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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

I know about Satanic rituals and stuff as much as anyone researching these things. Free masons of this era use Kabbalistic knowledge to deceive people in joining these cults but then they use it to do blood magic and all sorts of stuff. My point is you cannot blame the Knowledge of sacred philosophy wen bad ppl learn it to acquire knowledge about reality but then use that knowledge on Black magic or for the bad of humanity.

I'll give u an example, lets take for instance the field of psychology.... A psychologist is aware of constructs of the human mind and the nature of emotional elements that work in it. Now the psychologist can use his knowledge of how mind works and can use it to guide ppl in the right directions by unveiling to them the very reality of their mind. Or the same psychologist can use this knowledge to get inside a person's head, manipulate their emotions to perhaps use them as his Sex Slaves. These sort of things are possible. Any knowledge points to unveiling the nature of reality and can be hence used for all purposes including magic.

Kabbalah is the a doctrine that unveils the very reality of the mind...it unveils the latent construct of the entire universe and illustrates the blueprint that exists in every fragment of reality. It shows the laws that govern the mind and the universe.The doctrine does not preach immorality, it doesnt tell u "go and do black magic with the knowledge" just like physics doesnt tell u "you shud not have sex with other woman behind ur wifes back" cuz having sex with woman or having sex with goat (like so many of ur arab brothers do) is not the concern of Physics, physics only teaches about the laws of matter.

I know about Satanic rituals and stuff as much as anyone researching these things. Free masons of this era use Kabbalistic knowledge to deceive people in joining these cults but then they use it to do blood magic and all sorts of stuff. My point is you cannot blame the Knowledge of sacred philosophy wen bad ppl learn it to acquire knowledge about reality but then use that knowledge on Black magic or for the bad of humanity.

I'll give u an example, lets take for instance the field of psychology.... A psychologist is aware of constructs of the human mind and the nature of emotional elements that work in it. Now the psychologist can use his knowledge of how mind works and can use it to guide ppl in the right directions by unveiling to them the very reality of their mind. Or the same psychologist can use this knowledge to get inside a person's head, manipulate their emotions to perhaps use them as his Sex Slaves. These sort of things are possible. Any knowledge points to unveiling the nature of reality and can be hence used for all purposes including magic

You have exposed youself when you typed that in? In Magic there can't be a field? And no there is no good or bad magic all magic is evil and dark. Strictly harmful and forbidden. Anyone who practices magic or learns how to do certain tricks has no future in the hereafter and sealed his fate such is the price. There is huge price to pay in magic so there is nothing like hey wait I will practice but not do harm with it? But it doesn't work like that my friend.

You also mention something about enlightens what govern their mind yada yada all this mambo jumbo sounds exactly like someone getting access to some other dimension beings aka Jinns and getting in contact with them is strictly forbidden in Islam and yes including all these sufis who claim to having jinn assistance should be given death penalty period in the ruling of Islam and also these who claim to be saints and can perform miracles would face death penalty in Islam.

No magician were allowed on the land in the time period of the prophet(sa) such is the teachings of Islam.

You ain't white washing magic for me..

I remember during the time of one of the big Ulema in Islam I can't remember whether it was Hanbali. But what happened was that a man was telling people outside the Mosque collect as many stones as you can and that he would know how much you are holding without showing him.. People were amazed by this man but guess what happened?

Hanbali entered the crowd he first watched him and analysed him and then said do it with me.. He picked stones without seeing or counting them before collecting it. The magician couldn't guess what his holding and how much he has?

What happened next is funny.. He told them you see this man can't guess what I am holding? It is because when you collect and count his Jinn will ask the Qaran who many did he collect and the qaran will tell him but he said I didn't see when I was collecting so my Qaran couldn't tell his Jinn how much I am holding..

The Magician was silent he admitted few seconds later his head was chopped on the spot
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in did it is not a deed.

However the ending is good -there is world peace

to me it is simple . There are two nations on this lands, they can either get along or continue to make each other suffer .

I think if someone took all the money that was wasted on those last rounds with Gaza , on both sides , and invested them in Gaza , by now it would be like Singapore,

Simply madness


Correct, a solution to this conflict isn’t a problem of money it’s both sides willing to live with each other. The Palestinians need to be compensated for what happened to them. This could be via both land, money and resources. They need to have access to land, water, and air.

Unfortunately Israel will not be as secure if they do this, however, the greater security risk for Israel is continuing settlements on Palestinian lands which are internationally recognized as occupied.

The war with Gaza proves how fragile Israel’s strategic depth is. If the Israeli right continues to run away from a two state solution, there will come a point in time when world opinion will change and they will be defeated in a conventional confrontation- effectively making the state a single state. This is certain and Israeli left need to address this quickly and push for a two state solution to prevent such a nightmare.
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Al-Hindi: Israel ran to the Egyptian mediator in recent days of the conflict in order to intervene for a ceasefire

34 percent Israelis say they support two state solution. Can't you read?
but 19% want 1 state and 20% DONT KNOW, so thats basically 39% that either wants 1 state or doesnt know, THATS BAD. smfh...bich azz
AP (Associated Press): 2000 housing units were completely destroyed during the bombing of the Gaza Strip, 15,000 were partially damaged, 800,000 people did not have regular access to clean drinking water, and about 50% of the water network in Gaza was damaged during the Israeli aggression on the Strip.

