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Israel pressures China to back Iran sanctions

Agreed. Currently only China in this world could say "NO" to the US without suffering too much consequences. Russia could do so too, but to much lesser extent. One thing you said is absolutely spot on that Hans never abandom our friends, it's Han Chinese traditional character.

Moreover, because of iran' role on energy supply to Chinese economy and Sino-Persian historical relationship alongside the Silk Road, stability of Iran remains one of China's core national interests.

The point at hand is that any standoff between the 2 superpowers because of this issue at this point is not worth it, for neither China nor US nor anyone related including Iran, except Israel.

This also has to do with iranians' true intention, bomb or no bomb. It is because even China & Russia have been against bomb since the very start, if I recall well.

If Iran is peaceful, nothing could happen; if it indeed is building a bomb (the UN will know it one way or the other after inspections are reinstalled), then it'll become a completely different matter, a tricky one - if it is proven without an error by the UN, then what China will do or will not do is not a matter of betrayal anymore, and China would be forced to act by her more solemn responsibility towards the world community being 1 of UNSC.

dont go to much overboard my friend,the polland and georgia issue had shown how much guts russia have,they can not only say no,but can go a step further

i want to know can china do that
Looks quite like a "Let us pat our Chinese backs" thread rather than any discourse about the Israeli pressure on China to act on the Iran issue. Continue the brothering folks, another few hours to the morning I guess......

So how is the Saudi oil supply gaurantee sounding like?? music?? A change in scenario is it not? considering the past with Saudi. Is that not why the stakes for the Iranian support were raised? with a militarily entangled U.S and a weaker Russsia since that of yore......But one has to hand it to China for the diplomacy part, they continue to brother their way in to creating conflicts by using someone else's shoulder to fire their shots and when the **** hits the fans, they brother their way out of it again leaving their brother in muddle...... so far so good..... pretty damn good in fact....
do realize that israel, iran, china, both koreas, taiwan, japan, russia and EU have only 1 thing in common: there is a connection to the US.

I agree with you that regardless of the machinations behind this flurry of activities, Amrika was in the loop - or may have indeed designed the loop.

This so-called "development" sure puts the Obama-Netanyahu white-house show, I mean "show-down" during the past weeks into perspective.

A lay simpleton like yours truly sure ain't got what it takes to decipher whether it was all just an elaborate smoke screen to create the necessary backdrop for the Whitehouse/Likud team to play "good cop/bad cop". The atmosphere seemed too "genuine" at least at the time when the show aired for this to be true.

So this must be a coincidence ... :smitten:

The other possibility was that Israel was genuinely hoping to provoke a "suitable" response from Iran thereby "dragging" Uncle "down the garden path" ... by force or ruse.

The end result is same. Team Obama/Biden/Clinton/Emanuel appeared to have commandeered all the hilltops of "moral high-grounds" ... very reminiscent of the masterly executed "ambush" of Dec 2009, Copenhagen ... ;)

People should advocate sanctions - and cripplingly sanctions at that! It's about time that the amoral, gastronomically-obsessed, selfish, merchantilistic Chinese invertebrates get what they deserve for hobknobbing with the Ayatollahs!

There should be zero shipment of yummy, sugary Iranian dates for the hungry mass of Chinese borderline diabetics! And not even a tiny square of pretty Persian carpet the size of Tampax should adorn the walls of any mainland Chinese homes - their walls shall all be exposed in naked shame!

I repeat, no sweet dates for the CCP sweet tooth - none!

Of course, the pain and deprivation should be shared from both sides. Iran should promptly ban imports of all manners of trinkets and junk from Southern China. It's about time Iran makes its own fake Christmas trees - I mean "Noruze trees" ... :D

Your teachers in the White House have shown you the way: sparring in public while "dim-summing" in private ... :tup:

The PRC should open up a number of "Confucius Institutes" in Iran to promote "moderation", and Iran can in turn open up a number of "Al-Taqqiya Houses" in China to teach the Chinese something about the art of survival ... :azn:
Since when did china created any conflict in middle east?

I would ignore the feeble attempts - let the kind-hearted "Hindoostanis" sneak in some jabs - their sympathies and psychology are on open display ... let it go.
its not the US that will convince China, its the arabs..China can afford to piss off US but not arabs
well thats the truth buddy,ur not as technological in warfare as israel who i consider the most daring human species in the world,bitter but it is the truth
Just because they have technology they become daring.
iran may be forced to accept sanctions unfortunately, but i hope it will not break them like they did to north korea.

