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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

Hamas also approves unconditional ceasefire. What happened to ultimatums issued by Hamas that Israel end occupation of Al Aqsa and Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood? Israel is still occupying both. Only winner I see is PM Nutunyahoo who successfully bulldozed opposition leader Lapid's attempts of forming govt with the Arab parties during the conflict.

Hamas' conditions have been Israel to stop violating the sanctity of Al-Aqsa mosque and stop evicting Palestinians from Sheikh Jarrah. Netanyahu was refusing to accept those conditions. This is the reason the ceasefire was agreed in the past. Israel declared a ceasefire immediately after a huge international pressure and Hamas, PIJ, and other factions in Gaza keeping the pressure on Southern Israel. So in this round, it is the Netty boy (aka Netanyahu) who blinked. Let us see if he violates Al-Aqsa mosque or if he continues the evictions.

Contrary to your claims, Hamas never conditioned an end to the occupation for implementing a ceasefire. Not sure if you watched it today, but the IOF and communities in the South of Israel (Occupied Palestine) were taking a heavy beating. And the conditions of the communities in the South that forced Nuttjob's (aka Netanyahu's) hand.
So resistance fighters can attack enemies civilian population because it doesn't have precision missiles, rockets? Makes sense?
Dumbo...even your children get military training...its compulsory. So what effing civilians.. additionally Israel targets schools hospitals and UN centres directly with precision guided weapons. Does hamas have that capability. Where is your brain now? Gand mai.

Jews like you are nazis and nazis were mighty till their end came and your end will also come
So when Israel started this what was its objective genius?
Israel was only pounding Gaza to stop rocket attacks coming from there. After ceasefire this objective is achieved until Hamas get to rearm itself in a year or two. Then this vicious cycle will repeat.
Hamas also approves unconditional ceasefire. What happened to ultimatums issued by Hamas that Israel end occupation of Al Aqsa and Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood? Israel is still occupying both. Only winner I see is PM Nutunyahoo who successfully bulldozed opposition leader Lapid's attempts of forming govt with the Arab parties during the conflict.
Then tell us when last in history Israel agreed to a military ceasefire in which Hamas set the terms????

stop trolling! u be asking dum azz questions and trying to sound smart but in reality you're doing that to hide your ignorance and misunderstanding of the conflict dynamics. smh
War was started because of violence at Al Aqsa and Israel threatening to evict Palestinians from Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.
that wasnt what started the war, taht was what gave Hamas the excuse to start a war on its terms, which is succeeded at.

By the way Mods can you please give @Norwegian Israeli flag.. I know his Pakistani Jew but he shouldn't be allowed to wear Pakistan flag since he probably has tree citizenships from Israel, Norway and Pakistan. Give him Israeli nationality and norway as location. It confuses the forum readers who don't know him. I myself have meet plenty of Pakistani jews who live in Israel in the US who don't claim Pakistani citizenship
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@Norwegian here u go!

gAZA got something big out of it - you're hate for Gaza cant dull Gaza'sachievement..most of your assumptions and conclusions here are stupid.

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