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Israel pressures China to back Iran sanctions

I think Iranians should not be afraid of any sanction if Iran maintains a trade relationship with the second economic superpower China.

Therefore, I think, Iran should accept the sanction to avoid any military conflict.

Agreed. Currently only China in this world could say "NO" to the US without suffering too much consequences. Russia could do so too, but to much lesser extent. One thing you said is absolutely spot on that Hans never abandom our friends, it's Han Chinese traditional character.

Moreover, because of iran' role on energy supply to Chinese economy and Sino-Persian historical relationship alongside the Silk Road, stability of Iran remains one of China's core national interests.

The point at hand is that any standoff between the 2 superpowers because of this issue at this point is not worth it, for neither China nor US nor anyone related including Iran, except Israel.

This also has to do with iranians' true intention, bomb or no bomb. It is because even China & Russia have been against bomb since the very start, if I recall well.

If Iran is peaceful, nothing could happen; if it indeed is building a bomb (the UN will know it one way or the other after inspections are reinstalled), then it'll become a completely different matter, a tricky one - if it is proven without an error by the UN, then what China will do or will not do is not a matter of betrayal anymore, and China would be forced to act by her more solemn responsibility towards the world community being 1 of UNSC.
Agreed. Currently only China in this world could say "NO" to the US without suffering too much consequences. Russia could do so too, but to much lesser extent. One thing you said is absolutely spot on that Hans never abandom our friends, it's Han Chinese traditional character.
:china: Thats why Hans are the Hans.

Moreover, because of iran' role on energy supply to Chinese economy and Sino-Persian historical relationship alongside the Silk Road, stability of Iran remains one of China's core national interests.

The point at hand is that any standoff between the 2 superpowers because of this issue at this point is not worth it, for neither China nor US nor anyone related including Iran, except Israel.

This also has to do with iranians' true intention, bomb or no bomb. It is because even China & Russia have been against bomb since the very start, if I recall well.

If Iran is peaceful, nothing could happen; if it indeed is building a bomb (the UN will know it one way or the other after inspections are reinstalled), then it'll become a completely different matter, a tricky one - if it is proven without an error by the UN, then what China will do or will not do is not a matter of betrayal anymore, and China would be forced to act by her more solemn responsibility towards the world community being 1 of UNSC.

Iran with a nuclear bomb? No way...!! No body wants Iran to build a nuclear bomb.

If the nuclear power is used for peaceful purposes, all will support Iran. If its a nuclear bomb, no body will support.
If the nuclear power is used for peaceful purposes, all will support Iran. If its a nuclear bomb, no body will support.

Hard to say that on one will support it, I am afraid... Palentines would be love to see that I imagine. Whether Nuclear Iran is a threat or a good news for middle east peace is still arguable... one thing is certain however, is that imagine iran somehow got the nuke, then Israel should not worry about it in principle, because if Israel is bombed by Iranians, then Iran would be gone forever as well in the next 10 minutes. The only thing Israel is lost in sucha scenario will be its absolute power at midlle east negotiation table.

Israel sending highest ranking millitary planning generals to China to lobby is one of the hottest topics on the web on this Easter Day. It is a highly complex geopolitical and economic (Chinese Yuan - currency manipulator this month?) game of give&take, responsibilities, bluffs, calling the bluffs, bigger bluffs, calling the bigger bluffs... btw China and the US.

It is not about just one move on sanctions, it is more about strategic long tern planning IMO. There is no clear cut on where one should stand I see up to now, except some principles that China should withhold, such as supporting Iran, etc.

In light of this, I guess probably even Iranuan upper class elites would not take the sanction neccesarily as one-dimentional bad thing if thinking for the long run.
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iran may be forced to accept sanctions unfortunately, but i hope it will not break them like they did to north korea.
read this:

Former Def. Minister: Israel Will Attack Iran by Nov.

Friday, April 2, 2010 12:36 PM
By: Ken Timmerman

Israel will be compelled to attack Iran’s nuclear weapons facilities by this November unless the U.S. and its allies enact “crippling sanctions that will undermine the regime in Tehran,” former deputy defense minister Brig. Gen. Ephraim Sneh said on Wednesday in Tel Aviv.

The sanctions currently being discussed with Russia, China, and other major powers at the United Nations are likely to be a slightly-enhanced version of the U.N. sanctions already in place, which have had no impact on the Iranian regime.

And despite unanimous passage of the Iran Petroleum Sanctions Act in January, the Obama administration continues to resist efforts by Congress to impose mandatory sanctions on companies selling refined petroleum products to Iran.

In an Op-Ed in the Israeli left-wing daily, Haaretz, Sneh argues that Iran will probably have “a nuclear bomb or two” by 2011.

“An Israeli military campaign against Iran’s nuclear installations is likely to cripple that country’s nuclear project for a number of years. The retaliation against Israel would be painful, but bearable.”

Sneh believes that the “acquisition of nuclear weapons by Iran during Obama’s term would do him a great deal of political damage,” but that the damage to Obama resulting from an Israeli strike on Iran “would be devastating.”

Nevertheless, he writes, “for practical reasons, in the absence of genuine sanctions, Israel will not be able to wait until the end of next winter, which means it would have to act around the congressional elections in November, thereby sealing Obama’s fate as president.”

Sneh does not foresee any U.S. military strikes on Iran, an analysis that is shared by most observers in Washington, who see the Obama administration moving toward containment as opposed to confrontation with Iran.

In a recent report for the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), military analyst Anthony Cordesman concluded that Israel will have to use low-yield earth-penetrating nuclear weapons if it wants to take out deeply-buried nuclear sites in Iran.

