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Israel 'ready to act' over Iran !

You cant compare unconventional warfare to conventional one. in the modern day its impossible to win against cowards fighting from between women and children because causing any collateral damage results in world opinion turning against you. even USA cannot beat the terrorists in iraq and afghanistan!

No matter what technology the US unearths, they can't win anywhere like that because their soldiers don't know anything about that country. If they stayed for fifty more years, they'd still seem like they'd been there for one day. That's the diplomatic quality of US soldiers.
and about lebanon beating israel, do u really think turkey or pakistan could have done better?
I mentioned them because I think that they are the only two countries in the Muslim world that can beat Israel.

two words: chemical weapons. a missile loaded with nerve gas is enough to cause massive civilian casualities. this is why israel iranian missiles

Maybe Iran hit themselves with it, that'll explain them.:lol:
i hope iran respond them who attack iran with many missiles :china:
It is with regret that while I find individual Jews (oil industry is full of them) very rational and sane people; I find Israel one of the most intransigent and bigoted regimes despite being a democracy. Then I mentally justify that any country where religious hardliners have a big say in policy making can’t be a good country ( After all Rabbis are equivalent of our mullahs and RSS/Bajrang Dal/Shiv Sena of India). Even though I am proud of having no prejudices except when it comes to Pakistan; I have never visited Israel nor ever done business with Israeli companies.

IMO it is against the principles of sovereignty to attack another country on the pretext that they are going to attack you 10 years from now. Israel did it to Iraq and now they are planning the same for Iran. Additionally, if the US did not have the policy of unconditional support for whatever Israel does; it would have been a truly great country in every respect.

I hoper that better sense will prevail and the attack on Iran does not actually come about. The alternative is a possible chaos for the whole of Middle East.
:) i guess you guys are not taking Hizbollaha's tough resistence and pushing the might Israeli (having US backing) back as victory.

:woot: holy cow you are that old?? damn dear qudrati i have to be careful to call you sweetheart :D

Yeah, that always makes me feel like you're 80 or something, carrying handbag to hit people with.:D
Its kind of freaky.
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