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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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There is no country that will actually go on front with Israel, that is like going on a war with US and allies. In reality we are defeated. We can scream on twitter , facebook, PDF ,Insta but the damage is done. We muslims are done.

They are walking over the weakest among us. Snatching their land and belongings. It is like snatching spoils in a war. The side that loses has to admit defeat and obey to every wish of the victor. An ancient rule that has existed ever since humans roamed the planet.
There is no country that will actually go on front with Israel, that is like going on a war with US and allies. In reality we are defeated. We can scream on twitter , facebook, PDF ,Insta but the damage is done. We muslims are done.
As i said Wake up and bring someone who is not Hypocrite to the Top. Imran can't do shit, he is under Bablu.

War is not for the spineless who have given up on Kashmir for 73 years.

It is our destiny to Stand up. We have been told of this by our Prophet (SAAW) and Allam Iqbal has envisioned what potential we have. We gave our lives and made this country only for this. Some Sellouts have been i power from last 73 years but it's about to end now Insha'Allah. It's just for the people to choose on which side they wana be.

As i said on another thread as well. We will handle India and than we will take our lines to Israel as well. Insha'Allah
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After the first three generations of Islam, Muslims' conscience is the cheapest commodity that can be bought for a few bucks.

The enemy worked hard. He studied and researched. We were sleeping. He studied our core. He worked day and night to find methods to defeat us. He sowed disunity and among us where our own leaders and peoples assisted them all the way. We are not even capable of analysing and learning from our mistakes. We are in a very sorry state.

Unless we don't unite there is zero chance of anything whatsoever. Another hundred Palestines will happen and no one will bat an eye lid. It is like a lion hunting its prey whilst the hunted are clueless. One by one the lion eats the entire jungle until there is nothing left.
Israeli airstrikes are very frequent now, one has hit a government building moments ago. Palestinians firing back at sites near the border for the time being. Protests in various cities across Palestine, including city of Lod. Supposedly one protester was shot by an Israeli and killed there.

Any indication about who is doing the rocket launches? Coordinated effort?

Yeah so far it has been coordinated between all the factions including Hamas.
As i said Wake up and bring someone who is not Hypocrite to the Top. Imran can't do shit, he is under Bablu.

War is not for the spineless who have given up on Kashmir for 73 years.

Its not about Imran , bring anyone you can things will not change. like i said if u go against Israel ( the american child ) you think US gonna leave you ? US will vaporize u and u wont even know it. By the way you directly going to Imran surely are a patwari. Ur noon league has not done anything either
Honestly what has the Hamas leadership been doing all these years? They should have brought in more advanced weaponry to be used in times like these... Very unfortunate.
Honestly what has the Hamas leadership been doing all these years? They should have brought in more advanced weaponry to be used in times like these... Very unfortunate.

Sinai is a military zone, Egypt evacuated the residents of the Gaza border cities and razed the cities down. They have destroyed thousands of smuggling tunnels over the years. It is very hard to get anything into Gaza nowadays. Keep in mind also that Gaza is very small and does not make for a good fighting platform. West Bank would a lot more ideal staging ground.
Sinai is a military zone, Egypt evacuated the residents of the Gaza border cities and razed the cities down. They have destroyed thousands of smuggling tunnels over the years. It is very hard to get anything into Gaza nowadays. Keep in mind also that Gaza is very small and does not make for a good fighting platform. West Bank would a lot more ideal staging ground.
Are there any hamas elements in West Bank and do the participate in conflict?
Its not about Imran , bring anyone you can things will not change. like i said if u go against Israel ( the american child ) you think US gonna leave you ? US will vaporize u and u wont even know it. By the way you directly going to Imran surely are a patwari. Ur noon league has not done anything either
You don't know me at all to say that i care about noon league. How many leagues have come and gone in last 73 years but the Sellouts are the same. Kat putliyon sa kuch nahi ho ga, jis k saharay opar aye wo app ko apnay app ko naga karnay dai ga ?
Sinai is a military zone, Egypt evacuated the residents of the Gaza border cities and razed the cities down. They have destroyed thousands of smuggling tunnels over the years. It is very hard to get anything into Gaza nowadays. Keep in mind also that Gaza is very small and does not make for a good fighting platform. West Bank would a lot more ideal staging ground.
Egyptian betrayal to the cause is such a key element. You never hear one word out of their mouths about Israel/Gaza and the West Bank. Not one.
Are there any hamas elements in West Bank and do the participate in conflict?

Yeah there are, there are no weapons in the West Bank, however. Palestinian Authority and Israeli forces consistently crack down on Hamas activists in the West Bank. With that said, they do have a sizable following in cities like Hebron and Jerusalem.
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