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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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You know what I have noticed so far?

After one side continuously brags about something, it later turns into criticism of other countries. Then the discussion quickly turns into you have done that, while we have done this. Then people somehow turn the resistance into one country led struggle..

Eventually, the discussion shadows what our brothers are doing by themselves.

I haven't banned any poster from any Muslim country on this thread till now. I just want that to stop them in the very beginning so that at least this thread doesn't portray the current true condition of Muslims around the world.

If the only member who belongs to Palestine is annoyed on this behavior of all of us spectators, imagine what sort of shit show all of us must have been displaying.
perfectly understandable. I greatly appreciate u took the time to explain this. thanks again for the efforts all of you moderators and admins put on PDF.
ROME, Sunday, May 16, 2021 (WAFA) – Italian port workers in the city of Livorno have refused to load a shipment of weapons and explosives after discovering it was destined for the Israeli port of Ashdod.

“The port of Livorno will not be an accomplice in the massacre of the Palestinian people,” said L’Unione Sindacale di Base (USB), an Italian trade union of port workers.

Dr. Ashraf Al Qidra, spokesman for the Ministry of Health in Gaza

The death toll from targeting the Israeli occupation forces in Al-Wehda Street in central Gaza City increased last night to 37 martyrs, including 13 women and 8 children, in addition to 50 different injuries, most of them children and women.

The ambulance and civil defense teams are still searching under the rubble until this moment.


د.أشرف القدرة المتحدث باسم وزارة الصحة بغزة

ارتفاع حصيلة استهداف قوات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي في شارع الوحدة وسط مدينة غزة ليلة أمس الى 37 شهيدا من بينهم 13 سيدة و 8 اطفال بالاضافة الى 50 اصابة بجراح مختلفة معظمهم من الاطفال والسيدات.

لازالت طواقم الاسعاف والدفاع المدني تقوم بأعمال البحث تحت الركام حتى اللحظة.
This is ridiculous understanding of Israel conventional means. Israel can't conquer just even 1 tree from Egypt and Jordan militarily.. Not in this time and era.. It is just outside of their realm of possibilities. They got ravished by Hamas who is non-state actors.

Iron dome is a hoax. There cities will be levelled by any state actors and their f-35s will be taken out of air immediately then they will have to engage militarily with a bigger armies that is well equipment in a conventional battle. Within 9-10 monts the battle will be fought inside Israel retreating and that is if uncle sam doesn't get involved.

Alot of people miss the point completely when it comes to Israel.. A mistake repeated again and again.. Some even refer to wars as if it is a comicbook narrative where there are superheroes and where someone can win it with one punch yada yada.. That is just not war or real life..

I just don't think people on this forum understand the dynamics of conventional conflict and how it unfolds. Maybe few understand but they don't come online here or rarely post
Israel can't conquer anything on their own. Israel can at best hold the Arabs for maybe 2 years but eventually Israel can't hold on forever. Israel has no food production of its own and imports 80% of its grains. Israel also does not have fuel of its own and relies on imported fuel. Even water going to Israel can be choked by cutting/blocking the Jordan river.

You are right in explaining how warfare works - generally over years and decades, not like the movies where battles last only a day or two!

Nevertheless, Israel has always been supported by USA and hence can't be defeated. If Israel is on the verge of defeat, USA will intervene. So, you can't consider israel as an independent actor.

PLO was much stronger than Hamas, and inflicted dozens of Israeli casualties on a weekly basis. Before Iranian revolution took place. No one is discrediting Iran, but we also don't need Iran's support exaggerated or suggestions Iran is directing these groups to fire. We also do not need to be reminded every minute as we are trying to post updates.

If you don't stop and keep this behavior you are getting banned for making this thread go off topic and no one will shed a tear for you.
PLO was supported by Syria, Iraq etc and hence were strong. But both Syria and Iraq no longer have any strength left to help PLO. Currently, it is the Hezbollah which is extremely powerful, far more than Hamas. Hezbollah, however, does not involve itself in minor conflicts and hence Hamas take that job currently.

What you wrote is the definition of fantasy... Lebanon is the weakest link in the region.. It has weak armý, plus modernized civilians and a large portion of christians who are the majority. They don't have the numbers either...

Your comicbook tale is just not realistic..

As someone whos a weapon expert... Explain to me what defense or advantage Israel could have if their F-35s get taken down and we already know Iron dome is not a deterence? What happens if state actors start pounding Israel?

They will have to engage the Jordanian or Egyptian army who outnumber them and well armed in a conventional frontal engagement. They have manpower advantage on them and more battle hardened plus hardware quantity edge.. I assure you the war will be inside Israel 7-10 months and they will be on the brink but they will hold for approx 2-4 years and eventually get overwhelmed... This is not 1960s this is the future 2020s.. Egypt-Jordan manpower increased significiantly from 1960s they are robust now.. They have also increased their conventional means and armed forces capabiltieis.

That is if uncle sam doesn't get involved don't read into to much hype or things outside of conventional means... You have to read between the lines in order to understand the dynamics of conventional conflict.. I guaraantee you it is not a comicbook fairytale or has these sort of outcomes but a massive struggle and destructions on both ends but it comes down to who can outlast who.. Israel ain't outlasting an army equal equipped on the ground, large and more battle hardened it will be overrun as their army will get depleted..
You are partially right here. Israel can only wage for for limited time. If you drag the war for years, israel is toast. That is also why Israel tries to use overwhelming force to destroy its enemies quickly. Last time Israel did it in 6 days war, crippling its opponents in just 1 week.

