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Support of our Azerbaijani brothers, sisters impresses us - Israeli ambassador (VIDEO)

I've questioned that logic too here. It's always "no matter what,they are Muslims and we are Muslims".

Well...I do not think the AZ case is all about Muslims. It is more about following Turkey's foreign policy rather than understanding the nuances associated with it...Technically rather than aligning with Iran which is their next-door neighbor and Muslim nation they align with Turkey/USA/AZ. In the same way, even India is also making a mistake in overtly getting engaged with Armenia which is not at all needed as AZ is our better trading partner than Armenia.
Well we know one thing and that’s your dothead indian coksucker just like all the other dothead indian coksuckers on this forum. Keep it up though cause the more we interact with you smelly piece of sh*ts the more hatred brews inside of us. I always knew you were a coksucker too who played up the impartiality card but I always knew being a scumbag Indian, it’s hard to disassociate being a piece of sh*t and an indian

Post reported

If you are really following all good things from Muslims, at least learn the manners in which fellow posters from Pakistan, Iran, and a few from Turkey are sharing their opposite views rather than showing your ill manner in this forum. It does not hurt me anyway rather it is quite bad for you and other posters who react with such kind of language.

Coming to the point, It is a foreign policy failure of Pakistan who did not anticipate such things to happen knowing well that AZ is fully backed by Israel and Turkey. Now, the broader question would be why AZ is allowed to be used by Israel by Muslim countries.

@Shapur Zol Aktaf Any thoughts why AZ would really go to Israel camp when it is supported by Turkey?
Post reported

If you are really following all good things from Muslims, at least learn the manners in which fellow posters from Pakistan, Iran, and a few from Turkey are sharing their opposite views rather than showing your ill manner in this forum. It does not hurt me anyway rather it is quite bad for you and other posters who react with such kind of language.

Coming to the point, It is a foreign policy failure of Pakistan who did not anticipate such things to happen knowing well that AZ is fully backed by Israel and Turkey. Now, the broader question would be why AZ is allowed to be used by Israel by Muslim countries.

@Shapur Zol Aktaf Any thoughts why AZ would really go to Israel camp when it is supported by Turkey?
Israel has good relation with Nato countries ( Greece, Turkey for example). Turkey and Israel have strong trade ties and It only started to grow after Israel killed Turkish civilian aid convoy. Azerbaijan, like the fascist apartheid regime, is supported by Israel. It's better to say that the Aliyev mafia family is supported by Israel.. Israel delivers arms and imports oil from there. They use Azerbaijan for intelligence operations against Iran as well. The regime relies on Israelis to stay in power.
Israel has good relation with Nato countries ( Greece, Turkey for example). Turkey and Israel have strong trade ties and It only started to grow after Israel killed Turkish civilian aid convoy. Azerbaijan, like the fascist apartheid regime, is supported by Israel. It's better to say that the Aliyev mafia family is supported by Israel.. Israel delivers arms and imports oil from there. They use Azerbaijan for intelligence operations against Iran as well. The regime relies on Israelis to stay in power.

So it is more like anti-Iran sentiment that drives AZ foreign policy with Israel.
What would be the reaction of Pakistani leaders after watching such solidarity of Azerbaijan with Israel???
Who cares?
Azerbaijan is small nation in middle of nowhere

Yes they have gas but that's about it
The Caucasus has some strange alliances for sure
Coming to the point, It is a foreign policy failure of Pakistan who did not anticipate such things to happen knowing well that AZ is fully backed by Israel and Turkey. Now, the broader question would be why AZ is allowed to be used by Israel by Muslim countries.

@Shapur Zol Aktaf Any thoughts why AZ would really go to Israel camp when it is supported by Turkey?

Because most international relations are not Zero-Sum equations. Countries get benefits from wherever they can, for the most part, across the world.
But if/when it will come to a stage in geopolitics where nations would divide into very few, very opposing blocks then, yes, it will become a Zero-Sum equation with all out wars. And I am afraid the global order since WW 2 is rapidly unraveling leading....
Pakistanis thinks all about Religion.

Others think about National Interests.

Israel supported them in their war against Armenia to get back their territories.

