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Israel PM for a military strike against Iran: report

Iran does have supercomputer, also iran could had got its hand on nukes from the black market, many nukes went missing after the collapse of Soviets and who know maybe Iran got a few. sso you're saying iran cannot make a nuke before 2017? what do i even bother replying to you.
If nuclear weapon trafficing was possible, don`t you think Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups would have gotten their hands on it yet?
nuke is not like building a boat with wings and claim it as stealth flying boat....

U need mainly a super computer and lots of resources......

ANd if a country makes a claim it should have some weight..if u feel Iran has nukes and can make nukes in another 5-6 years and Iran can over power Israel in technology...Well,have fun....

You seem to lack even the minimum knowledge required to talk about nuclear bombs. You need to have super computers to build nukes? Did the USA have super computers in the Manhattan project to build the A-bomb in 1940's?

It has nothing to do with super computers. Iran is indeed capable of creating several A-bombs like the 'little boy' that the USA produced more than 6 decades ago. Iran has advanced nano-technology and has been doing extensive research in nuclear physics too.That's all it needs for Iran to create a uranium bomb like the little boy. Iran is already building particle accelerators that can accelerate particles up to hundreds of MeV's. It is also the world's 25th largest economy based on its nominal GDP and has vast natural resources as well. but why should Iran waste tons of HEU for atomic bombs if it can produce plutonium bombs produced by reprocessing the plutonium it gains from the Arak heavy reactor? (~12 kgs of plutonium will be produced annually in Iran's Arak heavy water reactor as a bi-product of the nuclear reactions).
More over, Iran has already done research on reprocessing plutonium in 2002. the Agency report said that and that is why Iran became under heavy pressure to halt its nuclear enrichment program during the Khatami era and Iran halted its uranium enrichment in 2003. (When Ahmadinejad took the office in 2005, Iran again started enriching uranium).

Iran is possibly in possession of several nukes by now. high-ranking Russian military officials have confirmed that Iran is in possession of tactical nukes.
You seem to lack even the minimum knowledge required to talk about nuclear bombs. You need to have super computers to build nukes? Did the USA have super computers in the Manhattan project to build the A-bomb in 1940's?

It has nothing to do with super computers. Iran is indeed capable of creating several A-bombs like the 'little boy' that the USA produced more than 6 decades ago. Iran has advanced nano-technology and has been doing extensive research in nuclear physics too.That's all it needs for Iran to create a uranium bomb like the little boy. Iran is already building particle accelerators that can accelerate particles up to hundreds of MeV's. It is also the world's 25th largest economy based on its nominal GDP and has vast natural resources as well. but why should Iran waste tons of HEU for atomic bombs if it can produce plutonium bombs produced by reprocessing the plutonium it gains from the Arak heavy reactor? (~12 kgs of plutonium will be produced annually in Iran's Arak heavy water reactor as a bi-product of the nuclear reactions).
More over, Iran has already done research on reprocessing plutonium in 2002. the Agency report said that and that is why Iran became under heavy pressure to halt its nuclear enrichment program during the Khatami era and Iran halted its uranium enrichment in 2003. (When Ahmadinejad took the office in 2005, Iran again started enriching uranium).

Iran is possibly in possession of several nukes by now. high-ranking Russian military officials have confirmed that Iran is in possession of tactical nukes.

Brother dont waste you time with this creature, his head is filled with $hit, even if you show him an Iranian nuke he will say its a apple.
You seem to lack even the minimum knowledge required to talk about nuclear bombs. You need to have super computers to build nukes? Did the USA have super computers in the Manhattan project to build the A-bomb in 1940's?

It has nothing to do with super computers. Iran is indeed capable of creating several A-bombs like the 'little boy' that the USA produced more than 6 decades ago. Iran has advanced nano-technology and has been doing extensive research in nuclear physics too.That's all it needs for Iran to create a uranium bomb like the little boy. Iran is already building particle accelerators that can accelerate particles up to hundreds of MeV's. It is also the world's 25th largest economy based on its nominal GDP and has vast natural resources as well. but why should Iran waste tons of HEU for atomic bombs if it can produce plutonium bombs produced by reprocessing the plutonium it gains from the Arak heavy reactor? (~12 kgs of plutonium will be produced annually in Iran's Arak heavy water reactor as a bi-product of the nuclear reactions).
More over, Iran has already done research on reprocessing plutonium in 2002. the Agency report said that and that is why Iran became under heavy pressure to halt its nuclear enrichment program during the Khatami era and Iran halted its uranium enrichment in 2003. (When Ahmadinejad took the office in 2005, Iran again started enriching uranium).

Iran is possibly in possession of several nukes by now. high-ranking Russian military officials have confirmed that Iran is in possession of tactical nukes.

I'm thinking if they have the tech why not build it (if they haven't done it already) so they don't get a threat like this
And 2. thing why don't Iran show off their achievements??
Haha. What a joke...

Only the Basij could defeat Israel..
Basij are only good for cleaning mines and slaughtering peaceful demonstrants.

