependent on antisemitism to nourish, but also willfully encourages it to achieve its goals.[14]

Conviction of violating Gayssot Act[edit]
Main article: The Founding Myths of Modern Israel
In 1996, Garaudy[15] published, with his editor Pierre Guillaume, the work Les Mythes fondateurs de la politique israelienne (literally, The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics), later translated into English as The Founding Myths of Modern Israel. In the book he wrote of "the myth of the six million" Jewish victims of the Holocaust.[16] Because of this breach of French law concerning Holocaust denial, the courts banned any further publication and on 27 February 1998 fined Garaudy 240,000 French francs. He was sentenced to a suspended jail sentence of several years. Garaudy appealed this decision to the European Court of Human Rights, but his appeal was rejected as inadmissible.[16][17] At his hearing, Garaudy stated that his book in no way condoned National Socialist methods, and that book was an attack on the mythologizing and use of "the holocaust" by Israeli government as policy. He argued that his book dealt with the Israeli government's use of "the holocaust" as a "justifying dogma" for its actions, mainly in Palestine and toward Palestinians.[18]

Garaudy v. France[edit]
Garaudy challenged the French ruling and appealed to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), stating that his book was a political work criticizing the policies of Israel that did not deny that the Nazis had committed crimes against humanity, and that his freedom of expression was interfered by the French courts. The ECHR disagreed and ruled that Garaudy has denied historical facts in his book which is not a research work. It also argued that the interference pursued two of the legitimate aims included in Gayssot Act articles and is not a violation of Garaudy's right for free speech. The ECHR did not use this rationale in Perinçek v. Switzerland.[19]

Iranian support[edit]
In Iran, 160 members of the parliament and 600 journalists signed a petition in Garaudy's support.[20][21] On 20 April 1998, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei met Garaudy. Khamenei was critical of the West which, he said, condemned "the racist behavior of the Nazis" while accepting the Zionists’ "Nazi-like behavior."[22] Iranian president, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, insisted in a sermon delivered on Iranian radio that Hitler "only killed 20,000 Jews and not six million" and that "Garaudy's crime derives from the doubt he cast on Zionist propaganda."[23] Iranian President, Mohammad Khatami, described Garaudy in 1998 as "a thinker" and "a believer" who was brought to trial merely for publishing research which was "displeasing to the West."[22]

In December 2006, Garaudy was unable to attend the International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust in Tehran, Iran owing to ill health. He reportedly sent a videotaped message supporting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's view that Israel should cease to exist.[13][24]
Just tell me how many Palestinian throw out of their farm in last 30 years
Not enough, not their farms.
Lol, there were no brutality against jews by nazis too.

Fighting against colonialism is a human right.

I like this explanation. Hopefully you will stick to this narrative in future too...

Useless jewy rants...
Let me correct myself.
Any "brutality" against the Palestinians is totally, 100% justified.
Palestinians should be terrified of even the thought of fucking with Israel and unfortunately this isn't the case.
That's because they have it easy. Israel can wipe out every one of them.

Yes, fighting against colonialism is a human right. That's why Jews fight Arab colonialism, which colonized the entire Middle East although they're from Saudi Arabia.

We will stick to it. We might expand a bit.
Those who don't lean from history are condemned to repeat. Next time the yanks and "commies" might not show up.
When they did show up in 1967 and 1973, they just prevented us from conquering all of our neighbors.

So yeah, maybe they shouldn't show up.
When they did show up in 1967 and 1973, they just prevented us from conquering all of our neighbors.

So yeah, maybe they shouldn't show up.
Who stopped the painter guy? Do you really think you would be alive today talking about Jewish Lebensraum had Americans and Soviets not stopped Germans from baking your grandma?
Today you can brutalize weak stateless Palestinians as much as you want but be wary of what tomorrow might hold for you. History has never been kind to your people.
Who stopped the painter guy? Do you really think you would be alive today talking about Jewish Lebensraum had Americans and Soviets not stopped Germans from baking your grandma?
Today you can brutalize weak stateless Palestinians as much as you want but be wary of what tomorrow might hold for you. History has never been kind to your people.
No you retard, I'm saying that while the US and USSR saved the Jews from being killed, they also saved some of the strongest Arab nations from being literally conquered by Israel, in 1967 and 1973.

It's more likely they'll stop us from completely destroying you rather than stop our destruction.
Give me a break, shut up. You portrait yourselves as if you're victims and people can do you wrong while you can't do the same to them.
You're not even telling the truth.

Each time someone insulted Muhammed in Europe some Muslim "refugee" shoots him up or cut off his head

There is no brutality against alleged "Palestinian" people. On the other side there is terrorism by those same people.
Muslims started a war against Israel and lost, it's now rightful Israeli land. It was rightful Israeli land before Islam even existed and before the first Arab left the Arabian Peninsula.

I agree about the gender stuff. That's fucked up and should be changed.

Typical Jewish extremist hogwash. Thankfully not all Jews are terrorists, so there is a glimpse of hope. Enjoy the following image with me:

images (1).jpeg

Muslims shouldn't pay for murdering 6 million Jews. This was a European crime against the Jews.

It's sad that many Palestinians were subsequently ethnically cleansed by terrorist organisations such as the Jewish Stern gang etc.
Typical Jewish extremist hogwash. Thankfully not all Jews are terrorists, so there is a glimpse of hope. Enjoy the following image with me:

View attachment 802188View attachment 802186View attachment 802187
Muslims shouldn't pay for murdering 6 million Jews. This was a European crime against the Jews.

It's sad that many Palestinians were subsequently ethnically cleansed by terrorist organisations such as the Jewish Stern gang etc.
You think those Jews really care about the Palestinians? They're Netorei Karta. They will support anyone opposing Israel. They believe it isn't the time yet to create Israel, and once they believe it is the time they will support a newly built Israel. It's not out of love for the Palestinian people or the hatred for what Israel does to the Palestinians, they really don't care.

Anyways, they're wrong. They're less than 1% of Jews with some funny idiotic religious view that Israel needs to be built only when the Messiah comes.

Its Israeli land lol. Muslims don't belong in Israel. Just like they don't belong to Europe, not in Asia, not even in Arab countries. They belong in Saudi Arabia, that's where they originated from.
So who are you to call us ethnical cleansers and occupiers, when you are the largest standing occupying force in the world, with 56 countries you've conquered?

Those counties you've conquered would beg to receive the treatment the Palestinians get from Israel by the way.
No you retard
Big talk from a man whose people were so restarted and abhorrent that they had to be booted out from 109 different nations. Don't let US donated military equipment and once in a millennium victory distract you from historical facts.
And don't blame the Europeans they are the only reason your country exists.
Without their unconditional support your country will fall faster than Afghanistan.
Big talk from a man whose people were so restarted and abhorrent that they had to be booted out from 109 different nations. Don't let US donated military equipment and once in a millennium victory distract you from historical facts.
And don't blame the Europeans they are the only reason your country exists.
Without their unconditional support your country will fall faster than Afghanistan.
If you believe the 109 number then you must believe the fact that we are the rightful owners of Israel.

Sure retard lol, we will totally fail as if we're some of our neighbors as soon as countries stop supporting us

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