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Action Alert: How to complain to the BBC about bias against Palestine
Action Alert: How to complain to the BBC about bias against Palestine

Categories: Latest News

Wednesday May 12 2021

Past weeks have seen horrific abuses against Palestinians, including having their homes stolen by settlers in Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem whilst being beaten by the Israeli police; the burning of Palestinian fields; Palestinian families being attacked in the streets whilst breaking their fast; an unarmed 16-year-old boy was shot in the back and killed by Israeli forces in Nablus; over a hundred worshippers in Masjid Al-Aqsa were injured in an attack by Israeli forces armed with pellet guns, stun grenades, and tear gas while they performed night prayers; and dozens of Palestinians, including children, have been killed in Israeli airstrikes against civilian populations in Gaza.
The BBC continues to label these abuses as “clashes” and consistently misrepresents the aggression and violence directed at Palestinians. Such framing is a betrayal of the honest reporting expected of an impartial broadcaster and legitimises and obscures the scale of oppression faced by Palestinians in occupied Palestine.

Tell the BBC that it has a duty to report Israeli transgressions accurately!
Step 1:
Go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/contact/complaints/make-a-complaint/#/Your Complaint
NOTE: Ignore the notification about “BBC News, Israel-Palestinian conflict” at the top of the page. This will redirect you and your complaint might not be counted!
Step 2:

  1. “General BBC”
  2. “No”
Step 3:
  1. “Lack of impartial reporting regarding Palestine”
  2. Type your complaint. Example:
“I wish to complain about the BBC’s biased TV, website, and radio coverage of the recent attacks against Palestinians by Israeli forces. Past weeks have seen horrific abuses against Palestinians, including having their homes stolen by settlers in Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem; the burning of Palestinian fields; the killing of an unarmed 16year-old boy by Israeli forces in Nablus; the injuring of worshippers in Masjid Al-Aqsa by Israeli forces armed with pellet guns, stun grenades, and tear gas; and dozens of Palestinians, including children, being killed in Israeli airstrikes against civilian populations in Gaza. The BBC’s consistent labelling of such abuses as “clashes” and misrepresentation of the violence directed at Palestinians is a betrayal of the duty to impartiality that the BBC is required to uphold.
Examples of misrepresentative BBC articles in recent days includes:
The use of language such as “clashes” and obscuring the context of such events (for example, presenting the attacks of Hamas without examination Israeli violence over the preceding months) serves only to mislead the public and manipulate the national understanding.
I thus urge you to hold an immediate inquiry into the way such issues have been presented across BBC platforms and henceforth commit to presenting Israeli transgressions with the accuracy that is the bedrock of fair reporting.”
  1. “Bias”
  2. “Yes”
Step 4:
Add your personal details
Step 5:
Review your complaint and submit
Step 6:
If you have Twitter, post the following tweet:
“Just complained to @BBC about biased reporting. #Palestine suffers decades of abuse by the Israeli state. Calling #AlAqsaMosque and #GazaUnderAttack a “clash” manipulates the public, fails honest reporting, and legitimises oppression of Palestinians. What about impartiality? #ChangeTheHeadline”
Simple Troop doing isnt the problem you have to understand whole logistics behind
Lets say Pakistan , Turkey & Iran aggree to send limited numbers of troops and weapons the quickest route is following
AIR for that you will need permission from arab countries to use air space in long terms that means they helped Pakistan, Turkey Attack israel so that will create issues for them and open to attack so will they aggree to it.
2nd If you are dropping weapons and soldiers, how international community will see that i bet you will see more countries supporting israel then Palestine be it with weapons or soldiers.
3 Supply lines, you will need land access and constant supply route to main reinforcements and supplies open which will be open to attack as for israel its fare game since they are getting attacked so ball game will drop back to Muslim countries are they ready for full scale escalation.
4 As in current scenario Pakistan need large chunk of its resources for India, Afghanistan and Balochistan so you cant see huge movements of troops and weapon system on the other side of World, how will india react to that ? As you know which side they are going.
So its not as simple as you think if you need huge Infrastructure for this and you have to look at our situation in instance like these you cant be emotional and have to understand whole situation first then take necessary steps
Simple Troop doing isnt the problem you have to understand whole logistics behind
Lets say Pakistan , Turkey & Iran aggree to send limited numbers of troops and weapons the quickest route is following
AIR for that you will need permission from arab countries to use air space in long terms that means they helped Pakistan, Turkey Attack israel so that will create issues for them and open to attack so will they aggree to it.
2nd If you are dropping weapons and soldiers, how international community will see that i bet you will see more countries supporting israel then Palestine be it with weapons or soldiers.
3 Supply lines, you will need land access and constant supply route to main reinforcements and supplies open which will be open to attack as for israel its fare game since they are getting attacked so ball game will drop back to Muslim countries are they ready for full scale escalation.
4 As in current scenario Pakistan need large chunk of its resources for India, Afghanistan and Balochistan so you cant see huge movements of troops and weapon system on the other side of World, how will india react to that ? As you know which side they are going.
So its not as simple as you think if you need huge Infrastructure for this and you have to look at our situation in instance like these you cant be emotional and have to understand whole situation first then take necessary steps

