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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Personally I will lose respect for Hezbollah if they don't step in and help their Palestinian brothers.
What do you think is IRGC reaction to the invasion?
It’s possible IRGC will make a move from Syria , against the wishes of the Iranian president and government especially if Hezbollah refuses to get themselves involved. IRGC cannot force them to fight and die while Iranians can drink tea in comfort in Tehran. Either we fight together directly or not at all.

Groups in Syria and Iraq may make moves in my bet. Many pro-Assad Syrians hate Israelis anyway
Apparently 30 civilians have just been killed by IDF artillery fire. Unverified

Seems indiscriminate
Hamas can never win this battle. They can shoot thousands of missiles. But so far over 300 of them have landed in Gaza itself. And the others, they can’t aim at specific targets. Only at cities. They can’t hit the Air Force, can’t hit their bases. As long as Israel has air dominance, and precision guided weapons, Hamas are sitting ducks. Every battle between Hamas has the same outcome. They kill some Israeli civilians, maybe some IDF soldiers. But they loose a lot of fighters and leaders themselves. Its as simple as that. Hamas can’t win. And the people in Gaza suffer the most. Both from Israel as from Hamas

Israel. No doubt about that

You have a very narrow-minded conception of the term 'victory' and 'defeat'. Israel is far from being the victorious side.
What is the Israeli goal in invading? Are they going to annex parts of Gaza?
Israel is gonna take some heavy casualities this is what Hamas intially wanted ground engagement... The bunkers, ATGMs, and sniper will come handy.. Expect high Israeli casualities the place is labyrinth.. They are running into a fortified frontline who will stand to the last man.. A meatgrinder guaraanteed
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