Israel defeated 3 Arab states in 6 days. Iran could not deeat 1 Arab state in 8 years.
I'm thinking if they have the tech why not build it (if they haven't done it already) so they don't get a threat like this
And 2. thing why don't Iran show off their achievements??

1. Why not to build a nuclear bomb?
What threats? These are not threats. Only huff and puff. And we don't know whether Iran is in possession of nukes or not. In fact there are many reasons to believe that Iran is already in possession of nukes. But why Iran doesn't make a nuke now with its uranium? I can give you tens of reasons if you're interested to know.
2. Why not to show off their achievements?
Iran will be under heavier sanctions, it'll have worse international image, it'll get more isolated like North Korea, for what? Iran can never use its nukes against any other country, so why Iran needs to tell the world that I have nukes? What does Iran gain from that except being more isolated? Israel is in possession of nukes but never admits it. What Iran is doing now is some sort of what they call it 'tit for tat'.

Basij are only good for cleaning mines and slaughtering peaceful demonstrants.

Israel defeated 3 Arab states in 6 days. Iran could not deeat 1 Arab state in 8 years.
Now the difference: all global powers, supported Israel in its war with Arabs but in the Iraq-Iran war, all global powers supported Iraq in its war with Iran. In fact Israel war wasn't a win for only Israel, because it had the support of global powers, while Iran's war can be seen as a defeat for the global powers because they failed to reach their goals against Iran.
1. Why not to build a nuclear bomb?
What threats? These are not threats. Only huff and puff. And we don't know whether Iran is in possession of nukes or not. In fact there are many reasons to believe that Iran is already in possession of nukes. But why Iran doesn't make a nuke now with its uranium? I can give you tens of reasons if you're interested to know.
2. Why not to show off their achievements?
Iran will be under heavier sanctions, it'll have worse international image, it'll get more isolated like North Korea, for what? Iran can never use its nukes against any other country, so why Iran needs to tell the world that I have nukes? What does Iran gain from that except being more isolated? Israel is in possession of nukes but never admits it. What Iran is doing now is some sort of what they call it 'tit for tat'.

Now the difference: all global powers, supported Israel in its war with Arabs but in the Iraq-Iran war, all global powers supported Iraq in its war with Iran. In fact Israel war wasn't a win for only Israel, because it had the support of global powers, while Iran's war can be seen as a defeat for the global powers because they failed to reach their goals against Iran.
How easily you lie to yourself.
The world`s second superpower supported all the Arab enemies of Israel, what you need 2 perhaps 3 superpowers to be on your side, to beat a country the size of New Jersey that had a population smaller than a Chinese village?
Israel had france that cut ties with Israel after 67' and this started the American-Israeli relationship.
Iran has a right to build bomb, Israel has a right to destroy that bomb.

What are you saying?

Here what I can believe:

I knew your country is tough but still not a toughest. War with Iran coz you just "think" Iran will built nuke weapons like US "thought" Saddam that could be a shame on both countries.

1. Iran is a part of Arab religion and Muslim country.

2. Pakistan, Indonesia, Malysia could intervene cause Muslim brothers.

3. Iran is not Iraq and their leaders will not fools like Saddam.
I believe even now, Iran has nukes then its still not use it as a threat to Isarel and this is a 21s1 century. There is so many ways to invade a country without flying a bullet.
How easily you lie to yourself.
The world`s second superpower supported all the Arab enemies of Israel, what you need 2 perhaps 3 superpowers to be on your side, to beat a country the size of New Jersey that had a population smaller than a Chinese village?
Israel had france that cut ties with Israel after 67' and this started the American-Israeli relationship.

well, I won't repeat the Arab allegations that Israel had extensive support from the west in the war, but in case of Iran, as far as I know, according to the Shah era Iranian generals and pilots, Iran extensively helped Israel in the war in every way possible and that wasn't because we loved Israel or we preferred Israelis to Arabs, because we also maintained good relations with Jordan and Egypt at that time, but it was mainly because Iran was an ally of the USA and also Britain at the time. hence, we supported Israel as far as we could. I don't know whether the Soviet Union (If that's what you mean by the world's second super power) supported the Arab enemies of Israel or not but what I know is that the Great Britain and the USA indeed gave an all out support to Israel. And to clarify my stance, I have nothing against Israel, nor do the Iranian generals of the Imperial Iranian army, that's just what they say from that war.
You should first take care of yourself. Pakistan messing with Israel is just laughable. Doesn't make any sense.

We helped Iran in their nuclear program partly so its also our duty and right to help them defend. I'm not sure why you think Pakistan messing with Israel is 'laughable'--- didn't you know that Pakistani air force pilot's scored many kills against IAF during Arab-Israel war? You should wipe that smirk of your face now.
According to Iraqis it was research reactor. Sounds logical, Saddam decided to invest hundreds of millions during the war into research. :lol:

Chemical weapons are joke compare to nuclear.

I know, we have nukes so he would not dare.
please don't enter in ideological . i try to be honest.

No about Iraq it was not because you have nukes. don't you remember that he sent you scuds?

Maybe for you chemical weapon is a joke because you didn't get one on your cities
but for us it is very far to be a joke
how can i speak to you if you show such unrespect?
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