Exactly.. This is what I have been telling our Bosnian friend many pages ago. I have been to Israel before and I can confirm that it is not a rich country period. It is a middling economy with bad infrastructure. They don't use energy or money on infrastructure.. The only city that has somewhat good infrastructure was a small city called Eilat that is bordering Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt it is located in the furthest south

If you say it has bad infrastructure, ok, I haven't been there and you have. Maybe you are used to danish infrastructure which is world class in the larger cities anyway.

Even if Israel has sub par infrastructure, the fact remains these people just have unlimited money and great riches beyond our wildest dreams. Maybe they dont invest so much in infrastructure because they figure its not a long term project.

Whatever the reason, they still have all the money in the world. Money is never going to be their problem. In the west, they own everything.
Ordinary people are fine in Israel. Minimum wage in Israel is more than 1600 $ a month. Israel is most advanced technological and hi tec power in Middle East.

Iran in 1970-es was a country with economy and industries growing at insane rates. It had GNP per capita higher than South Korea and 1.5 higher than Turkey. Today it is retarted 3rd word country ruled by IRGC mafia.

And those who take Khamenaistic Iran as ally are in much worse state. Gaza is no exception. Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen - all are failed states.
Thanks for telling the truth here.
If you say it has bad infrastructure, ok, I haven't been there and you have. Maybe you are used to danish infrastructure which is world class in the larger cities anyway.

Even if Israel has sub par infrastructure, the fact remains these people just have unlimited money and great riches beyond our wildest dreams. Maybe they dont invest so much in infrastructure because they figure its not a long term project.

Whatever the reason, they still have all the money in the world. Money is never going to be their problem. In the west, they own everything.

They don't have unlimited money and far from it. Don't confuse them with the Jews of Florida.. These guys are americans they don't invest in Israel and jews are greedy instead Israel survives on 3 bil usd yearly paid by the US tax payers this money goes to the Israeli govt and becomes salary..

As far as Denmark and West europe goes they have middling infrastructure they don't go full lavish or world class top infrastructure like Singepore, Qatar, UAE, South Korea, Bahrain, Kuwait, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Shenzhen, Malaysia, suzhou, Hong Kong and Melbourne.

The Israeli economy is not as good as you think either.. Settlements and the risk is taken for economical aid from the government the economy is not good across the whole country. It is a myth that Israel has endless money but it is the opposite.. They have enough to get by...

Middling economy not starving not either wealthy
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My friend, if you really are a Jew then you are being a hypocrite right now (no offense, just being honest) every time if a thread is created or someone mentions Muslim Ummah you and few others use very derogatory remarks and make fun of Muslims....but when it comes to Israel you are defending a genocide. You clearly know that nobody is against the real Jews, its the Zionists that are committing war crimes in Palestine.
What's wrong? Wouldn't you defend your country if attacked? Israelis are doing the same against Hamas attacks.
The guy you are adressing is Pakistani-Israeli so it is like talking with a wall why even waste your time..

These are living anyways on borrowed time.. Let them live in fear and their little bubble got bursted. We are here and forceful against them... They ain't doing shit and no shit is given about them or their little opinions.. We can de-exist this little hell hole any time it steps out of line
Israel is not going anywhere. It has been tried to erase Israel already in 1948 war, 1967 war, 1973 war and many small wars after that.
And where would you claim the promised land to be ?

The return of the sons of Israel to the promised land is the main motive in the bible , by many prophets :

17 “Therefore say: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will gather you from the nations and bring you back from the countries where you have been scattered, and I will give you back the land of Israel again.’

18 “They will return to it and remove all its vile images and detestable idols.

19 I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.

20 Then they will follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. They will be my people, and I will be their God

Ezekiel 11 - 17-20

Thanks for your input here.
If you post something, your subsequent posts will be added to the first post unless at least 10 minutes pass by before you post the next comment. If, however, someone else makes a comment after your first one, you won't have this problem. That is what I've discovered.
Ah i see, thanks
If you claim the land on religious grounds, there would no bigger hypocrite than one who does that. Because god of Abraham and according to Judaism homosexuality is against teachings of Judaism so is drinking and modern way of life that lit up Tel Aviv the modern homosexual capital of the world. Matter of fact, there are clubs and bars in the holy city of Jerusalem. So your claim that god of Abraham gave you the land is a baseless claim whatsoever with nothing to back up with. I can only show you why you have no more claim to this land if anything.
Why does it matter now? Israel is already a reality on the ground since 1948.
One can argue all that happened was just chance and had nothing to do with the bible prophecy.
Was (Shoah) Holocaust also a chance or planned mass killing of Jewish people by German Nazis?
i know, but i want his response on double standards...they don't have the right to target Ummah after this hypocrisy.

Now i also came to understand why "Pakistan should accept Israel" threads are created after every few weeks by same group of PDF members.

They target it because they fear it. Mentioning it negatively makes all the munafiqs pop out who hate the ummah too so they like seeing that view spread.
That the Sons of Israel would be gathered from many nations back to the promised land.

And that even they will think they sit safely in the land of Israel they will be attacked by many nations -

and only after that would the covenant with God be renewed , not just by Israel but by all nations.

this are what the prophecies of the bible say in a nutshell.
That's amazing. Thanks
You could have lived peacefully with the Palestinians but your greed got the better of you.
Live peacefully with Hamas? Good luck with that.
Your wealth is fake, you got free money at the expense of the American and British tax payers.
Israel is 387 billion USD economy with 100 billion USD exports.
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