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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

You Iranians who support Assad are same as Israelis. In fact you are worse because Assad killed far more Muslims than Israel.

Israel tries to say all Muslims it kills are terrorists.
Iran kills sunni Muslims and tries to paint them all as ISIS too.

There is no difference between you or that norwegion guy or that other jewish guy who is posting.
Iran propped up Asad regime.
Iran propped up Hamas regime.
Iran propped up Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Iran propped up Houthis in Yemen.
And then they claim they are innocent angels.
Yeh the ayotollah are shaytan, fully agreed.

You aren't any better though. You have a pakistan flag on your account and support zionist terrorism. Are you even Muslim?
Ever heard of Muslim Zionists?
I support peaceful co existence between Arab and Jews.
You Iranians who support Assad are same as Israelis. In fact you are worse because Assad killed far more Muslims than Israel.

Israel tries to say all Muslims it kills are terrorists.
Iran kills sunni Muslims and tries to paint them all as ISIS too.

There is no difference between you or that norwegion guy or that other jewish guy who is posting.
Einstein, there are 1.6 BILLION sunni muslims in the world. A very large part of these sunni muslims remained neutral or even supportive of the Syrian government during the foreign CIA-backed Jihadist invasion of Syria. The majority of the sunni population worldwide -except a few radicals on Saudi and Israeli payroll- were and are on the side of Iran. In fact, 99% of Sunnis worldwide do not approve what the CIA-trained and funded FSA and other foreign fake jihadists did in Syria. What happened was a plot against the whole muslim population and only a few fools like yourself fall for it.

Repeating Zionist and American lies put you automatically in the same camp as Netanyahu, Trump and the rest of the criminals. I have no tolerance for engaging your Israeli narrative.

If by now you are still asleep and have not realized what the Israelis are doing then it is no longer just being unaware on your part. It is simply participating in the propaganda warfare of the Zionists.

There is a saying and it goes like this : you can never wake up a person who is pretending to sleep. So continue pretending. I have no interest to engage with you further. Do not bother.
Einstein, there are 1.6 BILLION sunni muslims in the world. A very large part of these sunni muslims remained neutral or even supportive of the Syrian government during the foreign CIA-backed Jihadist invasion of Syria. The majority of the sunni population worldwide -except a few radicals on Saudi and Israeli payroll- were and are on the side of Iran. In fact, 99% of Sunnis worldwide do not approve what the CIA-trained and funded FSA and other foreign fake jihadists did in Syria. What happened was a plot against the whole muslim population and only a few fools like yourself fall for it.

Repeating Zionist and American lies put you automatically in the same camp as Netanyahu, Trump and the rest of the criminals. I have no tolerance for engaging your Israeli narrative.

If by now you are still asleep and have not realized what the Israelis are doing then it is no longer just being unaware on your part. It is simply participating in the propaganda warfare of the Zionists.

There is a saying and it goes like this : you can never wake up a person who is pretending to sleep. So continue pretending. I have no interest to engage with you further. Do not bother.

Speaking about terrorists when you yourself has recruited plenty of sectrain terrorists.. You have recruited Hazara, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Hezbollah and plenty of other terrorists.

What were these Pakistani militias doing there and why did they die at Turkey's hands

50 Pakistani fighters killed in Turkish strikes in Syria — Pakistan officials

You have destroyed the country yourself and Syria as you know is gone and gave birth to 3 defacto countries.. You invited in Russia in order to be saved from these rebels but this only lead to Turkish intervention and 3 partitions.

The more forgotten about Syria the better and a shameful internal conflict and irrelevant
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It should not be of any concern to this thread what religious scriptures say about Palestine/Israel, nor should be of any concern who rules Israel. That's because religious scriptures are ancient and may or may not be accurate and we will never be sure; useless talk!

Sir how can your discount the significance of religious scriptures in this conflict. Apparently, this "Real Estate" issues stems from the prophecies or indications of having the right to own, return and settle in the "Holy Land". In my opinion if you take the religious factor out of the equation then yes it might be possible to resolve this issue.

