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Israeli imaginary nuclear weapons

Do you believe Israel has nuclear weapons?

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You have wiped out Palestine almost completely from the map, and one doesn't really need to use the "N" word to be threatening. Israel is a threat to Iran in every possible sense of the word.
Palestine was never really on the map, not todays definition of the word at least.
There never was a Palestinian state. The name Palestine was given to the region by the Roman Empire, it was named after a ethnically Greek people called the Philistines, which have nothing to do with todays Arab, Muslim Palestinians. The Palestinians hijacked that name as a method to take land from rightful Israeli victors.

Israel didn't start as a threat to Iran, it was an ally of Iran up until the Islamic revolution.
Iran chose Israel as its enemy. Israel didn't choose Iran to be its enemy.
My god allow me to call trashy people trash. Israeli colonialists are euro trash dumped on Palestine.

Lol, dont lecture me about your man modified Christianity. You Christians have killed more human beings than others combined. And you're trying to take morale high ground!

And you think we count them (atheist) as Muslims? Lol...

Iraq had nukes too...

No, how about your man modified religion?

According your own quran you are not allowed to insult Christianity.
Yep you are euro trash dumped on Palestine by other euros.
So you are basically saying Muslim migrants are also trash ,that's dumped on Europe?

Lol, what? Almost every Muslim country is populated with native majority.

Building nation by wiping out natives is a Christian and Jewish thing. NOT muslim...
Tell me about how Arabs started from Saudi Arabia and ended up in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, "Palestine"?

Was the Muslim conquest attempts of Spain and Greece not imperialism?

Yep, you are euro jew just like Im Bengali muslim. I have no claim on arabian land just because Im a muslim and you can't have a claim on arabian land just because you are a jew.
This is Jewish land, not Arab. Arab land is Saudi Arabia, not Israel.

As if non euro Muslims are claiming to be native of Europe! Lol
You miss my point. If you claim Jews don't belong to Israel, then Muslims don't belong to anywhere but Saudi Arabia.
Saying otherwise is hypocritical.
Chistianity disappeared many centuries ago, what survived was Roman imperial religion in a different guise

On the other hand, rabbinic Judaism (200-1875) has been almost completely replaced by Zionism
Arab attacks against Jews predate all Jewish attacks against the Arabs. It took 17 years from the first Arab attack on the Jews to the first Jewish attack on the Arabs, so don't start giving me incidents from 1948. Irgun and Lehi did revenge actions after any terror attack by the Arabs.
View attachment 802251

Hamas hides in civilian areas, plants weapons and builds tunnels in schools, refugee camps etc
Two wrongs don't make a right, crimes committed by some trouble making Arabs don't justify the full blown occupation and crimes against humanity on innocent Arab civilians. YOU are the ones that occupied and snatched their lands by force in the first place and confined them into small ghettos in the West Bank, Arabs wouldn't be doing such in the first place if you weren't so brutal to them. Oh and you didn't answer my question on why the Jews are entitled to ownership and control of Jerusalem despite it being considered holy by all Abrahamic religions? Why couldn't it have been a secular state instead for all religions and ethnicities to freely enjoy? kind of like what Pakistan was supposed to be.

If you delegitimize Israel and the Jews in Israel, you delegitimize yourself.

you are hilarious.
That's an example of an unstable, sick, dirty communist that later converted to Islam and married a Palestinian woman, he also was in Algeria all throughout WW2 and he was denying the holocaust.

Devoted his life for the hatred of Israel although it had nothing to do with his life.

Thank god he died, he really was the worst of the worst.

Not enough, not their farms.

Let me correct myself.
Any "brutality" against the Palestinians is totally, 100% justified.
Palestinians should be terrified of even the thought of fucking with Israel and unfortunately this isn't the case.
That's because they have it easy. Israel can wipe out every one of them.

Yes, fighting against colonialism is a human right. That's why Jews fight Arab colonialism, which colonized the entire Middle East although they're from Saudi Arabia.

