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Israeli group burns Turkish flag over Hagia Sophia move


Jun 3, 2009
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Israelis becoming more Arabic each passing day

Israeli group burns Turkish flag over Hagia Sophia move
Group hangs anti-Turkish banners outside country’s consulate in East Jerusalem in wake of Hagia Sophia decision
Esat Firat |13.07.2020



A group of nine Israelis on Monday burned a Turkish flag in front of Turkey’s Consulate in occupied East Jerusalem to protest Turkey’s decision to turn Istanbul's iconic Hagia Sophia back into a mosque.

The group, calling itself the Jerusalem Initiative, is made up of Christians and Jews and includes at least one person from the Israeli army, Elias Zarina, the group’s head, told Anadolu Agency.

Zarina also called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to support and protect Christians around the world.

Group members waved flags of Greece and the Byzantine Empire and hung banners with anti-Turkish slogans outside the consulate.

Israeli police detained the person who burned the Turkish flag.

On Friday, a Turkish court annulled a 1934 Cabinet decree that had turned Hagia Sophia into a museum, paving the way for its use again as a mosque after an 85-year hiatus. Before that it had been a mosque for nearly 500 years.

Turkey rejects outside attempts to interfere in its decision on Hagia Sophia, saying they seek to harm its sovereignty.

LOL The Israelis can dance on a pole. Zero fvck was given to Israeli concerns.
Ellias Zarina is Christian Arab.

So? We also have some dogs from the Arab world on this forum that were crying about the mosque. Usually the converts have to prove their loyalty. Makes sense for the Christian converts to cry and sob in the open. There is good news though. Jesus will come and save the day.
Tiny unknown group of mostly Christian Arabs.

We also have some dogs from the Arab world on this forum that were crying about the mosque. Usually the converts have to prove their loyalty. Makes sense for the Christian converts to cry and sob in the open. There is good news though. Jesus will come and save the day.
They are not converts. Levant Arabs originally were Christian.
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The Media is Silent.
The western Leaders either

Wake up!!

The Christians being persecuted
daily take a stand !!
Save The Christianity .

You got to love the irony coming from these people. They have been persecuting Muslims in Palestine for 7 decades and most of them are not even Christian to begin with. Not to mention their wonderful capitalization rules, grammar and punctuation make it 10 times funnier. Particularly when you read it with an Israeli accent in your head.
This is the time Muslim should be united and rage intifada and takes back all our occupied lands including Kashmir and Jerusalem. you know what? Hagia Sophia is basically a good omen for all Muslim world.

May Allah grant us victory against all Kuffarsss.InshaAllah
LOL The Israelis can dance on a pole. Zero fvck was given to Israeli concerns.

I find the irony hilarious. Here is a country whose whole ethos is built on theft and capturing third party land. Destroying innocent homes and places of worship - building illegal homes and importing scum to live in and then they want to rant over a decision made by Turkey?
Zionists are the lowest form of human and their hypocrisy is incredible.
I cant see Erdogan changing his mind because of this protest by 2 or 3 Zionists.

What a bunch of w*nks freaks.

If they love so much christian churchs, there are thousands empty in the west. Come to fill it.
Tiny unknown group of mostly Christian Arabs.

They are not converts. Levant Arabs originally were Christian.

In that case, they can dance on our middle fingers.

I find the irony hilarious. Here is a country whose whole ethos is built on theft and capturing third party land. Destroying innocent homes and places of worship - building illegal homes and importing scum to live in and then they want to rant over a decision made by Turkey?
Zionists are the lowest form of human and their hypocrisy is incredible.
I cant see Erdogan changing his mind because of this protest by 2 or 3 Zionists.

LOL One crocodile shedding tears for another crocodile. It is funny both are sucking up to each other when both hate each other to the bone. A Christian would take on a Jew in a heartbeat. The Christians accuse the Jews for killing Jesus.
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