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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

that wasnt what started the war, taht was what gave Hamas the excuse to start a war on its terms, which is succeeded at.
So explain why Hamas issued ultimatum before starting its mass rocket attacks towards Israel?
So a jew like you forgot...isreali troops entered Al aqsa and fired on worshipper.
Israeli troops literally forced people out of their homes. Like nazis did to your family in Germany
Nazis of Israel arrested kids and girls from their homes and tortured them

All that was nothing. And cow patty brain jew like you says hamas fired back how dare they
Does your mama know you are this stupid?
Al Aqsa and Sheikh Jarrah are still occupied. What did this ceasefire achieve? Israel will re enter Al Aqsa and Sheikh Jarrah some time later.
I don't think we will see another conflict in Israel-Gaza for the next 20-25 years there will be ethblished a strong truce. Israel may return back to targetting Hez and Iranians for fun but this is not good it can change the public opininon into negative so encouraging Hez to reply and Iran is key whenever there assests is targetted. Their passiveness is effecting everyone negatively

Iranian passiveness? lol you must be joking. they made this whole thing possible. Without them this would be just a Gaza protest and few protesters would be shot and everyone would go home.

No one should fall for Israel's intentions in this propaganda here. They want to present the current war between them and Palestinians as one inspired and directed by Iran.

People find it hard to accept that all non Iran influenced Arab countries have warm relations with Israel and would disarm gaza tomorrow if they could. This is all absolutely directed by iran. Of course the Palestinians want it as well to some extent. But it hasn't brought them too much joy.

The truth is this war was triggered by the repeated Israeli violations of Al-Aqsa mosque and the planned evictions of Palestinian residents in Sheikh Jarrah areas in East Jerusalem. The Israeli goals here are to obscure their occupation of Palestine; their lack of respect for the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque; the continued expansion of settlements; and their endless killing and mass arrests against Palestinians as the root causes of this conflict.

this is true also.

The Israelis do know that Hamas is an independent entity that takes no directions from anyone,

We dont know This. And we dont know what the Israelis know, We can only speculate. Usually, entities that have one weapons and money suppler are not that independent.

Victory? Is Palestine liberated? Israel is still occupying East Jerusalem, West Bank, Gaza, Golan, Sheba farms. Ceasefire is no victory. Shoot one rocket from Gaza towards Israel and the war will start again. Meanwhile Gaza is devastated by Israeli bombing.

There are tactical victories and there are strategic victories. This is a tactical victory to military planners in Gaza and Iran and Lebanon. Big setback for Israel.
@Norwegian here u go!
View attachment 745628

gAZA got something big out of it - you're hate for Gaza cant dull Gaza'sachievement..most of your assumptions and conclusions here are stupid.
Govt can't do anything in Sheikh Jarrah Neighborhood dispute. Matter is in Israeli Supreme Court jurisdiction. As for Al Aqsa, lets see how Israeli police behave now.
I wouldn't say a defeat.. But just that it sets a deterence plus red-lines and resets relations while the status-quo remain the same but it opens the door for future better relations between the two in solving the underlaying issues but I wouldn't say anyone won here

actually I DO assert Israel lost... and I’ve given my reasoning.. and pdf people know I’m not into hyperbole..

ps.. pardon.. on mobile..
Israelis are no longer evicting the Palestinian communities from Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem.

It's delayed not canceled
2) Israel is no longer violating the sanctity of Al-Aqsa mosque.
Only until next time of violence at the mosque.
The ceasefire is an Israel defeat
Israel wanted Hamas rockets to stop. Rockets stopped after ceasefire. Defeat?
they are not civilians minus the children every jewish turd settled on occupied land serves or served in army so yes every jewish settler is a legit target minus the kids!
Israeli Jew or Muslim citizen in Tel Aviv is a settler?
I wouldn't say a defeat.. But just that it sets a deterence plus red-lines and resets relations while the status-quo remain the same but it opens the door for future better relations between the two in solving the underlaying issues but I wouldn't say anyone won here
Is Hamas and Israel meeting for peace talks?
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So resistance fighters can attack enemies civilian population because it doesn't have precision missiles, rockets? Makes sense?

If you, a powerful army, attacked a civilian population, with high-tech weaponry, they would use anything to fight you. Not that we agree with attacks on civilians on either side and we wish it never happened; however, put yourself in the shoes of the Palestinians. They're facing a ruthless enemy with huge weapons, who resorted to every method available in their disposal to uproot the Palestinian people.

Btw, your beloved Israel initiated the collective punishment. They even declared they bomb the families of Hamas and PIJ commanders. Here they were going after the wives, children, fathers, and mothers of those Palestinian commanders. Who in the world does something like that in a war?

Conflict flared up after Hamas issued ultimatum, and when conditions not met, started shooting thousands of rockets at Israel. So why did they agree on the ceasefire now when Israel has still not met demands of the ultimatum?

