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@al-Hasani @Hazzy997

I find this angry at Arab-Christian comment amusing. You people are assuming that Arab-Christians are somehow beholden to you.

Why should Arab-Christians support Arab-Muslims when the only thing they get from their Muslim brethren is Genocide and persecution?

Assyrian genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Persecution of Copts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

+ Syria.

Wait a second. The first two had nothing to do with Arabs.

Perpetrators: Sultan Abdulhamid II, Young Turk government, Kurdish tribes[1]

Assyrian genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You must be confusing Turks and Kurds with Arabs…..

The last one is only in Egypt and today the situation is totally different. Christian Arabs and Muslims have lived with each other in the Arab world for 1400 years with very few problems overall. There has never been any genocide in Egypt.

@Frogman @Mahmoud_EGY @agentny17

Also you seem to have completely missed the points of our discussion and the relevancy of the Christian Arabs in the conflict in Palestine and the need for them to speak up in the international media.


In Syria it's all about a small radical group, often foreigners and non-Arabs doing the problems there. Otherwise once again Arab Muslims and Christians have lived peacefully with each other as did Arab Muslims and Jews for 1300 years until 1947.

How come they are still around and living in those countries if those genocides and persecusions had any truth to them.

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I was not accusing Arabs of Genocides but providing a perspective on why Arab- Christians would be unenthusiastic to support Palestinians

In case of both Assyrians and Armenians, i knew that they were done by Kurds and Turks respectively. Even i came to know about Assyrian genocide by reading an article 5-6 years back in which the Author was amused by Kurdish genocide. His argument was that it was Kurds who massacred Arab-Christian population and Kurdish genocide was sort of divine justice.

The logic of Arab-Christian aversion goes like that: Take example of Copts. MB and it's Egyptian allies are anti copt and MB is allied with Hamas, So while Palestine may be a neutral issue for a Copt but MB alliance with Hamas make them anti Palestine as well.

This was just an example and Copts are relatively better off minority. You could study history of Lebanon from 1970 onward to get a better handle on the issue.

While Persecution of Christians is always exaggerated because of influence that evangelists have on media, the systematic handicaps that Christians face in Middle-east are real. for example in Syria, where Assad is trying to position himself as champion of secularism, it is illegal for a Non-muslim male to Marry muslim female but not vice-versa and conversion from Islam as banned but not to Islam.

Thus it is understandable that Arab Christians would be unenthusiastic about supporting Arab-muslim causes.

I was not accusing Arabs of Genocides but providing a perspective on why Arab- Christians would be unenthusiastic to support Palestinians

In case of both Assyrians and Armenians, i knew that they were done by Kurds and Turks respectively. Even i came to know about Assyrian genocide by reading an article 5-6 years back in which the Author was amused by Kurdish genocide. His argument was that it was Kurds who massacred Arab-Christian population and Kurdish genocide was sort of divine justice.

The logic of Arab-Christian aversion goes like that: Take example of Copts. MB and it's Egyptian allies are anti copt and MB is allied with Hamas, So while Palestine may be a neutral issue for a Copt but MB alliance with Hamas make them anti Palestine as well.

This was just an example and Copts are relatively better off minority. You could study history of Lebanon from 1970 onward to get a better handle on the issue.

While Persecution of Christians is always exaggerated because of influence that evangelists have on media, the systematic handicaps that Christians face in Middle-east are real. for example in Syria, where Assad is trying to position himself as champion of secularism, it is illegal for a Non-muslim male to Marry muslim female but not vice-versa and conversion from Islam as banned but not to Islam.

Thus it is understandable that Arab Christians would be unenthusiastic about supporting Arab-muslim causes.

Aha. I misunderstood that.

The Kurds are not native to either Northern Iraq or Syria which was traditionally inhabited by ancient Semitic people and civilizations. The Kurds have been harassing and committing genocide against the Assyrians and this is why Assyrians today hate Kurds and Turks equally. Mostly. Anyway there is also some controversy involved from what I can see. The point to understand here is that Arabs were not involved in whatever happened.

Yes, but at the the other hand Copts are fellow ME and Semitic people and live in the Arab world. It should also be in their interest to have an end to the conflict.

Also I was mostly referring to the Christian Palestinians here and other Christians of the Levant. Not that much Egypt.

Because what you say in your last sentence is difficult to understand from why perspective as the Christian Palestinians are also Palestinians and they experienced the EXACT same things as their Muslim counterparts thus they should feel sympathy for their OWN cause too. By being more vocal and telling the world that it's not only about Muslims here. It's about a people's basic right to self-determination in their own homeland.

As I already told then there are problems and the Christian Arabs have suffered from them in recent times which I already admitted and which is a reality in some areas of the Arab world. We were just discussing in the wider picture here and what we want to see of changes. Religion here is not important for me at all in this topic. I gather that it is the same with @Hazzy997

I was not accusing Arabs of Genocides but providing a perspective on why Arab- Christians would be unenthusiastic to support Palestinians

In case of both Assyrians and Armenians, i knew that they were done by Kurds and Turks respectively. Even i came to know about Assyrian genocide by reading an article 5-6 years back in which the Author was amused by Kurdish genocide. His argument was that it was Kurds who massacred Arab-Christian population and Kurdish genocide was sort of divine justice.

The logic of Arab-Christian aversion goes like that: Take example of Copts. MB and it's Egyptian allies are anti copt and MB is allied with Hamas, So while Palestine may be a neutral issue for a Copt but MB alliance with Hamas make them anti Palestine as well.

This was just an example and Copts are relatively better off minority. You could study history of Lebanon from 1970 onward to get a better handle on the issue.

While Persecution of Christians is always exaggerated because of influence that evangelists have on media, the systematic handicaps that Christians face in Middle-east are real. for example in Syria, where Assad is trying to position himself as champion of secularism, it is illegal for a Non-muslim male to Marry muslim female but not vice-versa and conversion from Islam as banned but not to Islam.

Thus it is understandable that Arab Christians would be unenthusiastic about supporting Arab-muslim causes.

No my friend, Palestinian christians view matters no differently than we do. Some of our top militants were christian females and founders of military groups were christian. Such as George Habash.

Hamas is strictly a Palestinian group, it had ideological ties with the MB which is normal. It however is not an extension of it, Hamas is it's own organization and christians support it. The Arabs that is.


We weren't expressing anger at them though, read again.
. . .
Assyrian and Armenian Christians have ceased to exist in erstwhile Ottoman Empire and Copts exist because Egyptian army protects them from marauding vultures of Muslim Brotherhood.

This is nonsense. Don't post nonsense again. You clearly are irrational when it comes to Muslims and will do everything to hold everything against them.
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