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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

it is in their Destiny that they will build their Temple, by destroying the Mosque. I believe that the words of the Prophet more than few emotional people. Allah has already set his plan in motion, no one has thought that they would return to Jerusalem but they did and now we right in front of our eyes are actively trying to destroy the mosque to build their Third Temple.

What destiny? That thing won't be build until dajjal and what prophecy? No nation will last a day on earth after Al-Aqsa. I know you people believe in conspiracy theory but they are weaker then you realize. In fact Israel is weak in all truthfulness.

Hamas ravaged their entire cities they are fragile and defensive systems not good either.. They don't have the power projection to be a thorn in anyones throat in the region. It is an outpost
Allah has already set his plan in motion, no one has thought that they would return to Jerusalem but they did and now we right in front of our eyes are actively trying to destroy the mosque to build their Third Temple.

That is a misunderstand on the issue of the temple

First , with all good intention - no man can build the third temple. Such a temple can be built only with God's intervention and instruction. Without God's blessing it would be just another brick building.

Second . the temple is not meant just for the Jewish people , but rather his construction would represent the unity and peace between all man kind that is promised to come in the end of days.

'This is how the prophet Isaiah describes it :

2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.

. . .

4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

Isaiah 2

if you recognize the second verse , it is because it is written on a wall near the UN building :


I understand that different religions have ideas about how the end of days would look like. But i find that the differences are not that important.

In any case those are things that only the " Lord " can decide , so i say leave it to him to decide.

I for one , am going to be on my knees praying that such good days as described in the end of days prophecies would come .

And that the truth would reveal itself for the benefit of all man kind.


Where exactly to build the temple or , " house of the lord " once there is peace amongst nations and all of them wish to erect a house to worship together - in that time it would be just a dispute for the architects . . .

And who is better to decide on architecture design than the one who built the entire world , the heaven and the earth ?

What destiny? That thing won't be build until dajjal and what prophecy? No nation will last a day after Al-Aqsa. I know you people in this nonsense fairytale conspiracy theory but they are weaker then you realize.

Hamas ravaged their entire cities they are fragile and defensive systems not good either.. They don't have the power projection to be a thrown in anyones throat in the region. It is an outpost

Yes, and they are working towards it, Rome wasn't built in one day, it was said by Prophet that they will build the temple hence you or anyone else won't be able to stop them. Just wait and watch the events unfold right in front of your eyes.
Yes, and they are working towards it, Rome wasn't built in one day, it was said by Prophet that they will build the temple hence you or anyone else won't be able to stop them. Just wait and watch the events unfold right in front of your eyes.

Can you point us to any quotes from the Koran stating that the Jewish people would build the temple - as I am not aware of any.
Yes, and they are working towards it, Rome wasn't built in one day, it was said by Prophet that they will build the temple hence you or anyone else won't be able to stop them. Just wait and watch the events unfold right in front of your eyes.

It won't happen in our lifetime besides there is no prophecy surrounding that. According to prophecies the Caliphate will settle there for atleast 100-120 years and after their time period ends will 70k jews come from Isfahan together with Dajjal... That is when the temple gets build but also in that period it would be the end of Islam.. Dajjal will destroy an aging caliphate in that era and his a one man army he has superpowers.

Islam itself will come to an end after that Caliphate ends it's rule period and world hegemony for atleast 100-120 years and dajjal will be amongst people for atleast 20 years... Then when his killed Gog and Magog will immediately reset time. only few 10-20k in the whole world will survive Gog magog disaster they will begin life from allover our technology will be lost to humanity.. Dajjal will be killed in the city of Lod by Isa Banu Maryam in circa 2191 AD.

But all that ends once the promise of the prophet has been made true? he said my Ummah will not exceed 1500s.. The end comes around 1597 Islamic calender with the arrival of Dajjal it will force Islam to enter history books. Everything that has a begining has an end..

But not until we get another golden age. The prophet said there will be 3 golden ages.. We have already had 2 goleen ages in the beginning and in the middle and the end.. We didn't begin our end golden age yet and that Golden age could last anything between 120-150 years..

2051-2171 - Caliphate Period

2171-2191 - Dajjal

2191- Isa Banu Maryam period

2194-2195 - Gog and Magog period

Clock resets.. only 10-20k survives the Gog and magog onslaught on humanity. The survivors begin to repopulate the earth slowly thru out the ages Isa Banu Maryam himself gets married and have children then grows old and dies... He will become last prophet to ever walk on earth.. Humanity will keep existing for another thousand years until the world rotates the other way that is the end.. But it doesn't mean judgement day will occur immediately the world will lay in silence for billions of years and just like a barren area.... Everything in the universe begins to die and when everything dies then another big bang happens and once that big bang happens Judgement day takes finally place.. May god save us on that ugly day
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First , with all good intention - no man can build the third temple. Such a temple can be built only with God's intervention and instruction. Without God's blessing it would be just another brick building.

Yes, Indeed it will be the will of God that Jews will return to the land and build the temple, and of course, it will be done by the men as don't expect Angels to descend. And this is my point, The Ideological base of Israel's slaughter and mass killing is that they are working towards a goal which is prescribed by their faith, now for as long as Arabs/Muslims holds even a tiny amount of Power they will resist because they know the value of the Al-Aqsa. Muslims themselves believe that the temple will be built and hence comes the Messiah of the Jews, but later on, the future won't be as good for Jews as they think (at least from Islamic Prospectus).