We will stick to it. We might expand a bit.
Your lot look like this- enough said

Colonialism 2.0 this time by Eastern Europeans

We, Argentine Catholics, claim the territories that once belonged to the Pope


We, Russians and Poles of Italian and Syro-Greek-Turkish-Persian descent, passionate readers of "Don Quixote de la Mancha", have a special sentimental link with these lands due to our literary tradition


In the future, when the power of this new empire of the Romans declines, the whole world will see Zionism as a dreadful Comedy


The tremendous thing about "our colonial project" is that from the beginning (1917-) the idea was to hit and hit until we got an answer to hit harder

the local population was doomed from the beginning

The other monstrous aspect is that when the Russians and Poles arrived to found "our colonial project" they were amazed at the vivid presence of Hebrew culture in "the people of the land"
Two wrongs don't make a right, crimes committed by some trouble making Arabs don't justify the full blown occupation and crimes against humanity on innocent Arab civilians. YOU are the ones that occupied and snatched their lands by force in the first place and confined them into small ghettos in the West Bank, Arabs wouldn't be doing such in the first place if you weren't so brutal to them. Oh and you didn't answer my question on why the Jews are entitled to ownership and control of Jerusalem despite it being considered holy by all Abrahamic religions? Why couldn't it have been a secular state instead for all religions and ethnicities to freely enjoy? kind of like what Pakistan was supposed to be.
You don't get to be a saint after attacking us first.
If you will attack us, we will revenge.

There is no occupation. It's Israeli land. Arabs started a war and lost.
Arabs conquered Israel from the Byzantine Empire.
Ottoman Muslims conquered Israel the Mamluk.
So it's okay for Muslims to conquer, but not okay for Israel to conquer land after the Arabs attack them? piss off.

It's Jewish land, Jews were first offered the entirety of Israel and Jordan, the Jews agreed to give up on Jordan and on another half of Israel.
Basically, Israel gave up 80% of the land offered, in which Jerusalem is a neutral city.

The Jews agreed to this plan, the Arabs didn't and started a war against Israel one day after its creation.
So here's your answer to why Jews are entitled to the ownership of a city holy to the 3 religions.
Because the Muslims wanted to make it solely theirs and didn't agree to make it a neutral city and got what they deserve as a result.
No, how about your man modified religion?
Lol, Quran was never modified by anybody. Quran still is the same as our prophet left it and will be this way forever. We consider it as the word of god.
According your own quran you are not allowed to insult Christianity.
Insult? Speaking truth can not be considered as insult. Insulting religion is a Christian and Jewish thing. You folks do it every now and then...
Lol, Quran was never modified by anybody. Quran still is the same as our prophet left it and will be this way forever. We consider it as the word of god.

Insult? Speaking truth can not be considered as insult. Insulting religion is a Christian and Jewish thing. You folks do it every now and then...

Which one? Sunni? Shia? Ahmadiya, Alavites? There are hundreds of different sects in Islam and each one praises to have the truth.

I have no opinion about your religion since it is completly irrelevant in Greece (only 0.9% of population)

Do as you wish as long you dont try to push your ways on us.

We will always mock and laugh about things that appear funny to us. If you dont find such caricatures funny you can look away. Its super simple solution. 🙂👍
So you are basically saying Muslim migrants are also trash ,that's dumped on Europe?
Dumped by whom? Muslim countries are not powerful enough to do such thing! And migrant Muslims aren't trying to build new country by killing natives.

This type of inhumane stuff are christian and jewish trademark NOT Muslim...
Tell me about how Arabs started from Saudi Arabia and ended up in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, "Palestine"
Arab started from Saudi Arabia? Just because Saudi Arabia has Arabia in it you just assumed Arabs started their existence from Saudi Arabia?

I thought Israel has good education system thanks to donation money. Lol...
Was the Muslim conquest attempts of Spain and Greece not imperialism?
Where did I said otherwise?
This is Jewish land, not Arab. Arab land is Saudi Arabia, not Israel.
Again low IQ post. Palestine is a Muslim land. You jews are euro trash dumped on Palestine by other euros. You colonial trashes have occupied Palestine on gun point with help from euro and americans. Because they don't want you in their country.