North Korea's problem is a lot more than sanctions. Look at Cuba - did they ever go boom? And have they not been sanction from day 0?

It all depends on what you mean by "sanction" and what kind of connections and leverages you got - China is and has been under sanctions for how long now? And what about Pakistan? Even India developed considerable nuclear expertise under sanctions ...

As long as Iran stays paranuclear as not to upset her neighbours and the "regional balance" too much, then what sanctions?

Look closely, not only countries such as Turkey and Brazil are flatly not on board, what real stamina do you think the Europeans have for sanctions?

Not to mention Russia?

I for one believe the name of the game is to make it as costly as possible for Iran to attain a paranuclear status so as to discourage the next player(s) on the block from even trying - Ehud Barak has all but spelled out what the worry was ...

Arabs with nukes represent an "existential" threat to Izzies at the present time or into the foreseeable future - some people can buy that.

But the "Bernard Lewis" Project is doubtlessly an existential threat to everyone in the neighborhood, PRC most definitely high on that list!

This is another reason why IMO now is not the time to :taz: with states such as Turkey over some silly comments ...

Now all of a sudden I could see why Karzai is important to not just Pakistan and India ...
we should not abandon iran, there is nothing israel can give us besides a few tiny niche technologies, while iran and china have a traditional friendship for over 2000 years and we now have significant investments in iran.

Of course not - at least the Izzies can articulate what their "existential" threats are! Can you?

Here is my highly imperfect analogy: today's Iran is akin to yesterday's Khwarezmia, and America is doubtlessly the Genghis Khan of 21st century ...

While we hope the modern day Khwarezmians learned their lessons on unnecessary provocations, let's not forget that once they fell, the remainder of what was China was not far behind in following their fate ...

As I said, above is but my feeble attempt at drawing historical parallels. Basically I would agree that the mythical Persia (and its various forms/avatars/rebirths) has always stood at the Western approaches to the land of historical "Cathay", as generally a source of all-around partnership, mutually beneficial commerce, and knowledge exchange.

No good had ever come from its fall - in one form or another throughout the last two millennia (your Arab friends may disagree - but that's not our cup of tea for this discussion).

There is a time for Tai Chi, and a time for throwing in the kitchen sink ... whenever an old dynasty messed up the occasions ... that dynasty was no more.

Yes, you should pray!
well, of course, the israelis can articulate because they precisely do not face an existential threat, who is stupid enough to provoke someone that can wipe you out, its precisely that no one has both the will and the firepower to wipe out israel that it can bark.

china is different, there is most definitely a significant threat of return to the qing dynasty and republic days due to military intervention or covert operations initiated by a large nation in the northeastern pacific.

the arabs will not go nuclear, most of them are US client states and their governments are made up of spineless cowards. israel faces no threat from them.
Here is the internal link to an article from an Israeli "peacenik" blog that I personally found insightful ...
I think China should call Israel to warn Jew American not to support Tibet independence first.
(i.e. Tibet supporting groups is mostly run by Jew American.)
I think China should call Israel to warn Jew American not to support Tibet independence first.
(i.e. Tibet supporting groups is mostly run by Jew American.)

Frankly dude, Jewish Americans can support whomever their hearts feel are right to support. While I certainly don't agree with Tibetan Independence, but there are those who support DL out of their conscience even though you might be right to feel that they are mis-informed of the whole picture.

And btw with what exactly are you going to bargain for their "support" for DL?

Rule #1: Faustian bargains will come back to haunt you ... stick to principles, my friend - that's what will work over the long run.

There have been some "strategic" voices in the last little while from various levels in the PRC that Tibet, Taiwan, and Iran are all separate issues!

Each is fundamental in its own way ... America will always sell weapons to Taiwan (why not? ;)), and there will always be "voices of conscience" for DL - the more you "bargain", the more these will appear "heroic".

But there is a bottom line to each and every one of them - until this is breached, best to continue with your Tai Chi ... :coffee:

Just my 2 cents.
Just because they have technology they become daring.

why so much frustration dude,chill:bunny:
its nothing abt ur ummah

israel is the nation which send all the arabs togather into the stoneage during arab war

have u ever heard the name MOSSAD
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