Second . the temple is not meant just for the Jewish people , but rather his construction would represent the unity and peace between all man kind that is promised to come in the end of days.

Yes but you are missing the point that we have our version of events and how they unfold, hence your Temple for us is a castle of Dajjal the Anti Christ.

I understand that different religions have ideas about how the end of days would look like. But i find that the differences are not that important.

These Ideas become important when one side is actively working to make things happen by using brutal force.

In any case those are things that only the " Lord " can decide , so i say leave it to him to decide.

Yes but that is the point, Israel's Govt is not letting God decide but they are bombing Children and breaking the will of Arabs who they see as Enemies. If you are displacing people in the name of religion then other people have the same right to do that to you, but they don't have that same financial and Military Power.

I for one , am going to be on my knees praying that such good days as described in the end of days prophecies would come .

You should learn about the Orthodox Jews version of the end times, you will be horrified.

And who is better to decide on architecture design than the one who built the entire world , the heaven and the earth ?

At least make sure that don't kill kids and women in process of building the temple.
Can you point us to any quotes from the Koran stating that the Jewish people would build the temple - as I am not aware of any.

End time Prophecies are in Hadith, Quran is for different purpose.
I know you people believe in conspiracy theory but they are weaker then you realize. In fact Israel is weak in all truthfulness.

Absolutely true.. From all strategic levels. The best word of description would be fragile. But honestly it is not their fault tho becuase there is cult like conspiracy theory and part of the anti-semitism itself as weird as it may seem.. All of it is just myth things they said about Isreal negative or positive.
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I've never heard of Palestinians causing problems in Sweden. If they were, they would've been in the news. I think to the extent that you came all the way down to this thread and manufactured a story about the Palestinians in Sweden shows your claims have no merits.
They are in the news, and are harrassing Swedish citizens of Jewish origins. This is clearly connected to the conflict.

Google Translate:
”About 60 people gathered in a pro-Palestinian demonstration on Möllevångstorget in Malmö.
The manifestation has been dissolved with reference to the coronary restrictions.
When people began to leave the place, a person began to express threats and contempt for Jews and Judaism - and he is now suspected of incitement against ethnic groups.”
You should learn about the Orthodox Jews version of the end times, you will be horrified.

Let it make it clear .

The ends of days according to the bible is NOT the domination of one group of people of another. But the dominion of God over all man kind.

Let it make it clear .

The ends of days according to the bible is NOT the domination of one group of people of another. But the dominion of God over all man kind.

...jerusalem shall be trodden down until the time of gentiles be fulfilled. Messiah's rule will replace all human gov.
That is a misunderstand on the issue of the temple

First , with all good intention - no man can build the third temple. Such a temple can be built only with God's intervention and instruction. Without God's blessing it would be just another brick building.

Second . the temple is not meant just for the Jewish people , but rather his construction would represent the unity and peace between all man kind that is promised to come in the end of days.

'This is how the prophet Isaiah describes it :

2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.

. . .

4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

Isaiah 2

if you recognize the second verse , it is because it is written on a wall near the UN building :


I understand that different religions have ideas about how the end of days would look like. But i find that the differences are not that important.

In any case those are things that only the " Lord " can decide , so i say leave it to him to decide.

I for one , am going to be on my knees praying that such good days as described in the end of days prophecies would come .

And that the truth would reveal itself for the benefit of all man kind.


Where exactly to build the temple or , " house of the lord " once there is peace amongst nations and all of them wish to erect a house to worship together - in that time it would be just a dispute for the architects . . .

And who is better to decide on architecture design than the one who built the entire world , the heaven and the earth ?

could you point me to the bible verses where the building ogf 3rd temple are mentioned? Eze 40 onwards?
That is a misunderstand on the issue of the temple

First , with all good intention - no man can build the third temple. Such a temple can be built only with God's intervention and instruction. Without God's blessing it would be just another brick building.

Second . the temple is not meant just for the Jewish people , but rather his construction would represent the unity and peace between all man kind that is promised to come in the end of days.

'This is how the prophet Isaiah describes it :

2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.

. . .

4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

Isaiah 2

if you recognize the second verse , it is because it is written on a wall near the UN building :


I understand that different religions have ideas about how the end of days would look like. But i find that the differences are not that important.

In any case those are things that only the " Lord " can decide , so i say leave it to him to decide.

I for one , am going to be on my knees praying that such good days as described in the end of days prophecies would come .

And that the truth would reveal itself for the benefit of all man kind.


Where exactly to build the temple or , " house of the lord " once there is peace amongst nations and all of them wish to erect a house to worship together - in that time it would be just a dispute for the architects . . .

And who is better to decide on architecture design than the one who built the entire world , the heaven and the earth ?

It's funny all AMEN TALK is coming from a Jew (heretic Jew), who has posted a picture of a Hindu mythological figuring considering Hindus are polytheistic. And this same guy also goes on to quote from religious scripture. Wow, how pathetic of u . I'm more Jew than you ... trust me.

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