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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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How do you envision the conflict ends and which effect do you think this round of conflict will have on the balance of power between Hamas/PIJ and Israel?

@Falcon29 knows a lot more than me, but I've been around this conflict since the early 70's and you don't even need to go that far, just the late 1990's - 2006-7 or so and from then on that Israel will not stop until the rockets have been defeated and unfortunately, Ghaza with heavy losses. They will never admit to being defeated by Hamas no matter how much destruction is caused in Israel.

But the difference this time is whether the psych of the Israeli people (especially the settlers stealing and destroying homes) will change because they won't want to see this kind of thing again. The psychological effect is huge and usually underestimated. Palestinians are used to being bombed and killed and losing family members and get up the nest morning, burry their dead and mourn according to Islam and then go back to work. How are the Israelis going to deal with such a new "enigma" for the lack of a better word. Will they turn against Israeli violence or will they support it even more and become totally out of control?
Who is stopping you. Mind if I give you an advice, opinions are free, good to have them, but having one done always means that you have to give one as well.

You are constantly running in circles, no ones asking you to board a plane, and go fight someone, but taking a moral high ground seems so difficult for people these days. Anyways as I said, no ones asking Pakistani gov or anyone else as a matter of fact to do anything about it, as they cant anyways.

The point was the attack on the first Qibla, not everything is always, and should always be looked from a geo political pov, somethings are above, and beyond that pay grade.

I would rather you not tag me anymore on this issue. I already got the point you are making.


O you who believe, what is wrong with you that when it is said to you, “Come out in the way of Allah,” you turn heavy (and cling) to the ground. Have you become happy with the worldly life instead of the Hereafter? So, (remember that) the enjoyment of the worldly life is but trivial in (comparison with) the Hereafter.
Iran's Khamenei urges Palestinians to build up power to stop Israeli 'brutality'


Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called on Palestinians on Tuesday to build up their fighting power to stop Israel's "brutality", saying Israelis "only understand the language of force", Iran's state TV reported.

"Zionists understand nothing but the language of force, so the Palestinians must increase their power and resistance to force the criminals to surrender and stop their brutal acts," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Israel intensified its air strikes on Gaza on Tuesday as rocket barrages hit Israeli towns for a second day in a deepening conflict in which at least 28 people in the Palestinian enclave and two in Israel have been killed.



If only more statesmen and leaders had the courage to back the Palestinian resistance even verbally, let alone militarily as the Islamic Republic of Iran is doing.

In other news, Gaza's Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in a newly released video clip officially thanked the Islamic Republic of Iran for its military-level support.

Currently Iran is the only state actor in the world to extend this type of assistance to groups in Occupied Palestine. But hopefully more will follow.

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3 Israeli's now confirmed killed in the recent barrages. Hamas armed wing also stated it targeted Israeli oil tanks/pipelines in Ashkelon with Q20 rockets.


Very heavy Israeli naval shelling now, it's likely they are going to try to mount a ground invasion as soon as possible.
Hotel in Tel Aviv was struck by one of the rockets in the barrage

Reports of clashes/gunfire in Israeli military base near southern Gaza

4 killed so far from the recent barrages, likely more to come.
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