“Israel is reported to possess a 200 kilogram nuclear warhead containing 6 kilograms of weapons-grade plutonium that could be mounted on the sea launched cruise missiles and producing a Yield of 20 kilo tons,” Cordesman writes in the CSIS study he co-authored by Abdullah Toukan.

Israel would be most likely to launch these missiles from its Dolphin-class submarines, he added.

While Sneh is no longer in the Israeli government, his revelation of a drop-dead date for an Israeli military strike on Iran must be taken seriously, Israel-watchers in the U.S. tell Newsmax.

“Ephraim Sneh is a serious guy,” said Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. “He was deputy minister of defense and has long been focused on the issue of Iran.”

Shoshana Bryen, Senior Director for Security Policy at the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), said that what struck her most about Sneh’s comments was the shift of emphasis from resolving the Palestinian problem to Iran.

“For 30 years, he’s been saying that solving the Palestinian problem is Israel’s biggest priority. Now he’s saying, forget about the Palestinians. Iran is the problem.”

Sneh “is extremely well regarded on the left and the right,” she added. “People respect him enormously.”

In his Op-Ed, Sneh argues that the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu needs to mend its bridges with the United States, and the only way to do so is by enacting an immediate and total ban on any settlement activity, including in Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem.

“Without international legitimacy, and with its friend mad at it, Israel would find it very difficult to act on its own” against Iran, he argued.

Newsmax - Former Def. Minister: Israel Will Attack Iran by Nov.

Note: Ken Timmerman (the author) has been associated with the JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs)

Bluff or no bluff? Any measure to counter that? pro and cons?
Further, what kind of sactions and how to measure them are extemely important.

How about after the sactions, israel/US will say the same allover again for not satisfying with the outcome?

If sanctions are ok for them, Israel and EU 3 might be out of the picture, however the US most likely will carry on its own plan further - to cripple tehran regime and a coloured revolution. Under such as scenario, China will lost caspian sea energy resource cuz US gonna control ALL natural resources in central Asia bar Seberia, thus control one of Chinese economy's lifeline !

How China could make it sure to prevent this happening?

Russia in this sense will be a big losser as well.

I want to know what are the reason/s behind the jumpingship of Russia?

I want to know in which chicken hole Ruskies are hidding at this moment when their sidekicks could be helpful?
we can sell weapons to iran. this will only be a short term solution, however.

Agree. i think selling weapons to Iran is a bad strategy.

I wonder when the next round of SCO gathering is due? China could ask for a SCO summit recently, with the excuse of helping Russia to catch subway bombing terrorists. If SCO together do something in the central Asia, such as some millitary execises, it would give Israel a red-light hint.

Further, I dunno you, I hate Israel's stupid arrogance in this matter. With the US in the pocket , Israel acts as if there's no UN. How dare they threaten unilateral strike on Iran without the UN resolution?

Acoording to the article, if Israel indeed air strikes Iran, it would mostl likely to be a nuclear operation. Is 2012 end of the world Doom Day coming closer?
Agree. i think selling weapons to Iran is a bad strategy.

I wonder when the next round of SCO gathering is due? China could ask for a SCO summit recently, with the excuse of helping Russia to catch subway bombing terrorists. If SCO together do something in the central Asia, such as some millitary execises, it would give Israel a red-light hint.

Further, I dunno you, I hate Israel's stupid arrogance in this matter. With the US in the pocket , Israel acts as if there's no UN. How dare they threaten unilateral strike on Iran without the UN resolution?

Acoording to the article, if Israel indeed air strikes Iran, it would mostl likely to be a nuclear operation. Is 2012 end of the world Doom Day coming closer?

do realize that israel, iran, china, both koreas, taiwan, japan, russia and EU have only 1 thing in common: there is a connection to the US.

this situation is 牵一发动全身 - if israel/US moves in the middle east, and it hurts core chinese/russian interests, how will east europe/asia turn out? if iran is defeated and occupied, US would have russia surrounded on 4 sides, US ground forces in iraq will be linked to US ground forces in afghanistan, and US troops would be right at China's borders.

at that point, who knows, india and pakistan will have to pick sides too. this may be the first step towards indian/pakistani peace, but a war with everyone else. will india abandon iran? who knows. but war could be coming, i hope we are ready. 天佑我中华! 中华人民共和国万岁! :china:
A saction is used to weaken Iran before offense began. US is determined to take down Iran once they opt for saction .

Look long term. If saction is not reached. US and Israel will still take on offensive role in Iran. China is in no position to help at this point. Saction may hurt Iran but it will buy a few more years for China to be stronger, at which point it may be reversed.
correct. eventually US and Israel's goal is to wipe iran off the map. if we can stave off the US offensive until all the weapons needed to keep iran alive are acquired, then the situation can be reversed.
However we really don't know if US can afford to start another war if the saction option fails. I feel Isreal by itself is too small to take offense on iran by itself.

Saction is best from US's perspective. They don't have to spend resources on another war, and responsibilities of saction are shared around the world. If military option is taken right now how many countries will go along? Sactions give US time to recuperate and at the same time weakens Iran.

It's a balanced calculation on both US and Chinese side.
we should never agree to a sanction that would have an adverse effect on iranian people.
I say it would be different fighting Iran compared to Iraq and Afghanistan. Countries with a history are harder to subdue
Israel acts as if there's no UN. How dare they threaten unilateral strike on Iran without the UN resolution?
That is hilarious...:rofl:

Hezbollah is quite an Iranian organization. By what UN resolution support does Iran have to create a paramilitary organization to conduct a low intensity war against another country?
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