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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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to make it clear to our PDF guys their are two Jewish groups Zions and regulars

Lol, I down believe it for a second. don't be so naive. They do it to gather intel on who's supporting whom. get your family background, how dangerous you are to them. Ask these "regulars" where their extended families are? yep, all in Israel or settlers. Some admittedly have mental problems so they are pro palestinain in the morning and then they forget to take their pills and support Israel for a week. The are all very mentally unstable people (both types), they like to sing loudly in inappropriate places. be very careful.

I wonder how they were able to locate these howitzers. Just curious but I recommend no one to mention any ideas as their are IDF OSINT people on here

do you think any of us here know something that their intelligence service doesnt know. come on.

Gaznas have drones and get fed satellite Intel by iran. Iran gets it from its own satellites, Turkish or Pakistani assets. Israel knows all this. They can turn on your mobile phone and see everything thats in it. Unless its a Chinese phone on a Chinese network. event then they can access your voice calls on viber and all those messaging apps that they designed.

saudis / gulfies have oil / gas they can atleast divert this to turkey/pak/iran which has oil etc for joint war effort.

gulfies and saudis divert all their money to Israel to help with its defence against Palestinians.

These Ultra Orthodox Jews are very well educated and versed in Christianity and Islam. Even during Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) time the Jews of Medina believed him to be the Prophet, but due to certain circumstances didn't accept but knew based on Torah and Bible this was the Prophet to come. They also knew if the Jews gather in this area from all across the world, we're approaching end of times hence they are vehemently against it's creation.

Even the history of Medina itself is very interesting. It was founded by Jews based on their studies as to where he would come after Hijrah hence a group of them settled in this area.

These guys are the most dangerous, manipulative, two faced snakes you will ever see. You seem to know little about them. if you knew what they did to the people in Europe, you would not believe it. Palestinians have gotten off very very lightly. Europeans have suffered 10's of millions of casualties because of them in various forms. Zionists, secularists, communists, socialists, capitalists. You have only limited experience with them. only 70 years. Why do you thin Europeans sent them down your way.
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Iranian media says that because Hamas announced it few hours ago. They don't know anything more than we know. They need to quit this clownish behavior.
I think it's more to do with Iranians not being able to follow Hamas related news, so they rely on Iranian media to translate and gather from telegram and what not, which has a several hour delay.

I don't like, when they say resistance, because it's only 1 group of peoples alone.
do you think any of us here know something that their intelligence service doesnt know. come on.

Gaznas have drones and get fed satellite Intel by iran. Iran gets it from its own satellites, Turkish or Pakistani assets. Israel knows all this. They can turn on your mobile phone and see everything thats in it. Unless its a Chinese phone on a Chinese network. event then they can access your voice calls on viber and all those messaging apps that they designed.
Oh yeah, they soooo good right? Is that why Hamas has thousands of rockets, longer range rockets and drones out of the blue? Because the Israeli intelligence services are so good a preventing the inflow of raw materials right?

Perhaps, if you think for a moment, they have no idea how they are doing it.
boring with mighty Israel superhuman

I so what the Pakistanis airforce did to Israeli upgraded Indian fighters recently & french

iron dome. only be tested by Pakistani counter parts at its effectiveness. maybe India buy it Pakistan can reveal its weakness and strengths to all
Israeli airstrikes in Khan Yunis. Rally in Qatar in support of Palestinians.
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