Nobody wants you. We Muslims are weak thats why you jews are forced on our land...
You miss my point. If you claim Jews don't belong to Israel, then Muslims don't belong to anywhere but Saudi Arabia.
Saying otherwise is hypocritical.
Lol again low IQ jewy argument.

You jews are euro trash. You dont belong to Palestine. Palestine is a Muslim land. Because majority of the native population is Muslim.

Most of the world Muslims aren't Arab. But Muslims only belong to Saudi Arabia? Do you even read what you write!
Dumped by whom? Muslim countries are not powerful enough to do such thing! And migrant Muslims aren't trying to build new country by killing natives.

This type of inhumane stuff are christian and jewish trademark NOT Muslim...

Arab started from Saudi Arabia? Just because Saudi Arabia has Arabia in it you just assumed Arabs started their existence from Saudi Arabia?

I thought Israel has good education system thanks to donation money. Lol...

Where did I said otherwise?

Again low IQ post. Palestine is a Muslim land. You jews are euro trash dumped on Palestine by other euros. You colonial trashes have occupied Palestine on gun point with help from euro and americans. Because they don't want you in their country.

Nobody wants you. We Muslims are weak thats why you jews are forced on our land...

Lol again low IQ jewy argument.

You jews are euro trash. You dont belong to Palestine. Palestine is a Muslim land. Because majority of the native population is Muslim.

Most of the world Muslims aren't Arab. But Muslims only belong to Saudi Arabia? Do you even read what you write!

You obviously have no historic knowledge. Islamic countries did genocide, massacres and gigantic slave trade.

Ever heared about the armenian genocide? Or do you claim now that the turks were christians? The ottomans massacred entire cities with extreme brutality. Not even children or old people were left alive. Look what happened in Otranto Italy, when they wanted conquer Italy.
Which one? Sunni? Shia? Ahmadiya, Alavites? There are hundreds of different sects in Islam and each one praises to have the truth.
Hmm, do any of them claim to have different Quran? We have different sharia law. Btw, we dont count lots of sects like ahmadiya as muslims. If you count them as Muslims then we might be already crossed 2 billion mark...
I have no opinion about your religion since it is completly irrelevant in Greece (only 0.9% of population)
Good. Keep it up...
Do as you wish as long you dont try to push your ways on us.
We don't but you do.
We will always mock and laugh about things that appear funny to us.
If you dont find such caricatures funny you can look away. Its super simple solution. 🙂👍
We can look away from caricatures, not a big deal. But, how can we look away from problems you create for us...
Hmm, do any of them claim to have different Quran? We have different sharia law. Btw, we dont count lots of sects like ahmadiya as muslims. If you count them as Muslims then we might be already crossed 2 billion mark...

Good. Keep it up...

We don't but you do.


We can look away from caricatures, not a big deal. But, how can we look away from problems you create for us...

Most problems you create for yourself. 🙂👍

As for your 2 billion mark, dont forget to put those who say they are muslims on paper only down your list. 60% of irans population doesnt consider themself practicing muslim anymore for example.
You obviously have no historic knowledge
I have a BSS Honours degree on Political Science major. The stuff we are discussing is GK for me...
Islamic countries did genocide, massacres and gigantic slave trade.
Shamefully Yes. But, we are kids in front of Christian and Jewish numbers....
Ever heared about the armenian genocide?
Yah, euro and american genocidal maniacs mentioned about it when nagorno karabakh war was happening.
Or do you claim now that the turks were christians?
People who are responsible (Young Turk organization) for it were trying to be as secular as the french.
The ottomans massacred entire cities with extreme brutality. Not even children or old people were left alive.

Look what happened in Otranto Italy, when they wanted conquer Italy.
I condemn and mourn for innocent people who lost their lives in this uncivilized act of imperialism.

BTW, other ottoman counterparts were equally if not more brutal...
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