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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

Israel is 300+ billion USD economy with 100+ billion USD exports. What is 3 billion USD in comparison?

Israelis don't have oil so they can't invest in infrastructure like rich Gulf States. It's a high tech export nation and they can only build infrastructure based on their on tax money.
This is the times when munafiqs will become very clear.
The guy you are replying to is not even Iranian yet you like your corrupted PM talk about Iran all the time. Nice to know that Iran is always on your minds. Perhaps we should enforce a more prolonged war on Israel to force you guys to live in the shelter for years.

Btw, this latest conflict showed us many footages of Israeli cities and towns. It really looked like a sh.ithole and i am not even exaggerating.. i thought with all the free money and assistance you get from the USA you would have some decent infrastructure in place. Telaviv looks like a s.hithole compared to Tehran. Ask any tourist who has visited both countries.
Swarms of Iranians come to this thread although u are thousand miles away.
You are spending billions to kill some Israeli civilians.
You are running millions on Jerusalem day marches (can u imagine Tehran day in Israel? LOL).
You are burning Israeli flags:

Swarms of Iranians come to this thread although u are thousand miles away.
You are spending billions to kill some Israeli civilians.
You are running millions on Jerusalem day marches (can u imagine Tehran day in Israel? LOL).
You are burning Israeli flags:

Jewish women are very beautiful. Children from them will be free men and women Inshallah.
What is it you don't get the guy is not a Munafiq. His a Pakistani-Israeli there are plenty of them living in Israel right now as we speak.. Open your eyes and he never even denied being Pakistani-Israeli jew since he was ousted
Oh yea. Good chunk of Pakistani jews, qadianis and bahais.

Whenever Israel presents the narrative that "many muslims" are with them they are usually talking about these.
Swarms of Iranians come to this thread although u are thousand miles away.
You are spending billions to kill some Israeli civilians.
You are running millions on Jerusalem day marches (can u imagine Tehran day in Israel? LOL).
You are burning Israeli flags:

Instant karma :D :D :D
Open your eyes and he never even denied being Pakistani-Israeli jew since he was ousted
Denial won't help as nobody believes in Muslim Zionists anyway.
Oh yea. Good chunk of Pakistani jews, qadianis and bahais.
Is it because Jews, Qadianis, Bahais live in peace in Israel unlike Muslim countries where they are all persecuted?
Americans were in pursuit of Al-Qaeda Network in Af-Pak region; they succeeded in defanging this organization in the region (primary objective of Operation Enduring Freedom accomplished). Afghan Taliban were ousted from power for providing cover to Al-Qaeda Network (secondary objective of Operation Enduring Freedom accomplished). Resulting power vacuum was filled by creating a new government for Afghanistan (another secondary objective of Operation Enduring Freedom accomplished).

USA had much better access to Afghanistan via Pakistan however. Pakistan was in a good position to protect its interests in Afghanistan therefore. USA never declared Afghan Taliban a terrorist organization for instance (what does this tell you?); negotiations with Afghan Taliban were on the cards in fact. These negotiations commenced in times of Obama administration and bore fruit in times of Trump administration. These negotiations were not about release of American POW from prison camps of Afghan Taliban or the instrument of surrender of US-led forces to Afghan Taliban in Afghanistan. These negotiations were about Afghan Taliban accepting American terms for Al-Qaeda Network in exchange for EXIT of US-led forces from Afghanistan; mutually acceptable resolution to both camps in the end. This is a political settlement and does not suggest DEFEAT of either camp.

Your statement (see post # 1437) - gives the impression that Afghan Taliban defeated US-led forces in battlefield(s) of Afghanistan and Americans were negotiating release of American POW or something on these lines. This is patently false assertion. It would be a grave mistake to PREDICT how US-led forces would fare in conventional battle(s) with another army (or militia) in another territory on the basis of developments in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan is not politically stable to begin with; Afghan Taliban restored peace in numerous parts of the country only to fall under the spell of Al-Qaeda Network and WE know how this panned out. Pakistan is making the right call by fencing Durand Line in the present. This should have been done before but better late than never.
Stop peddling the same narrative , we are immune to it. No matter how much spin you put on it the fact is the US armed forces were militarily defeated by a small guerilla force. The biggest mistake the US made was it did not not learn from the Soviet adventure and committed the same mistakes. However unlike the Soviets a lot of American people made a lot of money in this capitalist war. It was more of a financial gain expedition than a war expedition as billions of dollars disappeared into the Afghan Blackhole and then most likely into offshore or Swiss accounts. Any way this is discussion for another thread.
What does he say at that grave? Thanks for barrel bombing, starving, gassing and torturing millions of my brothers?
You trolled the forum for more than 10 years in favor of foreign Jihadis fighting against the legitimate Syrian government. Your decade long forum trolling on this website to cause division among muslims and to create rift between nations fell apart brutally just within 1 week after you became crazy and bombed innocent Civilians in Gaza.

''Innocent victims'' of the resistance...

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Swarms of Iranians come to this thread although u are thousand miles away.
You are spending billions to kill some Israeli civilians.
You are running millions on Jerusalem day marches (can u imagine Tehran day in Israel? LOL).
You are burning Israeli flags:

Before Netanyahu came to power there was no real and harsh focus on Israel from Iran. Not at this rate we see today. Blame Netanyahu for inflaming the situation to enrich himself. After all.. his power base is dependent on uneducated people like you.
Before Netanyahu came to power there was no real and harsh focus on Israel from Iran. Not at this rate we see today. Blame Netanyahu for inflaming the situation to enrich himself. After all.. his power base is dependent on uneducated people like you.
Fake News. Netanyahu became PM in 2009. While your Iranian President Ahmadinejad has been inciting against Israel since 2005.


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