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Israeli imaginary nuclear weapons

Do you believe Israel has nuclear weapons?

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its a well known fact that Israel does posses nuclear weapons in the form of JERRICHO missiles.... and they are very very deadly.....
This is a valid question actually.
We know that Dimona can produce about 40 kg of plutonium per year. That's enough for at least 8 nuclear bombs (including reprocessing losses).
The real question is how many nuclear bombs Israel is allowed to have and how many kilotonnes they are. Obviously, they have had enough fissile material to produce hundreds of fission bombs in the order of ~10-30 kilotonnes since 1970s. But I agree that Israel is a US colony.
You don't know anything lol, you assume.
So what is it, is Israel the US's puppet or is the US Israel's puppet? You people that hate Israel don't seem to have a common stance on that.
You don't know anything lol, you assume.
So what is it, is Israel the US's puppet or is the US Israel's puppet? You people that hate Israel don't seem to have a common stance on that.

I agree with you alot of them get it wrong because many just like to post out of conspiracy theories without taking a pragmatic look at the ground realities and facts but without a doubt Israel is the puppet not only for the US but the west in general and specifically the Roman catholic church. Israel itself didn't come to be because this people loved them but they just happened to be in the right time on the right place the crusaders knew they couldn't hold on to that piece of land due to historical memory so they left behind a garrison that was expandables hence the jewish were experiencing genocide at that same time the crusaders have decided to leave them behind there as a puppet state period. The reason Israel came to be you have to look back to the crusaders and the Byzentine wars to understand that specific area was extremely hard to take or keep for them they lost almost all of their wars there and many men hence leaving behind expendables as garrison and if they were to lose it so be it approach.


The west didn't love the jews infact they were under-class and disliked thru out their history in the west and treated poorly but they just happened to become useful in that one time if Israel was removed from Israel today and they were to return without being beneficial to them the public there would turn on the jews again treating them just as poorly as in the past.. This has technically never been a war for the jewish but they are just caught in the middle of it. Also I find all the jewish hate of late to be irrational you never eye the outpost but you eye the man behind the outpost.
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I agree with you alot of them get it wrong because many just like to post out of conspiracy theories without taking a pragmatic look at the ground realities and facts but without a doubt Israel is the puppet not only for the US but the west in general and specifically the Roman catholic church. Israel itself didn't come to be because this people loved them but they just happened to be in the right time on the right place the crusaders knew they couldn't hold on to that piece of land due to historical memory so they left behind a garrison that was expandables hence the jewish were experiencing genocide at that same time the crusaders have decided to leave them behind there as a puppet state period. The reason Israel came to be you have to look back to the crusaders and the Byzentine wars to understand that specific area was extremely hard to take or keep for them they lost almost all of their wars there and many men hence leaving behind expendables as garrison and if they were to lose it so be it approach.


The west didn't love the jews infact they were under-class and disliked thru out their history in the west and treated poorly but they just happened to become useful in that one time if Israel was removed from Israel today and they were to return without being beneficial to them the public there would turn on the jews again treating them just as poorly as in the past.. This has technically never been a war for the jewish but they are just caught in the middle of it. Also I find all the jewish hate of late to be irrational you never eye the outpost but you eye the man behind the outpost.
So you claim the Jews don't control the west?

I'm tired of see Hasbaras talking about Israeli nuclear weapons and threating with them everytime Israel state does something that deserve a bombing.

It has no any sense all Israeli story about their fictional nuclear program.

My two main arguments to refuse that story are the next:
1. Earthquakes in Israel due to nuclear tests: ZERO.
North Korea has a real nuclear program and they showed how it's necessary a lot of underground tests (and earthquakes) to develop real nuclear weapons.

2. Nuclear weapons are for SOVEREIGN states, and Israel is a American vassal corrupt state.
Israel constantly sell Israeli people blood in exchange for USA money, everytime they threat or make nonsenses acts of war to tests American weapons or obbey American orders.
Nuclear weapons make a country uncontrollable, so USA will never allow Israeli slaves to develop nukes, in the best of cases they would do Nuclear Sharing (like they did with Germany), but never let develop their own weapons, and as far as we know, USA didnt do nuclear sharing with Israel neither.

Israel and apartheid South Africa conducted nuclear tests in collaboration on an island South East of African continent (see Vela Incident). They also reportedly had access to French hot test data. If you have a hot test data from somewhere you don't really need to test then, just build the bombs.
You don't know anything lol, you assume.
So what is it, is Israel the US's puppet or is the US Israel's puppet? You people that hate Israel don't seem to have a common stance on that.
Comparison to other similar reactors should give a good estimate. It won't be perfect, but it will be close to the real value with some margin of error for sure. 30 - 40 kg is a pretty good estimate for Dimona. Here's a detailed estimate from Princeton:

My stance on it has always been clear.
The US is ruled mostly by the WASP.
Jews are just the boogeymen of Westerners in the Middle East that will soon get massacred again as soon as they become irrelevant for them.
The only reason that the Apartheid regime didn't last longer is because the costs of keeping it was not justified.
Israel is just a different version of the Apartheid regime in a region that controls the world's energy.
There HAS to be some IQ test before people are allowed to start opening threads.
When was the last Israel Jericho test?
Exactly.. Not claim just a ground reality. I also don't dislike Israel based upon that knowledge I just see it pragmatically an outpost
So we're not the Zionist overlords that control the entire west, we're just slaves of the west, great.
It really is irrelevant, Israel has never threatened to wipe anyone off the map like Iran does daily.
Israel doesn't arm terrorist groups like Iran does.
So we're not the Zionist overlords that control the entire west, we're just slaves of the west, great.

It really is irrelevant, Israel has never threatened to wipe anyone off the map like Iran does daily.
Israel doesn't arm terrorist groups like Iran does.
Well you actually doing it piece by piece.

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