I didn't say to send troops, I said only to send pallets of supplies. The only country we really need permission is Egypt, I think they would agree to it but keep it a tight secret. We don't need permission from any other country. Egypt will give permission to use airspace only but probably Pakistan will have to station C130's somewhere else like Saudi airbase. I think 3 airdrops of like 30 pallets total will be enough to keep war going for a few more weeks. We'll see where situation stands then.
If this is so correct then why are so many countries, including US afraid of them? you are wrong, simple.
You do know that uncle sam is messing with china in chinese seas ,so are you saying iran is more powerful then china ?
Please look at the weapon system currently deployed by irgc then comment on that.
No one invades another country just for heck of it.
How will china and Russia react if US invades iran ? If they just wanted to cripple the state itself they can just deploye stealth bombers and hit key locations to several damage iran and iran wont be able do much beside trying to hit few bases in muslim countries.

Can Uncle Sam afford another invasion of country when they are trying to move troops out of Afghanistan it will be alot cheaper to move all that to Iran then moving back to states
I thought that was generally hindus didnt know they were sikhs.

Read into Tara Singh and how he followed Neru before that doti screwed him over as well.
The Israelis and Indian's seem to be cut from the same cloth.

But had Tara Singh not left Pakistan and supported Pakistan, the Sikhs would've been in a better position, and they felt stupid when the Hindu's gunned them down in their Golden Temple a mere few decades later. And now Hindus' still slapping them.
Hamas severs ties with Assad, backs Syrian revolt
Hamas says Syria revolt will triumph, turns back on ally Assad; worshipers chant "No" to Iran and Hezbollah.

Hamas Cuts Ties to Syria, Looks to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood

Use google before you claim something. It's off-topic though and I do not want to discuss this now. So, this is the last message we will exchange on this topic for now.

Cutting ties with a regime that was massacring its people because they didn't want one family to forever ruling them and participating the war against that regime are quite different!

Btw, I used google and there was no prove that is out there for Hamas participating the war. Staying neutral in a conflict and participating the war are quite different.
General Qaani head of Quds forces held a phone call with Ismail Haniyeh.

General Ismail Qaani, commander of the IRGC's Quds Force, spoke by telephone with Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamas' political bureau. The Hamas movement said in a statement that the two sides discussed the latest developments in the situation and the conflict in Gaza during the telephone conversation.

General Qaani reiterated Iran's support for the Palestinian people and resistance in the face of the incessant aggression and crimes of the Zionist enemy against Jerusalem and Gaza.

He praised the unparalleled and successful performance of the resistance against the Zionist enemy and the defense of the Palestinian people, and strongly condemned the brutal crimes of the Zionist occupiers against the Palestinians, especially in Gaza and the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem.

Explaining the crimes of the Zionist enemy in Gaza and Quds and the brutal killing of Palestinian women and children, Haniyeh stressed that the battle of Quds is the battle of the whole islamic nations.

He praised the positions of the Islamic Republic of Iran in support of the nation and the just cause of Palestine.
I didn't say to send troops, I said only to send pallets of supplies. The only country we really need permission is Egypt, I think they would agree to it but keep it a tight secret. We don't need permission from any other country. Egypt will give permission to use airspace only but probably Pakistan will have to station C130's somewhere else like Saudi airbase. I think 3 airdrops of like 30 pallets total will be enough to keep war going for a few more weeks. We'll see where situation stands then.
Pallets of what Food or weapons ? Every flight gets tracked if you send weapons how will uncle sam and other react to that that you have to see its not easy as you think.
Please wait here. Please refer to them as Zionists. Protecting the zionists. I am a jew but i have always supported muslim cause and if it means taking up arms on their side; there are thousands of us who stand up for their rights

You are correct all arabs leaders are total sellouts; if it is not for perfume shopping for their women; they are busy buying weapons which cannot be used except to feel good on parades or agaisnt poor yemeni women/children.

You talk of Arabs; where was Iran when the Armenians dogs were going against Azeris? Their duplicity was at the highest. thankfully, Pak and Turkey remained the bed rock. I can say Turkey would still not send manpower when push comes to shove; Pak would have sent in.

What did we see; the mass orgy by Master Bone Sawer and his pimping Gulfies with these Zionists dogs overseen by Kuchy/TiT.

The only way i see is for people to come out in mass and raise up to throw these wretched dogs and their fake rulers out first. PA and Hamas are both segmented and Zionists as well as Arabs have used them to divide further.

Yes, we need to make it clear to our PDF guys their are two Jewish groups Zions and regulars (like yourself).
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