The Use of Scripture in the Current Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
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Einstein, there are 1.6 BILLION sunni muslims in the world. A very large part of these sunni muslims remained neutral or even supportive of the Syrian government during the foreign CIA-backed Jihadist invasion of Syria. The majority of the sunni population worldwide -except a few radicals on Saudi and Israeli payroll- were and are on the side of Iran. In fact, 99% of Sunnis worldwide do not approve what the CIA-trained and funded FSA and other foreign fake jihadists did in Syria. What happened was a plot against the whole muslim population and only a few fools like yourself fall for it.

Repeating Zionist and American lies put you automatically in the same camp as Netanyahu, Trump and the rest of the criminals. I have no tolerance for engaging your Israeli narrative.

If by now you are still asleep and have not realized what the Israelis are doing then it is no longer just being unaware on your part. It is simply participating in the propaganda warfare of the Zionists.

There is a saying and it goes like this : you can never wake up a person who is pretending to sleep. So continue pretending. I have no interest to engage with you further. Do not bother.

Yes bro, every thing anti-ayotollah is CIA plot. In fact, I too am a CIA agent posting this from a secret top CIA propaganda lab. Don't tell anyone my secret though.

You're really living in some fantasy if you really believe 99% of the Muslim world is behind you.

Insha'Allah the zionists and the alawites and ayotollahs will all be kicked out of Syria and Palestine in our lifetime.
Ever heard of Muslim Zionists?
I support peaceful co existence between Arab and Jews.

Yeh I've heard of those people.

"O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people."

— Saheeh International
A failure in achieving your objectives is a defeat. Unable to defeat an enemy a 1000 times weaker than you is a defeat. Spending a thousand times more than your enemy and unable to beat your enemy is a defeat. Retreating and abandoning your allies is a defeat. You can put whatever spin you want but the US and NATO forces have been defeated and humbled by one of the poorest nations in the world, A rag tag coalition of goat herders has defeated the greatest army and the greatest expenditure mankind has ever seen. They have created a monster on Pakistan's doorstep and left Afghanistan in more turmoil and bloodshed.

I agree almost what you termed as defeat EXCEPT in order to rejoice a victory you need to make sure that you are able to maintain peace and have full confidence that you will be able to neutralize ANY form of threat to the lives of a common citizen of your Country in the long run. I am afraid the way things are on the ground NO ONE is 100 % sure how things will turn out.

Peace and stability in Afghanistan is paramount and have a direct impact on the stability of the Countries who share border with it, more specifically Pakistan. The enemies of Pakistan will avail ANY possibility of creating enough CHAOS in Afghanistan to warrant a return of foreign forces and unfortunately ONLY time will tell if a sustained peace will be attained for the innocent Afghani civilians.

I am not aware of any developments so far on the involvement of Countries together sharing border (and probably Russia) with Afghanistan in the implementation and support (monetary, humanitarian and military) to overcome the vacuum that will be created by the return of foreign troops to their respective countries which is of very critical importance. Make note that this is the vary vacuum which is always referred to be used by the "non-state" actors in Afghanistan.
Ok tell what Israel should do against thousands of rocket attacks on its civilians from Hamas in Gaza? Shut down Iron Dome, ground its Air Force, Pray?
Eradicate the gentiles with utmost ruthlessness ... as gentiles have lesser value... :what:
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Israeli miscalculated the escalation and they were caught by surprise thinking this couldn't spread to where the eye doesn't see which will by default force a more sensitive approach from the UN and a lasting solution to a potential trigger point location and sensitive area in general. Tensions has a consequence in a region like this that is emotionally fuel and unpredictable and removing all road blocks is necessary for peaceful co-existing which is something the UN has to realize in order to safeguard the world order.

Hamas has also displayed capabilities that i myself didn't even know because they took even me by surprise. I predict a long lasting peace for the next 2 deacdes this ceasefire will hold as the international players will put an effort into it because it is in there long term interest
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Yet Palestinian population has grown since 1948
Boy it took you that long to come up with this "one-liner" ... which is utter non-sense ... for once try to get the sarcasm in my post... i.e. you cannot have ANY moral grounds of making ANY defensive argument when "by design" the opposite party is categorized as gentile... :what:
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