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Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage


He said you are in dismissed list. Obviously cant read your elaboration. :lol:

You are right....Kha.. is wasting time about telling the the truth because some are in this forum are.... deaf, dumb, and blind in the satuuation of the turth. sorry for my english
You are right....Kha.. is wasting time about telling the the truth because some are in this forum are.... deaf, dumb, and blind in the satuuation of the turth. sorry for my english

It never hurts to say the truth, if the other person wants to put his/her head in the sand thats their problem.
Whats wrong with you? Jesus Christ will come as a Musilm. Haven't you read the Qur'an? Thats why the promise land should be in total control of Muslims.

The comment was about others religious believes , what they are thinking.
Israel supporters rally in L.A. after raid on Gaza-bound flotilla

Demonstrators show support for the Jewish state as it defends itself against an international outcry over the deadly raid.
June 06, 2010|By Alexandra Zavis, Los Angeles Times

Katie Falkenberg, For The Times

Supporters of Israel rallied in front of the country's consulate in Los Angeles on Sunday as the Jewish state continued to defend itself against an international outcry over a deadly raid on a pro-Palestinian aid flotilla bound for the Gaza Strip last week.

"Today we call all the world to wake up," said Israeli Consul General Jacob Dayan, who addressed the cheering crowd while wrapped in his national flag. "Those who led the flotilla were not peace activists. Those who tried to murder our soldiers were not freedom fighters."
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* Support Our Ally IsraelShare facts of Israel's defense from Gaza flotilla radicals. AIPAC - America's Pro-Israel Lobby

Protesters said Israel has been unfairly criticized for enforcing a blockade that is necessary to prevent weapons from reaching Hamas, the militant Palestinian group that controls Gaza and refuses to recognize Israel's right to exist.

"Every other country in the world has the right to defend itself, and Israel, which does it in a very humanitarian way, is vilified and damned," said Ira Cohen, a Los Angeles podiatrist who held up a handwritten sign saying, "Mr. President, you must support Israel."

Los Angeles police estimated the crowd in front of the consulate in the 6300 block of Wilshire Boulevard at about 2,200. It was the latest of several recent Los Angeles demonstrations supporting and opposing Israel's raid.

Israel's actions have brought widespread international condemnation and threatened its relations with Turkey, once an important Muslim ally. Nine activists were killed last Monday in a clash with Israeli commandos who rappelled from helicopters onto the Turkish-owned Mavi Marmara. On Saturday, Israel's navy seized another protest vessel trying to reach the Gaza Strip without incident.

Aid groups say the blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt has done little to weaken Hamas and has devastated Gaza's economy, leaving 80% of the territory's 1.5 million residents dependent on international aid. The Obama administration says it is working quietly to persuade Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to relax the policy.

A parade of local and state politicians dropped by Sunday's demonstration, which was organized by the Israeli Consulate, the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles and other community groups. They included Republican gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner, Republican Senate contender Chuck DeVore, U.S. Rep. Brad Sherman (D- Sherman Oaks), Los Angeles City Controller Wendy Greuel and City Council members Paul Koretz and Janice Hahn.
Israeli MP who was on the flotilla "tries" to make a statement in the Knesset

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Israeli MP who was on the flotilla "tries" to make a statement in the Knesset

YouTube - knesset members attacks haneen zoabi after free gaza fortilla

goodness, and I thought our parliament was full of wild animals.

they cant even let the lady talk without being interrupted......and then at the end they manhandle her

this is how they treat women (officials at that) over there???

moral decay, denial, fungus and mildew. thats what i think of people like the ones in that room
IHH Preparations for a Violent Confrontation with IDF Soldiers
Aboard the Turkish Ship Mavi Marmara

16. Preparations for the confrontation with the IDF included the following:

A. Briefing the hard core before the IDF takeover (briefing carried out by Bülent Yildirim).

B. Separating the volunteer passengers from the hard core and sending them below (all passengers who did not “contribute” to resisting the IDF were ordered below decks and told to stay there).

C. Donning ceramic vests and gas masks.

D. Arming themselves with cold weapons which had been collected and manufactured on board the ship. They included knives, axes, tools, metal cables and metal clubs which had been sawed off the ship’s railings (using disks which had been brought along for the purpose). Metal screw-nuts were strewn on deck to make footing uncertain.

Disks for cutting the railings, and metal cables
Disks for cutting the railings, and metal cables
(IDF Spokesman, June 3, 2010).

17. The IHH operatives were instructed not to allow the IDF soldiers to board the ship and to throw those who did manage to board into the sea. Close to the time of the IDF boarding, IHH head Bülent Yildirim gave orders to his hard core operatives to form a human chain and to use chairs and clubs to beat back the soldiers and throw them into the sea.

