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Israel 'ready to act' over Iran !


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Israel 'ready to act' over Iran !

Israel 'ready to act' over Iran

Israel's defence minister has warned of his country's readiness to act against Iran if it feels threatened.

Ehud Barak, speaking in Tel Aviv, said Israel had "proved in the past that it won't hesitate to act when its vital security interests are at stake".

He spoke as Iran's testing of missiles that could reach Israel stoked tensions between the two, and with the US.

But Mr Barak added that diplomatic solutions should be pursued before other options were taken up.

"Currently the focus is international sanctions and vigorous diplomatic activity, and these avenues should be exhausted," he said.

US warning

Over the past two days, the Iranian military has tested missiles, including one that it says could reach Israel.

State media said the tests included the first night launch of the Shahab-3 missile, said to have a range of 2,000km (1,240 miles), along with shore-to-sea, surface-to-surface and sea-to-air missiles.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the US had increased its security in the region and Iran should not be "confused" about US capabilities.

Israel has responded to the missile tests by putting on display one of its aircraft that it says can spy on Iran.

The state-run Israel Aerospace Industries says it has equipped its Eitam aeroplane, unveiled a year ago, with sophisticated intelligence-gathering systems.

Mr Barak spoke of the "potential for accords, particularly with the Palestinians and the Syrians", but stressed that the situation was very complex.

Quoted by Israeli news website Ynet, Mr Barak said: "We must work towards an accord - but if not, then we must strike our enemy when it is required."

He also warned that Israel must consider the reactions from other nations in the region that could be provoked by action against Iran.

"The responses of our adversaries must be taken into account. Hamas and Hezbollah and the Syrians and the Iranians - there is activity all around us. And there exists a potential for confrontation."

Meanwhile, the AFP news agency has issued a warning that a still image of the missiles being launched, distributed by Iran, was "apparently digitally altered".

The photograph, published on the Iranian Revolutionary Guards website and reproduced by media organisations - including the BBC News website - showed four missiles taking off from a desert launch-pad.

But a similar image, issued by the Associated Press, shows one of the missiles still in its launcher after apparently failing to fire.

The BBC News website's picture editor, Phil Coomes, said: "Having examined the photograph from AFP it can be seen that parts have been edited, with smoke trails and parts of the foreground being cloned. When viewed alongside the version filed by AP it would seem than an attempt has been made to cover up one of the missile launchers which may have misfired."

In recent weeks, both Israel and Iran have been testing and showing off their military hardware, each saying that in the event of provocation it is more than capable of defending itself.

The Israeli air force recently carried out a large-scale exercise over the Mediterranean - regarded by many observers as a dress rehearsal should the order be given to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. Israel believes Iran is building nuclear weapons, although Tehran insists its nuclear programme is purely for civilian energy.

Western leaders have been trying to convince Iran to stop enriching uranium, which it has continued doing despite sanctions from the UN and the European Union.

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Iran test-fires missiles in the Gulf - footage from Iranian state TV

Story from BBC NEWS:
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israel 'ready to act' over Iran

Published: 2008/07/10 19:31:48 GMT

Israel will not act alone. It will act with the consent of the US. Only the US has the ability to completely neutralize Iran's capability to react and also to achieve its goal in completely destroying Iran's nuclear installations.
I am completely against Iran doing anything that it is doing.
But here I must say that Israel is out of line in this.
I agree with ice cold. This is just political posturing and sabre rattling. I dont think it will go beyond that, without the region becoming destabilized. I think it would be irresponsible for the Issraeli leadership to act alone. They might act with the americans, who I dare say have got their hands full.
The only action Israel intends to make on Iran so far is just bombing nuclear installations and most of Iran's nuclear facilites are spread throughout the nation including all major ones are far underground so I think the bombing option is not really a threat to Iran. Both countries would be hurt badly by war and it is a fact that US will back Israel, despite its hands tied with Afghanistan and Iraq.