Nevertheless, Egypt is in no position to fight Israel over the long term either. Egypt imports 70% of its grains and unlike Israel, it has a population of 100 million and a poor economy. So, though Israel imports 80% of its food, it can afford to store 1-2 years of grain in storage due to its low population of 8million whereas Egypt can't store enough food for 100 million. This will mean than Egypt will run out of food in the middle of the war and that will a disaster

This is clearly propaganda. The girl doesn't have realistic expressions and the boy under thr rubble does not have any scratches of wounds which is unrealistic. This is simply fake news.

Hey do u think its normal the way gaza is being bombed? and for wat are all the people dying if there's not significant enuf gains in the end? So its the responsibility of those who are funding, feeding, and arming Hamas to also guarantee wen the enemy kills Gazans like the way they are that they will come forward to stop it. Do you think the Gazans are flies or mosquitoes? But they are being killed like that. It cannot be allowed. Their protectors i.e Iran and HZ must come forward and do sumthing to make israel stop.

They deserve a Guarantee. Otherwise wats all it for ? How can there be any victory wen people are bombed like flies. GOD bless Iran for arming and funding the helpless palestinians. But this great act also leaves the responsibility on the Great Iranian warriors to make sure that palestinians dont get swatted and annihilated like flies.

My loyalty to Iran is Unshakeable and impenetrable but they have a responsibility. They have the Most responsibilty out of anybody to make sure that Gaza doesnt become a desolate flat land, even if it requires taking risks.
Iran is running out of funds under sanctions. Iran has helped make several equipments for the Hezbollah and transferred some of them to Hamas which is the only things they can give for now. Iran is nowadays having difficulty in maintaining its foreign proxies in terms of salaries, equipments etc due to sanctions.
@Falcon29 So you are gunna set the forum rules now on who will say wat ? who the hell are you again, i forgot . No one here is talking about How Iran is funding hamas or watever. These things are coming up as various others important issues are coming up. There is not reason to bully anybody.
Exactly! i fully agree - THis Falcon dude is now HIJACKING this thread by censoring what is discussed and what shouldnt be, but since he doesnt have a mod badge, i dont think thats any of his business. He's trying to rewrite actual military facts (Iran's clear military support for Gaza) by manipulating it and saying that people are saying that IRan takes credit for whats happening in gaza - thats irrelevant! Gaza's performance is 90% based on Iranian help, THAT IS THE FACT> stop trying to use slick ways to deny Iran its credit, it even almost seems sectarian. stop it!
You know what I have noticed so far?

After one side continuously brags about something, it later turns into criticism of other countries. Then the discussion quickly turns into you have done that, while we have done this. Then people somehow turn the resistance into one country led struggle..

Eventually, the discussion shadows what our brothers are doing by themselves.

I haven't banned any poster from any Muslim country on this thread till now. I just want that to stop them in the very beginning so that at least this thread doesn't portray the current true condition of Muslims around the world.

If the only member who belongs to Palestine is annoyed on this behavior of all of us spectators, imagine what sort of shit show all of us must have been displaying.
thank you, but please ask this falcon guy to stop censoring people! he's not the mod and him doing mod work by deciding whats allowed or not allowed is disrupting this thread alot too... just cuz he's Palestinian doesnt mean he should be controlling this thread.
Alright guys, I am out permanently again after 925boy latest post. I am not okay with these people continue using my people blood to promote Iran, or to insult/trash me and try to make me slave for Iran. I will check back tonight to see if these kinds of people are thread banned or not. I will come back on at night if they are. If they aren't, than I will be out for good. Thanks to everyone for support of Palestinian people during these difficult times.
Who has the livestream for the HZ speech?
Alright guys, I am out permanently again after 925boy latest post. I am not okay with these people continue using my people blood to promote Iran, or to insult/trash me and try to make me slave for Iran. I will check back tonight to see if these kinds of people are thread banned or not. I will come back on at night if they are. If they aren't, than I will be out for good. Thanks to everyone for support of Palestinian people during these difficult times.
nobody is using your people to promote Iran, i believe you are being overly emotional, which i understand from thsi conflict, but i also cant accept you manipulating forum rules and stuff because YOU FEEL ITS RIGHT.

now by saying you'll leave until later, you're indirectly blackmailing this thread. PDF- why are we allowing this guy black mail all of us?? is that how we support Palestine??/ smh.
You deleted mine..a reply to 500…I guess The use of the term Nazi is an insult, a double insult if it’s written in capital letters.😂😂😂😂…this thread did fine without moderation…and will be fine without moderation…
Really? Maybe by mistake. I have to select deselect posts so fast that sometimes mistakes occur. We are also humans, not supermen.

If mods leave this thread as it is, you will not be able to breath here even.

It's the warnings from time to time that are working. A few post deletions also work because then people think why invest time writing assume shit that will eventually be deleted.

I am not issuing any infractions, otherwise many of the members would have been banned by now.
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