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Israeli Airstrikes on Syrian T-4 Airbase martyr 5 Iranians

40 years ago, These ameri/Zionists had iran surrounded. they had propped up a useful idiot like saddam to present a military threat to iran (before destroying him after he couldn't beat iran and turned on them)

Then we had Taliban, W Bush spent trillions to temporarily surpress them as well (thank you)

Now Iraq has gone from enemy to a junior ally. besides the odd terrorist hit and run, iran has no credible threats on its borders. It has managed to push its enemies out right up to the Zionist border and surrounded them on 2 sides.

they tried to get rid of Syria wing of this Iranian alliance. but it backfired miserably on them. Syria not only won, but became heavily dependent on iran. before Assad was probably the senior partner in the alliance. where iran and Hezbollah had to beg him not to make a side deal with the us/Israel. now hes fully in the Iranian orbit, and will allow his territory to be used to confront Israel (something absolutely unthinkable before the war)

this reality is absolutely a nightmare for this tiny Zionist entity. This enitity has absolutely 0 strategic depth, and its being surrounded on 2 sides by iran. Iran has developed the most powerful assymetric army on earth on the Zionists northern border. And is working on the Syrian front while quietly trying to assist hamas/or other resistance fighters in the south from gaza.

this tiny Zionist entity that has the western world by its balls is getting surrounded by iran. with its strategic defensive situation detoriating with this reality. now they have become more and more desperate. from begging western countries to send their troops in the fire to fight for them. To taking occasional shots they think they can get away with.

Its worth noting this cold war is being fought right on the Israeli border. a country that simply cannot afford any conflict on its soil.

the reverse of this would be like Israel using Azerbaijan to create some anti-iran army on the Iranian border. and occasionaly taking direct shots on Iranian soil. (which is what iran is doing to them).

the balance very much favors iran and Is improving by the day. this is a war and not some video game. you will take shots and casualties. the key is to keep them low, make the enemy take shots as well, but most importantly win the war and improve the strategic situation to favor you.

just compare irans security/ threats and strategic situation today compared to 40 years ago, 30 years ago, 20 years ago etc...

the Zionist rats will receive a reply for this, but the biggest reply will come from winning the war, and making their biggest nightmares come true... The Zionists have never faced an enemy as competent and determined as iran. We will teach these cockroaches a historical lesson.
just compare irans security/ threats and strategic situation today compared to 40 years ago, 30 years ago, 20 years ago etc...

Iran’s military adventures and propping up allies come at high cost.

Compare Iran’s currency value in 70’s, 80’s, 90’s , and 00’s and today.

Don’t fall into the same folly as Soviet Union, military progress can only take you so far, if economic progress is stagnant or non existent than cracks will begin to emerge in the Republic. And that’s not just because of the actions of Iran’s enemies, but also corruption and mismanagement from Iran itself.

Iran needs to focus on fixing its economy or else it will put itself at risk from within.
Israeli military on high alert amid Iran threats to avenge Syria strike
Top Iranian official blames Israel, says Monday's missile barrage 'will not remain unanswered' after at least seven IRGC fighters are said killed on air base

Israel’s military has been put on high alert amid heightened tensions along the northern border and with Iran threatening to avenge an airstrike on a Syrian air base believed to have killed at least 14 people, including 7 Iranian military personnel.

Russia, Syria, Iran and the United States have all said Israel carried out the predawn Monday missile barrage on the T-4 Air Base near Palmyra in central Syria. Israeli officials refused to comment on the strike.

On Tuesday, a top adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei threatened Israel.

“The crimes will not remain unanswered,” Ali Akbar Velayati said during a visit to Syria, according to the official Islamic Republic News Agency.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry also accused Israel of “flagrant” aggression in Syria following the attack.

Israeli officials did not appear to be taking the threat of a retaliatory attack lightly — either by Iran, or its proxy, the Hezbollah terrorist group.

On Tuesday, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman appeared to allude to the strike, saying that Israel “will not allow Iranian entrenchment in Syria. Whatever the cost.”

Keeping in line with Israel’s stance of ambiguity on attacks outside the country’s borders, the defense minister prefaced his remarks with a wry “I don’t know what happened.”

“Accepting Iranian entrenchment in Syria would be to accept Iranians putting a chokehold on us. We cannot allow that,” Liberman said.

In a highly unusual move, Iran’s semi-official Fars news agency acknowledged that “Iranian military advisers” were killed in Monday’s attack on the military airfield.

The Tasnim media outlet, which has been affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, specified that seven IRGC members were killed in the strike, including one high-ranking officer, Col. Mehdi Dehghan, who reportedly served in one of the group’s drone units.

Monday’s Iranian Foreign Ministry’s press release made no mention of the dead.

This appeared to be only the second time that Iran has acknowledged casualties in Syria. The first was in 2015, when an IRGC general was killed in a strike directed against Hezbollah leader Jihad Mughniyeh, which was also attributed to Israel.

In that case, the Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist group retaliated 10 days later with an ambush, firing anti-tank missiles at two IDF jeeps, killing two soldiers and injuring seven more.

Tehran, along with Moscow, is Syrian President Bashar Assad’s main ally, and has played an important role in his recent victories.

The Syrian regime and Moscow blamed Israel for carrying out Monday’s strike, later that morning saying two Israeli F-15 fighter jets fired eight missiles at the base, some of which they said were shot down.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the country’s conflict, said 14 were killed, including Syrian army officers and Iranian personnel. The Syrian regime did not confirm the number of casualties, but said “there are martyrs and wounded.”

Later, American officials confirmed to NBC News that Israel had conducted the strike and that they were notified of it in advance.

Israel is believed to have carried out numerous raids inside Syria since 2013, targeting the regime and its Lebanese arch-foe Hezbollah, which is backed by Iran.