Azerbaijan have very good relations with Israel, Turkey and Pakistan.

UAE and Behrain also condemned abduction of Israeli citizens.
It means they are also crypto jew.
i wouldnt be surprised, their doumentary on bitchute that exposes saudis as crypto jews.
Man, they insult Iran and Azeris of Iran in their propaganda programs 24/7.

Just Yesterday i was watching their space TV, Azerbaijan's ambassador to Israel was crying, calling Hamas a savage group for storming Israeli military bases. One of their executives repeats the lie of beheading infants in Israel by Hamas from morning to evening.

Disgusting country is this Azerbaijan. That guy Aliyev is a drunk piece of shit, i hear every year they sell almost 300 girls as sex workers to Jews of Israel. It sickens me most cause i am an Iranian Azeri. Thanks to almighty we are not led by a drunk shit like Aliyev.

In one of their TV programs they were mocking Iranian foreign minister. In an other one, they insulted Iranian leader. Btw, this Aliyev guy is an absolute piece of shit highly glorified for bombing undefended Armenian border guards. Although Armenian government led by Pashiniyan is no better than Aliyev led dictatorship.

Sickening to say the least.
Post reported

If you are really following all good things from Muslims, at least learn the manners in which fellow posters from Pakistan, Iran, and a few from Turkey are sharing their opposite views rather than showing your ill manner in this forum. It does not hurt me anyway rather it is quite bad for you and other posters who react with such kind of language.

Coming to the point, It is a foreign policy failure of Pakistan who did not anticipate such things to happen knowing well that AZ is fully backed by Israel and Turkey. Now, the broader question would be why AZ is allowed to be used by Israel by Muslim countries.

@Shapur Zol Aktaf Any thoughts why AZ would really go to Israel camp when it is supported by Turkey?
Because Turkey has been in Zionist camp for decades and Erdo's bogus claims has not changed anything. But on the contrary they cooperated in destruction of Syria.
After 100s of thousands of dead in the last 120 years, Azerbaijan solved its problems.
They used the tools available to them. I don't think that they own anything to anybody apart from Turkey. At end if the day , no Nuri Kiligil Pasha no Azerbaijan.
My family members were in the German Army in ww2 , I don't need to apologise to anyone for that. Those people tried to save us.
Post reported

If you are really following all good things from Muslims, at least learn the manners in which fellow posters from Pakistan, Iran, and a few from Turkey are sharing their opposite views rather than showing your ill manner in this forum. It does not hurt me anyway rather it is quite bad for you and other posters who react with such kind of language.

Coming to the point, It is a foreign policy failure of Pakistan who did not anticipate such things to happen knowing well that AZ is fully backed by Israel and Turkey. Now, the broader question would be why AZ is allowed to be used by Israel by Muslim countries.

@Shapur Zol Aktaf Any thoughts why AZ would really go to Israel camp when it is supported by Turkey?
This can be spinned with some other angle also:
Indians support Israel but that doesn't automatically translates into their support for AZ also.Instead You support Armenia even with direct military supplies.
AZ is not a bunny of other Muslim states.It's an independent state with an independent foreign policy.
They can align with anyone which they think can be beneficial to them economically or militarily.
e.g Israel can limit US from involving in AZ-AR conflicts by using its influence
So their support to Israel is well according to their interests.
Who are we to force them to change their FP?
And Pakistan is an independent state with its own interests.If some interests go opposite but they don't affect each other then that's fine
Our collaboration will not be affected then.
But if their interests go opposite to ours and they also affect our ones then obviously friction will develop.
e g if AZ,on the behalf of Israel,gets sided with India then friction will develop.
Lol They are confused now lol

Are you bhartis retarded?

We stand on the side of justice. We supported Azerbaijan, but we also support the Palestinians. Who they support doesn’t matter to us. Unless they want to fight along side the Israelis, which in that case we would be enemies. It’s not rocket science my low iq bhartoid fraaand.
Why does Azhar Bhaijan have the hots for Israel? What's the history?
Why does Azhar Bhaijan have the hots for Israel? What's the history?
Azhar Bhai is into IDF hotties
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