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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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That is correct. One day when all this is over they would be apologizing to Palestinians just like Germans did to Jews post Holocaust

Not all Germans regrets holocaust.

Just like WWII veterans (rapists and criminals) are war heroes in Russia nowadays.

If my government does something bad, it's not my fault, less if it happened decades ago.

German gov/state is insane when investigate people in his 80's, 90's years old for collaborating with nazis :lol::lol::lol:.

USA and NATO has done war crimes as well and Germany dont regret about that!

Truth is... when you have enough money and power, you can be a criminal in the daylight and nobody touch you.
Like USA in 911 atacks, Like China in 2020, or like Germany in the holocaust.

When you run out money, then the world judges you :lol:.
WWI sanctions happened to the German people and they did the holocaust, even though the Jewish had no part in WWI sanctions.

Victimization is a dangerous thing in a person, and a very dangerous thing in a people.

When you see a government promoting the victimization of some people, you can start to be afraid, because something bad they are planning.
Actually the ww1 sanctions had nothing to do with the holocaust unless I'm mistaken?

Ww1 result and sanctions just pissed Hitler off. He wanted Germany to become a great and powerful nation with its third 1000 year reich. He felt... Cucked at the result of ww1 and with the sanctions it really pissed him off.

Regarding the holocaust, its got something to do with subhumans and genuine hatred.
The truth is that this problem is complicated. We are not united. Israel and its lackeys i.e Western supporters and backers are all united. You cannot fight against an enemy who is united, organized and determined when you are scattered all over the place. Arabs have the biggest responsibility. If they unite the Israelis and Western nations are going to sweat. Especially the oil rich Arab nations.
This paragraph, I have been reading in different books since my childhood.

Why do we have such rulers? Because they are from among us. When we see our rulers, we think they are a different breed, no they aren't. They are our reflection.

Their rulers are their reflection. We are corrupt, that's why we have corrupt ruling us. We are coward, that's why we have cowards ruling us. We are divided between different sects, languages, etc, and each one of us thinks that he belongs to the best of all the lineages.. so our rulers think in the same manner.

How many different nations are living within Pakistan itself, forget about other countries for now.

It is time we just accept our (Muslims') fate.. a trailer of which is being shown in Palestine and Kashmir.

media ( Reuters ) manipulating facts.

Israeli air strikes ongoing, most recent ones targeted Khan Yunis. JOR to issue statement soon.

No, they are leading the Joint Operations Room, does not mean they are seeking an all out war. They all coordinate their response together.

Any indication about who is doing the rocket launches? Coordinated effort?
Be patient. Both sides are exercising massive amounts restraint. Both sides can increase their firepower significantly if they chose to. Either this will cease soon, or it will escalate.

Around 150 rockets have been used. That is barely anything. It means at minimum, 150 inceptors are used. This is a farcry away from the thousands that were launched in 2012.

You don't know what will happen if a ground operation starts, perhaps a second front will open somewhere....and the Iron shield will degrade

There are many powerful muslim countries that if launch an operation, can deter israel. Imagine a fleet of naval vessels and submarines from Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, libya, Tunisia and even stronger if gulfies join. Even the whole of Europe will be scared. Muslims can impose a two state solution on israel.
Those that have real power should do something. Pakistan and Turkey don't share direct borders with Israel. We can only do as much as we are already doing. In fact Imran Khan must have brought this up with MBS.

The truth is that this problem is complicated. We are not united. Israel and its lackeys i.e Western supporters and backers are all united. You cannot fight against an enemy who is united, organized and determined when you are scattered all over the place. Arabs have the biggest responsibility. If they unite the Israelis and Western nations are going to sweat. Especially the oil rich Arab nations.

We are still fighting among ourselves. There is disunity and infighting. That is the bitter truth.
Are you gona wake up or not have you heard Ahadees of Prophet (SAAW) ? Than why do you like to ignore it ?
What more do you want to open your eyes ?

Call this call that United imran khan.

Wake up and bring someone who is not Hypocrite to the Top. Imran can't do shit, he is under Bablu.
This paragraph, I have been reading in different books since my childhood.

Why do we have such rulers? Because they are from among us. When we see our rulers, we think they are a different breed, no they aren't. They are our reflection.

Their rulers are their reflection. We are corrupt, that's why we have corrupt ruling us. We are coward, that's why we have cowards ruling us. We are divided between different sects, languages, etc, and each one of us thinks that he belongs to the best of all the lineages.. so our rulers think in the same manner.

How many different nations are living within Pakistan itself, forget about other countries for now.

It is time we just accept our (Muslims') fate.. a trailer of which is being shown in Palestine and Kashmir.

Exactly. That is the crux of the matter. We are corrupt and cowards. There is no denying that. We can be bought and sold very easily. That is our biggest problem. We are not loyal to our own cause. We lack in so many areas. Primarily it is our own fault. Of course the enemy is going to exploit these weaknesses and use them against us.
your talking about the cowardice selfish ruling regimes right?

give the people a chance and see what will happen to the Zionist in occupied Palestine.

Nopes, I am talking about Muslims in General. I don't consider a handful of people a representative sample of the whole Muslim ummah.
There are many powerful muslim countries that if launch an operation, can deter israel. Imagine a fleet of naval vessels and submarines from Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, libya, Tunisia and even stronger if gulfies join. Even the whole of Europe will be scared. Muslims can impose a two state solution on israel.
The US Navy will send your fleet to the bottom of sea in less than an hour. Muslims are in no position to challenge Israel, yours is to watch and stay quiet until your turn comes
Are you gona wake up or not have you heard Ahadees of Prophet (SAAW) ? Than why do you like to ignore it ?
What more do you want to open your eyes ?

Call this call that United imran khan.

Wake up and bring someone who is not Hypocrite to the Top. Imran can't do shit, he is under Bablu.

There is no country that will actually go on front with Israel, that is like going on a war with US and allies. In reality we are defeated. We can scream on twitter , facebook, PDF ,Insta but the damage is done. We muslims are done.
The US Navy will send your fleet to the bottom of sea in less than an hour. Muslims are in no position to challenge Israel, yours is to watch and stay quiet until your turn comes
53 countries, if cannot come up with a diplomatic move to pressurize US are useless to be honest.
Exactly. That is the crux of the matter. We are corrupt and cowards. There is no denying that. We can be bought and sold very easily. That is our biggest problem. We are not loyal to our own cause. We lack in so many areas. Primarily it is our own fault. Of course the enemy is going to exploit these weaknesses and use them against us.
After the first three generations of Islam, Muslims' conscience is the cheapest commodity that can be bought for a few bucks.
53 countries, if cannot come up with a diplomatic move to pressurize US are useless to be honest.
Everyone is after their own interests and they are busy dealing with their own problems. Muslim countries can at best just condemn israel other might burn a flag or too.
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