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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

yehhhhh , here is something we agree on and can work together to achieve for the sake of all man kind.

Don't engage with that guy his to extreme and has totalitarian tendency.. Let the politicians go to work and solution always lays somehwere in between..

I am sure we will end up with two state solution.. There is no desire to take places like Tel Aviv or Haifa or your beach cities. We are not brutal. We understand you have nowhere else to go..

Honestly if I took Jerusalem I would have never kicked the jews out or taken Haifa, Tel Aviv or Eilat from them etc etc. Muslims also don't care about these cities only Al-aqsa and you could even have the western wall for all I care.. There are 22 arab countries and 51 muslim majority countries.. I am sure we could give you these cities without hard-feelings..

By the way you have carried yourself with dignity on this thread.. That is a good example to follow
You have no facts, so stop derailing the thread, weirdo.
The facts are all in the article. There are plenty of similar articles.
The violence goes up whenever the situation heats up in the ME.
The Palestinians are exporting the conflict and the only reasonable explanation is that it is not an Israeli-Palestinian conflict in their eyes. They are in conflict with the Jews and consider them legal targets wherever they live.
As such, it is hardly derailing.
yehhhhh , here is something we agree on and can work together to achieve for the sake of all man kind.

Co-existence is always welcome, it's something we (Abrahamic) Religions have to learn.

Oops celebrated too early .

you started well but than you had to ruin it with a shallow one liner. As if Hamas and Islamic jihad do not keep " slaughtering People in the name of an individual's religion "

Islamic jihad - the name itself evident for what they are all about.

There is not much difference in Ideological reasons between ISIS and Israel Govt, they both use religion to justify slaughtering Innocent Civilians. There is no argument of Hamas not targeting Civilians but the point here is that Israel is bombing one of the most densely Populated Areas in the world resulting in mass civilian casualties.
Islamic Jihad is a very easily thrown out term, and how Western Media used it to vilify the Muslims from the past 2 decades is not hidden. So If you are trying to find an escape under the same old rusty Islamists/Islamic Jihad Argument then you are not going anywhere nor you are genuine in your words of a peaceful solution to the conflict.

You know I can post many many statements both Articles and video where Israeli soldiers, People, leaders have expressed far worse genocidal tendency than those statements from Hamas, As I said when it comes to the thirst for Innocent blood, the Israel Govt has no other competition than Nazi's and ISIS.
Don't engage with that guy his to extreme and has totalitarian tendency.. Let the politicians go to work and solution always lays somehwere in between..

I am sure we will end up with two state solution.. There is no desire to take places like Tel Aviv or Haifa or your beach cities. We are not brutal. We understand you have nowhere else to go..

Honestly if I took Jerusalem I would have never kicked the jews out or taken Haifa, Tel Aviv or Eilat from them etc etc. Muslims also don't care about these cities only Al-aqsa and you could even have the western wall for all I care.. There are 22 arab countries and 51 muslim majority countries.. I am sure we could give you these cities without hard-feelings..

By the way you have carried yourself with dignity on this thread.. That is a good example to follow

Thank you for your kind words my friend.

May peace in sanity prevail

Pakistanis, Turks, Iranians all will forget and at the end we wil lall go home. This thread might also be forgotten. But the Palestinians will keep on fighting.

More importantly our first qiblah will remain in their hands. While muslims have made it seem haram to have strength and do jhad like the old days. Where is our ghairat.
Israeli police approved an extremist settler incursion of Al-Aqsa Mosque again for Thursday. Hamas has warned again it will not allow it.

Uncle Tom Ted Cruz is now bashing the Palestinians while he ignored the massacres and destruction committed by Israel. No US politician can criticize Israel.

I think this guy was involved in forced sexual acts with cultist groups in USA(his AIPAC masters), this is why he is acting like repulsive prostitute. And he looks repulsive too....
Sick, deranged 'palestinian' terrorists hid a Hamas tunnel under a UN-run school.

You can't sink lower than the 'palestinians'. They will use their most vulnerable people as shields. They revel in Children's deaths. Every death is more propaganda point. It's a game to them.

And they deliberately do it under UN schools to cause maximum political damage to Israel when the shool is destroyed.

It really is time for the international community to declare the whole 'palestinian' movement as a terrorist entity. They're all in on it.

UNRWA finds attack tunnel under one of its Gaza schools

A tunnel used Palestinian militants in Gaza was discovered under one of the schools run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) late month.

The UNRWA Zaitoun Preparatory Boys’ School “A” and Elementary Boys’ School “A” was one of two of the organization's facilities damaged during the 11-day Gaza war that ended on May 21.

At the end of May, UNRWA found what "appears to be a cavity and a possible tunnel, at the location of the missile strike," the organization reported over the weekend.

"The depth of the cavity is approximately 7.5 meters below the surface of the school. UNRWA discovered the existence of a possible tunnel in the context of the investigation of the fired missile," it explained in a statement to the media.

Sick, deranged 'palestinian' terrorists hid a Hamas tunnel under a UN-run school.

You can't sink lower than the 'palestinians'. They will use their most vulnerable people as shields. They revel in Children's deaths. Every death is more propaganda point. It's a game to them.

And they deliberately do it under UN schools to cause maximum political damage to Israel when the shool is destroyed.

It really is time for the international community to declare the whole 'palestinian' movement as a terrorist entity. They're all in on it.

UNRWA finds attack tunnel under one of its Gaza schools

With traitors like this guy, who needs enemies? Although he may not be a moroccan Muslim.
Sick, deranged 'palestinian' terrorists hid a Hamas tunnel under a UN-run school.

You can't sink lower than the 'palestinians'. They will use their most vulnerable people as shields. They revel in Children's deaths. Every death is more propaganda point. It's a game to them.

And they deliberately do it under UN schools to cause maximum political damage to Israel when the shool is destroyed.

It really is time for the international community to declare the whole 'palestinian' movement as a terrorist entity. They're all in on it.

UNRWA finds attack tunnel under one of its Gaza schools

Who is dumb enough to believe and trust the nonsense that is written in Jerusalem Post? Oh wait, it is the scum like you who does it. Israeli propaganda is getting so lame that they are writing anything that the human mind can't comprehend. Let us hope and pray the expiry date of this cruel entity comes soon.
Sick, deranged 'palestinian' terrorists hid a Hamas tunnel under a UN-run school.

You can't sink lower than the 'palestinians'. They will use their most vulnerable people as shields. They revel in Children's deaths. Every death is more propaganda point. It's a game to them.

And they deliberately do it under UN schools to cause maximum political damage to Israel when the shool is destroyed.

It really is time for the international community to declare the whole 'palestinian' movement as a terrorist entity. They're all in on it.

UNRWA finds attack tunnel under one of its Gaza schools

Nice try:

UNRWA said that the tunnel was not connected to the school. There is no "indication of the existence of any entry or exit points for the tunnel within the premises," it added.

It was very deep under streets. And perfectly acceptable defensive mechanisms against Israeli assaults. UNRWA is upset because their Zionist official who defended the IDF will no longer get protection.
With traitors like this guy, who needs enemies? Although he may not be a moroccan Muslim.

He's Moroccan Jewish guy living in Israel or UK.

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