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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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We can, only if Jordan and Lebanon give us their airports.

I am telling you this with a lot of trust.. Pakistan doesn't have any bases, nor it is allowed to carryout operations from neighboring countries.

We can't directly fly there and then manage to come back. A reason why Imran Khan is having telephone conversations with multiple leaders, about which information is not coming out.

Brother, you need to understand the dynamics. Countries that are located near Israel can do much more than Pakistan.

Let me give you another account of events of Arab Israeli war.. When one country (I don't want to name it here) requested Pakistani pilots to carryout operations, PAF sent them to that country (my father's friend was part of that mission). By the time they landed, that @ss_ole country had already signed a peace treaty with Israel. Those pilots then used another Arab country's airstrips to bomb the hell out of Israel.

The true figure of PAF IAF engagement is SEVERAL-0.. that no one now tells us.. only the pilots who took part in that operation know the details.

You seem to be an emotional person, and I value your emotions, but understand that NO country will allow Pakistan to operate from within its boundaries.. NO country.
Once IAF started loosing the aircraft they initially thought Gorkha pilots were operating as the pilots were heard speaking Punjabi. Till this date personally we get to hear about these stories but nothing can be published till it is declassified.
Are these guys for real? why would they be supportive of Palestinians. It makes no sense. Could be spies or infiltrators.

These Ultra Orthodox Jews are very well educated and versed in Christianity and Islam. Even during Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) time the Jews of Medina believed him to be the Prophet, but due to certain circumstances didn't accept but knew based on Torah and Bible this was the Prophet to come. They also knew if the Jews gather in this area from all across the world, we're approaching end of times hence they are vehemently against it's creation.

Even the history of Medina itself is very interesting. It was founded by Jews based on their studies as to where he would come after Hijrah hence a group of them settled in this area.
Once IAF started loosing the aircraft they initially thought Gorkha pilots were operating as the pilots were heard speaking Punjabi. Till this date personally we get to hear about these stories but nothing can be published till it is declassified.
Multiple languages.. the aircraft communications were being intercepted with the help of daddy the US of A tech, and Pakistanis were using many languages. If one pilot was speaking hindko, the other was responding to him in Pushto..

Israelis got so confused, they were not able to listen to the plans of bombardment, and every single attack on their capital got successful.
Israeli's are posting misinformation deliberately so Hamas can lie low. But, they aren't going to. Nevertheless, expect heavy Israeli airstrikes tonight around midnight or past midnights.

Also expect the Hamas response at or after midnight.
3 rockets fired into Israel from Syria.
Israeli mouth piece says that it was done by Hezbollah forces in Syria. Also Israelis say it had no casualties as per their agenda.
WhatsApp Image 2021-05-15 at 10.54.44.jpeg
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Israeli airstrikes now in Gaza city near the coast.
3 rockets fired into Israel from Syria.
Israeli mouth piece says that it was done by Hezbollah forces in Syria. Also Israelis say it had no casualties as per their agenda.

New or from yesterday?
Israeli airstrikes now in Gaza city near the coast.

New or from yesterday?
Israeli mouth piece

An other source
Hamas intelligence officers have called residents of a tower in Tel Aviv and asked them to evacuate the building according to early report in Israeli media.


Cannot verify yet, so don't assume it's real until we get more verification.
Israeli mouth piece

An other source

From yesterday.
These Ultra Orthodox Jews are very well educated and versed in Christianity and Islam. Even during Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) time the Jews of Medina believed him to be the Prophet, but due to certain circumstances didn't accept but knew based on Torah and Bible this was the Prophet to come. They also knew if the Jews gather in this area from all across the world, we're approaching end of times hence they are vehemently against it's creation.

Even the history of Medina itself is very interesting. It was founded by Jews based on their studies as to where he would come after Hijrah hence a group of them settled in this area.
they dint accept Muhammad SAW as prophet because he was not from bani Israel for jews only bani israelis are pure!
Yes, we need to make it clear to our PDF guys their are two Jewish groups Zions and regulars (like yourself).
Just as you have Islamic extremists you have Jewish extremists and that is how they should be referred as.
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