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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

Lol, where did you get this info from? No UAE soldier ever set foot into Bosnia in any role.

UAE and Saudis are places Bosnia exports weapons to, hundreds of millions of dollars, recently we sent a mobile GPS guided self loading howitzer to UAE for evaluation, we are hoping they will buy many of them.
This is pretty much the extent of our relationship. They are a very good client. Unfortunately they probably use these weapons to kill innocent Houthis, which all Bosnians support.

The only people Bosnians like are Turks and Erdogan, as well as Pakistan. Iran is also our favourite. We do not support any Arab dictatorship or king. We believe in democracy and good responsible government.

I may have confused it with Kosovo thats where they send troops..

Interesting didn't know Bosnia weapon industry was advanced what else do they produce?
How could some half English king of a fairly poor and not very advanced country be some spiritual leader to 80 million Turks, 200 million Pakistanis who get to elect their leaders and government. You must be joking.

Jordan is militarily strong tho but the half english is just a formality but his still a descent but I can also see why his not fit for the rule for other reasons. Who do you have in mind?

But how come the Albanians are more vigilante then the Bosniaks
From Jordan? what parallel universe are you living in?

Gazans didnt make any such demands, they victory is being able to survive and continue hitting Israel despite the constant Air attacks. That the victory. Being able to impose a cost on Israel for its behaviour.

The objective of staying alive was achieved and they are ready to set the country alight again. They have that capacity along with Lebanon. The arc of deterrence is growing around Israel.

This is just North Korea style propaganda you are writing.

You've exposed yourself through your posts, What a ridiculous assertion.

The only thing that stoped them were the rockets that were sitting their country ablaze.

Lol, where did you get this info from? No UAE soldier ever set foot into Bosnia in any role.

UAE and Saudis are places Bosnia exports weapons to, hundreds of millions of dollars, recently we sent a mobile GPS guided self loading howitzer to UAE for evaluation, we are hoping they will buy many of them.
This is pretty much the extent of our relationship. They are a very good client. Unfortunately they probably use these weapons to kill innocent Houthis, which all Bosnians support.

The only people Bosnians like are Turks and Erdogan, as well as Pakistan. Iran is also our favourite. We do not support any Arab dictatorship or king. We believe in democracy and good responsible government.

Attacks did come from Jordan at some point they even attempted to cross border
This is the woman Erdogan is in legal battle with..


It is just an internal Turkiye politics, and the lady is doing it for internal consumption.
Arabs in Israel have longest life expectancy in Middle East. Every day Israeli hospitals save dozens of Arab lives.

Arabs countries sacrificed tens of thousands soldiers fighting Israel.
Iran sacrificed ZERO fighting Israel. On the other hand they slaughter Syrians for 10 years non stop.
Is that because you take an extra month to kill them you nazi son of xxxxx
I am glad to hear about Israel's ceasefire. Hope Hamas terrorists must have learnt the lessons by now and will try to stick with unconditional ceasefire. If they fire the rockets again then they will see the retaliation!
I am glad to hear about Israel's ceasefire. Hope Hamas terrorists must have learnt the lessons by now and will try to stick with unconditional ceasefire. If they fire the rockets again then they will see the retaliation!

Lmao.. Guess who is who from this gif.. Yes that is right you are the little one


You daddy is the one who took the lesson home
Interesting didn't know Bosnia weapon industry was advanced what else do they produce?

Not too advanced. Mainly just the stuff that we need if the worst comes to worse, and since our army's budget is dependent on the serbs in the country, we have an arms industry that builds stuff we need and stockpiles it until some Arabs buy it. Americans and europeans buy lot as well.

It's mainly ammo, like 500 million round per year gets exported. automatic rifle barrels, howitzer barrels, mortar barrels, automatic grenade launchers, and ammo for all of the above (Artillety shells etc), explosives, TNT, detonators.

So the Army is very small and useless, but the armoury in the average weapons factory has all the goodies. So if there is a war, I suppose the police or army will just arm the civilians form all the stored weapons.

The largest ammo manufacturer is located inside nuclear bunker under a 600m mountain designed to take a direct nuclear strike. So hopefully next time there is a war we won't have to wait for our friends to send some bullets like last time.

Auto Granade launcher and ammo for it

We are trying to sell this to the UAE. Self loading with GPS guidance.

I am glad to hear about Israel's ceasefire. Hope Hamas terrorists must have learnt the lessons by now and will try to stick with unconditional ceasefire. If they fire the rockets again then they will see the retaliation!

“Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs... Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or wholly as their national home”

― Mahatma Gandhi

so you accept that Gandhi was not a visionary leader?
This victory belongs to the Palestinians in Gaza! With high human toll and while being blockaded from land, air, and sea, they stood up to the occupier and came out victorious in this round. With the exception of a few calls, no one used to contest Israel's violations of Al-Aqsa Mosque. No one use to contest the illegal settlements. This is the fist time since 1967 that a real war broke out due to Israeli violations in Al-Qudus. Well, a ceasefire was established, and the resistant is standing strong.
Btw What is up with the overration of Turks and Pakistanis they are not the only ppl

Turks we are culturally close to. since they conquered us for a few hundred years. And they are an amazing military power now. Almost self sufficient in arms production. Probably the strongest conventional military power in the islamic world.

Pakistan is a nuclear power and helped us a a lot in the past. But so did iran.

Arabs are good with money, as trump says, they have a lot of money so they make excellent customers. We don't expect much from them because they are all under occupation by the western imposed dictators and kings. So their leaders don't usually act in the countries interests. We hope they can free themselves in the future, until then we dont expect much from Arab countries.
And neither should the Palestinians.
Times are changing in American politics, young progressives liberals including young jews will bring an end to unconditional support for Israel sooner or later. I can't imagine any politician taking a stand against Israel, 5 years ago, now we have senator Bernie/Warren, AOC and the squad openly opposing Israel.
Impact of Black Lives Matter movement will be felt for years to come.
In 10 years time as Texas turns blue along with the rest of Sun Belt Republicans will be irrelevant and Israel will suddenly be faced with an increasingly alienated ally in US and more assertive China, no longer supporting Israel's war crimes. All Palestine needs to do is to survive for the next 10/15 years, justice is coming!

Yahoo News
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