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Israel shots down another Hezbollah drone

Syria got most of the blame. Syrian army and intelligence were occupying Lebanon at the time. The killing of Hariri finally put the pressure on and Syria were told to get out. There are still many Lebanese prisoners in Syrian jails.

It was funny when Hez attacked Israel in 2006. Their justification was to get their prisoner Kuntar (the aptly named child killer) released by abducting Israeli soldiers.

Yet nothing was done or said about the hundreds of Lebanese in Syrian jails.

Anyway - all roads lead back to Tehran. A decision as big as to kill Hariri would have been made in Tehran and sent to Syrian/Hez intelligence to conduct.

Without Iran there is no Hez. The majority of the Lebanese population does not want an armed Hez in their country. They want the Lebanese army.

Hezbollah makes a descision that increases Hezbollahs power seems like a reasonable thing to me? Adding additional factors complicates that simple relationship no?
I think vague suspiscions and prejudices in general makes people say and do stupid things. Middle east and PDF are examples
Hezbollah makes a descision that increases Hezbollahs power seems like a reasonable thing to me? Adding additional factors complicates that simple relationship no?

The Hariri killing was a big f*ck up. He was popular. They also used a bomb 10 times bigger than it needed to be. If I recall correctly, over 20 other people died in that huge explosion.

And I don't understand if you're trying to justify their actions by saying it's reasonable for Hez to make themselves stronger.

Yeah, reasonable if they went out campaigning harder or built more schools - not bombing the crap out of all their opponents and seizing control of Lebanon.
The Hariri killing was a big f*ck up. He was popular. They also used a bomb 10 times bigger than it needed to be. If I recall correctly, over 20 other people died in that huge explosion.

And I don't understand if you're trying to justify their actions by saying it's reasonable for Hez to make themselves stronger.

Yeah, reasonable if they went out campaigning harder or built more schools - not bombing the crap out of all their opponents and seizing control of Lebanon.

What a smart plan... let's kill anti-Syria politicians.. thus the blame will fall quickly on Syria and Hezbollah... just like how F$A terrorists shot anti-government protesters in Syria, to blame the government easily...

Nasrallah: Israel used secret agent to turn Lebanon gov't against Hezbollah - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
The Hariri killing was a big f*ck up. He was popular. They also used a bomb 10 times bigger than it needed to be. If I recall correctly, over 20 other people died in that huge explosion.

And I don't understand if you're trying to justify their actions by saying it's reasonable for Hez to make themselves stronger.

Yeah, reasonable if they went out campaigning harder or built more schools - not bombing the crap out of all their opponents and seizing control of Lebanon.

It's reasonable for any political party to increase their influence I think, it makes sense in itself. Accusing third parties then seems redundant.
It's reasonable for any political party to increase their influence I think, it makes sense in itself. Accusing third parties then seems redundant.

Ah, ok. I understand.

Yeah, so I would quite like to increase the liberals in the Iranian parliament.

I think I'll blow up your Mullahs.

Legit, yeah?

Iranians are the most myopic bunch on here.
Hezbollah denies sending drone shot down by Israel

April 26, 2013 12:54 AM
The Daily Star

BEIRUT: Hezbollah denied sending a drone toward Israel Thursday, several hours after the Jewish state said its fighter jets shot down an unmanned aircraft over the Mediterranean that originated in Lebanon.

Israeli military said its fighter jets intercepted the drone as it was approaching the country’s coast near the northern city of Haifa. The incident forced Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s helicopter to make an emergency landing before continuing the flight to the northern village of Julis.

The Israeli military said that the incident was still under investigation.

“Hezbollah denies that it sent any unmanned drone toward the airspace of Occupied Palestine,” the party said in a brief statement.

Hezbollah did claim responsibility for a drone flight in October, saying the craft was Iranian-built and assembled in Lebanon.

Andrea Tenenti, spokesperson for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, said UNIFIL was looking into whether a drone flew over its zone of operations in south Lebanon.

“UNIFIL is probing whether the information saying that a plane has flown over the operation zone of UNIFIL is true or not,” Tenenti told Lebanon’s National News Agency.

Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon said it was clear that Hezbollah was behind the incident.

“We’re talking about another attempt by Hezbollah to send an unmanned drone into Israeli territory,” he told Israel’s Army Radio, describing it as “another attempt to destabilize the Middle East.”

Israel would respond to the incident in its own time, he said.

“We are ready and we will react as necessary,” Danon added.

After arriving at the village of Julis, Netanyahu described the incident as dangerous. “I view with great gravity this attempt to violate our border. We will continue to do what is necessary to defend the security of Israel’s citizens,” Netanyahu said in a speech after meeting community leaders at the Druze village.

“We will continue to do whatever we must to protect the security of Israel’s citizens,” Netanyahu added.

The Hezbollah drone in October drone flew 55 km into southern Israel before being shot down by an F-16.

Israeli military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner told reporters Thursday’s drone had been identified moving down the Lebanese coast before reaching Israeli airspace.

“A little after 1 p.m., our aerial defense system identified [a drone] moving from north to south along the coast of Lebanon,” he said. “Aircraft, helicopters and combat airplanes were alerted to the area and after confirmation that it was an unfriendly aircraft, they were approved to shoot it down.”

The military said the drone shot down Thursday was detected in Lebanese skies and intercepted by an F-16 fighter jet 5 nautical miles west of Haifa.

A military spokesman said the unmanned aircraft had been flying at an altitude of about 6,000 feet and had been monitored by Israel for about an hour before it was destroyed by an air-to-air missile.

“We don’t know where the aircraft was coming from and we don’t know where it was actually going,” the spokesman said.

On Monday, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon said Israel would not permit “sophisticated weapons” to fall into the hands of Hezbollah “or other rogue elements” in Syria’s civil war.

“When they crossed this red line, we acted,” Yaalon said at a news conference with U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, in comments widely interpreted as confirming reports that an Israeli airstrike in Syria in January had targeted a Hezbollah-bound arms convoy. – with agencies

Hezbollah denies sending drone shot down by Israel | News , Local News | THE DAILY STAR
Dude when Jews where Drove out of Palestine, they've settled in some other places including Europe, and when things are better they want to come back to their promised land... the blood is the same... even though some guys create Zionism that doesn't mean they don't have the blood of their forefathers...
when someone kick you out of your house when you unable to fight back. and onece yu're capable to do of course you''ll come back and fight for it with a reason....that's exactly happening with Israel now

Once again, you seem entirely confused. The "Jews" who were exiled from their lands by the Romans are not the ancestors of the likes of Theodore Herzl, Yitzhak Shamir, or David Ben-Gurion. Ashkenazi Jews' origins date back to converts from Eastern Europe who have nothing to do with the Israelite tribe.

Are you a Cochin or Bene Israel Jew? Be honest now...
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