The biggest economic factor is the oil passing through straight of Hormuz and I think this would affect the world greatly in oil prices which were projected to rise more than 10 dollars a gallon in a couple weeks. Overall I think the possibility of war is very bleak at this point.
Today there are news that Israelies have practiced some drills.
Oh come on. If Israel fought the entire Arab world, they would win any war, hands tied down. Only if they fought Turkey or Pakistan would they lose, and Turkey and Pakistan have shown little interest in this so far.
Oh come on. If Israel fought the entire Arab world, they would win any war, hands tied down. Only if they fought Turkey or Pakistan would they lose, and Turkey and Pakistan have shown little interest in this so far.

i dont think even turkey or pak can beat israel. maybe fight them to a bloody stalemate, but not beat them.

israelis are known for taking action when needed. osirak is a good example. however, i hope to god they can resolve this thru diplomacy. iran will respond to israeli attacks with missile attacks on israel, and israel will probably go nuclear, destroying iran. and the world economy will reel from the resulting increase in oil prices
i dont think even turkey or pak can beat israel. maybe fight them to a bloody stalemate, but not beat them.

:) yeh Turkey and Pakistan cant beat Israel but a small non-Nuclear and even having no weapon superiority Lebanon had beaten Israel

israelis are known for taking action when needed. osirak is a good example. however, i hope to god they can resolve this thru diplomacy. iran will respond to israeli attacks with missile attacks on israel, and israel will probably go nuclear, destroying iran. and the world economy will reel from the resulting increase in oil prices

In the next about 10 to more years Iran will never launched any missile attack against Israel as Iran's missiles despite having Israel in range do not have the capability to carry sufficiant warheads that could cause much damage to Israel.
And ABOVE Iran has not even reached the stage to have enough nuclear crtical mass which is enough to have bomb. SO if Iran dosnt have any nuclear warhead at the moment and could not have it in the next 8 or 10 years what it would fit to these Shahab missiles to hit Israel and damage it badly ????

so all this rehtoric both by Iran and Israel is just ranting ;)
In the next about 10 to more years Iran will never launched any missile attack against Israel as Iran's missiles despite having Israel in range do not have the capability to carry sufficiant warheads that could cause much damage to Israel.
And ABOVE Iran has not even reached the stage to have enough nuclear crtical mass which is enough to have bomb. SO if Iran dosnt have any nuclear warhead at the moment and could not have it in the next 8 or 10 years what it would fit to these Shahab missiles to hit Israel and damage it badly ????

so all this rehtoric both by Iran and Israel is just ranting ;)

But aren't they thinking to stop iran from reaching that stage at all, to achieve that goal what are the options they are having?
:) yeh Turkey and Pakistan cant beat Israel but a small non-Nuclear and even having no weapon superiority Lebanon had beaten Israel

You cant compare unconventional warfare to conventional one. in the modern day its impossible to win against cowards fighting from between women and children because causing any collateral damage results in world opinion turning against you. even USA cannot beat the terrorists in iraq and afghanistan!

but the case is different in full scale conventional warfare where cluster bombs, napalm, artillery barrages and even tactical nukes can be used.

and about lebanon beating israel, do u really think turkey or pakistan could have done better?

In the next about 10 to more years Iran will never launched any missile attack against Israel as Iran's missiles despite having Israel in range do not have the capability to carry sufficiant warheads that could cause much damage to Israel.
And ABOVE Iran has not even reached the stage to have enough nuclear crtical mass which is enough to have bomb. SO if Iran dosnt have any nuclear warhead at the moment and could not have it in the next 8 or 10 years what it would fit to these Shahab missiles to hit Israel and damage it badly ????

so all this rehtoric both by Iran and Israel is just ranting ;)

two words: chemical weapons. a missile loaded with nerve gas is enough to cause massive civilian casualities. this is why israel fears iranian missiles
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I think Israelis believe they can take out the Iranian nuclear and chemical weapons facilities just like they did Iraqi facilities. Would they succeed this time is a matter of guess work. I believe the added range would be a problem for the Israelis plus the arab radar network is better than it was in 1980's and arabs have better aircraft available to challenge, if they choose to.

Iran if alerted in time would give a better fight than the Iraqis did.

Lets wait and see.
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