Man, did you read what you just posted? Let me emphasize it for you:

The Hamas terror group threatened Israel with an ultimatum on Monday afternoon, saying all Israeli security forces had to be removed from the Temple Mount and the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem by 6 p.m., or else the so-called “joint operations room” — a body representing the various terror groups in the Strip — would attack.

The two points that I gave you are listed in this section of the article that you shared. And throughout the duration of the conflict up to now (we can't judge what will happen the future), Israeli police has stopped violating the sanctity of Al-Aqsa mosque and the Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah are in their houses and not evicted. Hamas themselves have made very clear that they were assured those 2 promises will be kept through the mediators. So the onus is on you to either show Israeli police violating the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque or evicting those communities from Sheikh Jarrah.

Let me tell you something: Anyone who was watching what was happening can really see how Israel was internationally and militarily humiliated by a loosely armed guerillas. This is a repeat of 2006!!!
Gaza is blockaded from all sides. You can't smuggle missiles and rockets to Hamas

Just ask how iran how it does it

I have a falling out with a very Christian friend from today... A white bible thumper man. I asked him for his opinion a about the recent conflict and his response was basically saying Democrats are anti Israel and that Arafat was offered everything by Israel but Arafat wanted to destroy Israel.. I Said camp David 2000 was a Bantustan offer and told my friend to look up Gush Shalom..an Israeli site itself.. he finally said if you want a prolonged conflict then an Armageddon is coming..
I think these Christian religious nutjobs WANT an Armageddon!!

Does not sound like a friend to me. you lost nothing.
Israel wanted Hamas rockets to stop. Rockets stopped after ceasefire. Defeat?

It’s an Israeli defeat!
Rockets can be turned on any time again and the public Israeli stated goals not met..
Both sides are going to regroup.. Israel to especially look at Egypt complicity in helping gazans and gazans into finding the moles inside Gaza...
missiles will fall from the skies and make jewish pigs wet their kambasha pants
How? Hamas just agreed on ceasefire
There are tactical victories and there are strategic victories. This is a tactical victory to military planners in Gaza and Iran and Lebanon. Big setback for Israel.
War with Gaza always end up in ceasefire after hundreds of Palestinians killed. What's new? It's been happening since 2008.
If you, a powerful army, attacked a civilian population, with high-tech weaponry, they would use anything to fight you. Not that we agree with attacks on civilians on either side and we wish it never happened; however, put yourself in the shoes of the Palestinians. They're facing a ruthless enemy with huge weapons, who resorted to every method available in their disposal to uproot the Palestinian people.

Btw, your beloved Israel initiated the collective punishment. They even declared they bomb the families of Hamas and PIJ commanders. Here they were going after the wives, children, fathers, and mothers of those Palestinian commanders. Who in the world does something like that in a war?

Man, did you read what you just posted? Let me emphasize it for you:

The two points that I gave you are listed in this section of the article that you shared. And throughout the duration of the conflict up to now (we can't judge what will happen the future), Israeli police has stopped violating the sanctity of Al-Aqsa mosque and the Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah are in their houses and not evicted. Hamas themselves have made very clear that they were assured those 2 promises will be kept through the mediators. So the onus is on you to either show Israeli police violating the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque or evicting those communities from Sheikh Jarrah.

Let me tell you something: Anyone who was watching what was happening can really see how Israel was internationally and militarily humiliated by a loosely armed guerillas. This is a repeat of 2006!!!

I think you should work in media.. you have been brilliant
Actually this is a sign from Allah.
Mighty nati America and non nato combined defeated in Afghanistan.
Invincible is really humbled by unguided 18th century rockets.

Low tech is beating high tech.

Exception being Muslim forces in nagorno karabakh where Muslim had the tech in terms of drones
signs of Allah are everywhere but do we are Muslim have believe and faith in Allah? i would say we dont cause if we had these jewish swines would never have dared murdered our brothers and sisters and children! but those who have faith they dint need fancy army or nuclear missile they dint bow down to threats of "bombing to stongeage" they fought had faith and won the mighty america!
So explain why Hamas issued ultimatum before starting its mass rocket attacks towards Israel?

Al Aqsa and Sheikh Jarrah are still occupied. What did this ceasefire achieve? Israel will re enter Al Aqsa and Sheikh Jarrah some time later.

Let us know when Israeli police violates the sanctity of Al-Aqsa by attacking the worshippers there, or when Israel evicts those families from Sheikh Jarrah. If you don't have those 2 items, I guess this discussion is moot. Israelis have promised to international mediators that they will meet with those 2 demands from Hamas.

Israelis who support Netanyahu are blinded by messianic belief that they own everything between Euphrates and Nile and, therefore, they can abuse people for no reason. Anyone who looked at Hamas' 2 demands agrees with them. Even some of the Pro-Israel supporters in the US can't get their head around the reasoning behind attacking worshippers in the month of Ramadan in Al-Aqsa mosque or evicting people from their houses they were living in for over 60 years.
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