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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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I think the plane is running away lmao... Tele Aviv is not safe anymore.
Israel Jews lynched and beat what they thought was an Israeli Arab but turned out to be an Israeli Jew in the end of all of it:

Man, there is so much similarity between the two fascists states, India and Isreal. They both big themselves up yet when push comes to shove, start to cave in within no time.

LMAO, all those Pakistani idiots who have been living under the illusion of mighty israel. Hahaha. This is what you lot are marketing to the rest of Pakistan??? A rag tag militia has caused a civil war in Israel LOL. what a powerful country.. NOT!!!!
Hamas military spokesman speech is intended for tomorrow afternoon. Multiple impacts reported in Ashdod and Tel Aviv. Israeli's like to keep details to themselves in the beginning as they don't want to raise morale of enemies but details will be out soon.

Egypt is raising military alert level on border with Gaza according to Al Arabiya. No idea why.

One of homes hit in Tel Aviv:
That home in Tel Aviv was destroyed it appears. Are Israeli's going to claim no injuries? Lol.

Man, there is so much similarity between the two fascists states, India and Isreal. They both big themselves up yet when push comes to shove, start to cave in within no time.

I agree with this, I guess Indians finally happy that Israeli's mimic them in some way by lynching people. :p:
Man, there is so much similarity between the two fascists states, India and Isreal. They both big themselves up yet when push comes to shove, start to cave in within no time.

LMAO, all those Pakistani idiots who have been living under the illusion of mighty israel. Hahaha. This is what you lot are marketing to the rest of Pakistan??? A rag tag militia has caused a civil war in Israel LOL. what a powerful country.. NOT!!!!
Our elders didn't invent this term for no reason: Yahood o Hanud
by the way iran is near middle east or any mddle easterner on here can you accesss ham radio communication and listen to the radios used in israel.
From an Israeli source itself. Caste System of its own kind?? Hello Indians?!! Hello BLM?? Hello Antifa??

" There are hierarchies in terms who gets beaten the hardest. The Ashkenazi middle and upper class for the most part have, historically, been spared much of the violence though the last year’s weekly anti-Netanyahu protests taught us that they, too, can be punched and humiliated. Still, this is nothing compared in terms how police officers treat Ethiopian Israelis, Haredim, and of course, Arabs, who get hit the hardest (if not shot). "

I wonder where are those resident idiots who just cant get enough of licking Isreal arse? Pakistan should recognize Isreali, Pakistan will get benefits and what not!

A rag tag militia has caused a civil war in Isreal, this is how unstable this entity is. LMAO.

Indian rss/bjp terrorists and sympathizers must be feeling very dejected seeing these scenes of civil war coming from their main sponsor.
Can the more knowledgable about the subject tell us if IRGC personnel are actually in Gaza?

I have no doubt that they would be assisting in the smuggling and local fabrication of weapons.
172 pages…a lot of talk and no action! That is exactly the response, if any from the Arab States, some even talked against the Palestinian violence against the peaceful Israelis...Where are the two pouffiasses , the overseers d’El Aqsa, Moh 6 et Abdelah(merde)?
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