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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v


The moment they Hamas can work out how to put some countermeasure(crude jammer or chaff) on the larger long range missile - that can affect by a little, the accuracy of Iron dome - then there will be some real fireworks going on.

For the most part - Iron Dome proved to be v.v. effctive with only a few getting through.
The moment they Hamas can work out how to put some countermeasure(crude jammer or chaff) on the larger long range missile - that can affect by a little, the accuracy of Iron dome - then there will be some real fireworks going on.

For the most part - Iron Dome proved to be v.v. effctive with only a few getting through.

How about yeah.. No

The moment they Hamas can work out how to put some countermeasure(crude jammer or chaff) on the larger long range missile - that can affect by a little, the accuracy of Iron dome - then there will be some real fireworks going on.

For the most part - Iron Dome proved to be v.v. effctive with only a few getting through.
So say the Israelis
Palestinians have moved to Sweden and are now attacking Swedish citizens. What do you suggest we do with them?
Europe accepted Millions of refugees from the Middle East, and some of them are criminals, some are terrorists, and ISIS supporters. What should be done with all the refugees from the Middle East?
Are they here illegally?

I've never heard of Palestinians causing problems in Sweden. If they were, they would've been in the news. I think to the extent that you came all the way down to this thread and manufactured a story about the Palestinians in Sweden shows your claims have no merits.
Palestinians have moved to Sweden and are now attacking Swedish citizens. What do you suggest we do with them?
Europe accepted Millions of refugees from the Middle East, and some of them are criminals, some are terrorists, and ISIS supporters. What should be done with all the refugees from the Middle East?
Are they here illegally?

What is the relevance of your statement of got to do with what is happening in Palestine? Are you comparing criminality with genocide, ethnic cleansing and apartheid?
You really said that with a straight face......
Israel spends hundreds of millions on precission weapons to decrease Palestinian casualties.

Hamas deliberately places thousands of rockets in populated areas to increase Palestinian casualties.
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indeed sad. It is good that the Israeli press makes people aware of the horrific reality of the continuation of this conflict.

You however support the continuation of this conflict till the end of times . Or you sypport Hamas which is the same thing.


Israel could've easily avoided those strikes, the conflict was planned which was initiated from the force-displacement of people of the Al-Jarrah, followed up by Protest in Al-Aqsa upon which Israeli Police used brutal force and then start the rockets/Bombings.

The problem here is that Israel knows that they can kill as many Civilians as possible and get away with it, this is very Powerful sensation individuals and states feel when they realize that they are now Powerful enough to slaughter thousands and will/won't be answerable to anyone. From the History of Jews themselves, Pharoh himself did that, his sense of invisibility was so strong that he declares himself to be the God while keeping Jews slaves and slaughtering them by thousands, he knew that he will get away with it up until the Creator decides to Send Moses PBUH.

The time, Power, and support today are with Israel no doubt, but as they say, everything that rises will fall, every empire/state/Power individual will die one day and will be answerable for the crimes against humanity, People of Israel needs to march against their own brutal Govt before its too late for them.
The problem here is that Israel knows that they can kill as many Civilians as possible and get away with it, this is very Powerful sensation individuals and states feel when they realize that they are now Powerful enough to slaughter thousands and will/won't be answerable to anyone. From the History of Jews themselves, Pharoh himself did that, his sense of invisibility was so strong that he declares himself to be the God while keeping Jews slaves and slaughtering them by thousands, he knew that he will get away with it up until the Creator decides to Send Moses PBUH.

If they were that powerful they would have gotten rid of Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah and killed all the people of the west bank and destroyed the Al-aqsa? Nobody has the power to do that..
If they were that powerful they would have gotten rid of Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah and killed all the people of the west bank and destroyed the Al-aqsa? Nobody has the power to do that..

Indeed . There are millions of of Israelis and Palestinians leaving here. Hence you cant solve this problem by force.

Unless someone is a psychopath willing to see millions suffer.

If they were that powerful they would have gotten rid of Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah and killed all the people of the west bank and destroyed the Al-aqsa? Nobody has the power to do that..

They have that Power, Don't make the mistake of believing that Israel lost here anything except few extra people start using words like Apratide or Genocide against them. They slaughtered hundreds of Palestinians including 60+ Children without any consequences of any kind. Actually, it is in their Destiny that they will build their Temple, by destroying the Mosque. I believe that the words of the Prophet more than few emotional people. Allah has already set his plan in motion, no one has thought that they would return to Jerusalem but they did and now we right in front of our eyes are actively trying to destroy the mosque to build their Third Temple.

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