Iran has deployed thousands of fighters to Syria, presented as “volunteers” from Afghanistan and Pakistan and trained locally by Iranian “military advisers.” It denies having a military presence in the war-torn country.

Iran does not recognize the existence of Israel and routinely calls for and predicts its demise. Israel views Tehran under the regime of the ayatollahs as an existential threat that seeks nuclear arms and funds and arms terrorist groups, notably Hezbollah, the Lebanese terror group on Israel’s northern border.

Israel has regularly expressed its concern about the Iranian presence in Syria, fearing the long-term establishment of hostile forces in the neighboring country.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that Israel will hit anyone who intends to harm the country, appearing to indirectly refer to the predawn missile strike.

“We have one clear and simple rule and we seek to express it constantly: if someone tries to attack you — rise up and attack him,” Netanyahu said.

Israel conducted an airstrike against the T-4, also known as Tiyas, base on February 10, after an Iranian operator working out of it flew an Iranian-made drone into Israeli territory, according to the army. That incursion sparked a series of aerial clashes that resulted in the Iranian aircraft being shot down, an Israeli F-16I getting hit by Syrian anti-aircraft fire and crashing in a field, and a significant percentage of Syria’s air defenses being destroyed in retaliation.

“Iran and the [Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps’ special unit] Quds Force for some time have been operating the T-4 Air Base in Syria next to Palmyra, with support from the Syrian military and with permission from the Syrian regime,” the Israel Defense Forces said in a statement at the time.

Construction Minister Yoav Galant, a former IDF major general and a member of Israel’s security cabinet, would not comment directly on the attack, but on Tuesday reiterated the “red lines” that Jerusalem considers grounds for launching strikes.

“In Syria, many forces, from various bodies and coalitions, are operating. Each one says what it says and denies what it denies,” he told Israel Radio. “We have clear interests in Syria and we set red lines. We will not allow weapons to pass from Syria to Lebanon, and we will not allow the establishment of an Iranian base.”
Iran’s military adventures and propping up allies come at high cost.

Compare Iran’s currency value in 70’s, 80’s, 90’s , and 00’s and today.

Don’t fall into the same folly as Soviet Union, military progress can only take you so far, if economic progress is stagnant or non existent than cracks will begin to emerge in the Republic. And that’s not just because of the actions of Iran’s enemies, but also corruption and mismanagement from Iran itself.

Iran needs to focus on fixing its economy or else it will put itself at risk from within.

what are you talking about? iran has one of the lowest percentage of military expenditures in relation to GDP in the region. this is outrageously low. especially for a country with irans security threats. if anything the government should be increasing defense spending significantly.

Also keep in mind when talking about the Iranian economy. Iran is facing an all out economic war campaign from the most powerful countries/financial institutions on earth. No western country would survive, let alone have a functioning economy if they got cutoff from the banking system/swift and had sanctions placed on their most sensitive industries and had the world closed to them.

Iraq got sanctioned on its oil and 500k~ literally starved to death. The fact that iran is withstanding this economic warfare, and actually growing is an amazing achievement.

yes there are ineffieciencies, corruption and mismanagement. but this is almost normal for every country on earth. the overwhelming problem with irans under performing economy can be blamed on Zionist/western economic warfare.

The Iranian nation has to decide really. Does it want to surrender its sovereignty, independence and national dignity and become a puppet to cease this economic warfare? or will it stay the path, and try to weather the economic warfare being waged.
Source: http://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-C...-acts-against-Israel-well-topple-Assad-549457

Quotes from defense officials: "If the Iranians act against Israel from Syrian territory, Syrian President Bashar Assad and his regime will be those that pay the price."

That is the clear message from senior officials in the Israeli defense establishment and IDF after the top adviser to Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei called a strike on the Syrian T-4 air base "Israel's crime" and said the alleged act would "not remain without response."

"Assad's regime and Assad himself will disappear from the map and the world if the Iranians do try to harm Israel or its interests from Syrian territory," said senior officials in the defense establishment.

This really is a do or die moment. Do nothing, status quo remains, do something the Israelis will attack more severely. Gotta push sometime.

Sincerely waiting for a real response.

I really do hope people realize how serious of an escalation this is.
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I been reading and watching how the IRI supporters on this forum falsely claims about IRI's prowess: there's none. On a daily basis IRGC personnel are killed in Syria by Israeli forces and all you hear from IRI is "won't be unanswered". This is not power; it's just hot air. If IRI can't even manage their currency and economy, how on earth is she strong?
Don't mean any disrespect but you might wanna take those Tweets with a huge grain of salt. Are there any other sources that can corroborate those claims?

My friend, the source of this info. was the head of the Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani, himself.
Question is why is iran as a nation has so much resemblance to india? All talk no walk?
Question is why is iran as a nation has so much resemblance to india? All talk no walk?

Time my friend time.

Too many short-sighted military enthusiasts here on the forum are riveting for Iran to respond to the Israeli strike a mere 48 hours after it occurred. I say sit your asses down and let the real strategists deal with this in Iran. Absolutely ridiculous the amount of people on this forum who just want to see mere fireworks happen ASAP. Worth noting that most people in this forum are just expressing views and opinions from their own laptops at home, with no military background whatsoever, not factoring into account the long-term ramifications of a poorly thought out symbolic strike just to please 19-45 year old's who want to see 'Something'.

Shame that I'm having to see inexperienced fools erupting in hysterics.

Moreover, responding in the ME isn't a simple tit-for-tat; it will lead to a chain of unimaginable political and military consequences at a time when the US, Saudi, and Israel are having a hard-time looking for an excuse to harm Iran via sanctions and/or other means. Do you and others really think that Iran would respond so soon & foolishly to give its enemies that excuse?!
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