18. When the Israeli Navy boats which approached the ship threw grappling hooks to board the ships, the operatives removed them and threw them back.

Pictures taken by security cameras aboard the Mavi MarmaraPictures taken by security cameras aboard the Mavi Marmara document the preparations
made by the pro-Palestinian operatives to attack the IDF (IDF Spokesman, June 3, 2010).

Weapons Found on Board the Ship

19. The following weapons, which according to statements had been prepared in advance:

A. One hundred ceramic vests imprinted with the Turkish flag. They were worn by IHH operatives as well as doctors and correspondents (as part of preparations for violence)...


Q&A: Is Israel's naval blockade of Gaza legal?


Yes it can, according to the law of blockade which was derived from customary international law and codified in the 1909 Declaration of London. It was updated in 1994 in a legally recognized document called the "San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea."

Under some of the key rules, a blockade must be declared and notified to all belligerents and neutral states, access to neutral ports cannot be blocked, and an area can only be blockaded which is under enemy control.

"On the basis that Hamas is the ruling entity of Gaza and Israel is in the midst of an armed struggle against that ruling entity, the blockade is legal," said Philip Roche, partner in the shipping disputes and risk management team with law firm Norton Rose.


Under the U.N. Convention of the Law of the Sea a coastal state has a "territorial sea" of 12 nautical miles from the coast over which it is sovereign. Ships of other states are allowed "innocent passage" through such waters.

There is a further 12 nautical mile zone called the "contiguous zone" over which a state may take action to protect itself or its laws.

"However, strictly beyond the 12 nautical miles limit the seas are the "high seas" or international waters," Roche said.

The Israeli navy said on Monday the Gaza bound flotilla was intercepted 120 km (75 miles) west of Israel. The Turkish captain of one of the vessels told an Istanbul news conference after returning home from Israeli detention they were 68 miles outside Israeli territorial waters.

Under the law of a blockade, intercepting a vessel could apply globally so long as a ship is bound for a "belligerent" territory, legal experts say.


Under international law it can use force when boarding a ship.

"If force is disproportionate it would be a violation of the key tenets of the use of force," said Commander James Kraska, professor of international law at the U.S. Naval War College.

Israeli authorities said marines who boarded the Turkish vessel Mavi Marmara opened fire in self-defense after activists clubbed and stabbed them and snatched some of their weapons.

Legal experts say proportional force does not mean that guns cannot be used by forces when being attacked with knives.

"But there has got to be a relationship between the threat and response," Kraska said.

The use of force may also have other repercussions.

"While the full facts need to emerge from a credible and transparent investigation, from what is known now, it appears that Israel acted within its legal rights," said J. Peter Pham, a strategic adviser to U.S. and European governments.

"However, not every operation that the law permits is necessarily prudent from the strategic point of view."


No, as under international law it was considered a state action.

"Whether what Israel did is right or wrong, it is not an act of piracy. Piracy deals with private conduct particularly with a pecuniary or financial interest," Kraska said.


None so far but the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), an association which represents 75 percent of the world's merchant fleet, has expressed "deep concern" over the boarding by Israeli forces, arguing that merchant ships have a right to safe passage and freedom of navigation in international waters.

"These fundamental principles of international law must always be upheld by all of the world's nations," the ICS said.


All legal arguments criticizing Israel that I have seen are general charges that proponents try to apply, ignoring that specific laws exist dealing with this matter. It is like a defendant arguing in court that the police had no right to arrest him for speeding because the police car had to break the speed limit to catch him.

The Arab press - even the liberals - now crows that the mission wasn't about humanitarian relief but about breaking the blockade, plain and simple. link

Perhaps Israel's leaders should welcome a fair international investigation into the incident. Israel didn't do anything criminal or excessive and has nothing to hide. Who, exactly, would be embarrassed by such proceedings?

In the end Hamas has refused the aid from the intercepted flotilla. link Even so, Israel continues normal supply operations to Gaza.

Once more I am convinced the label I originally used to describe this incident applies: a depraved plot.
lol @ Soloman

dude, just give up. Arent you american, why are you being their apologist and propaganda mouthpiece?

is there something we should know
Arent you american, why are you being their apologist and propaganda mouthpiece?
Who do I have to be? You think it isn't my business? Or yours?

"Business!" cried the Ghost, wringing its hands again. "Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were, all, my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!"

I know what I'm doing, Abu Zolfiqar. What are you up to?

The only one you are convincing is yourself. Regardless of all the PR the Israeli side does, the facts and the names of the dead are in front of the entire world.

You can sit there all day long talking about "preparations" of the people to defend the Israeli takeover, but where does that leave the preparations of the Israeli SF who were training for weeks on how they would go about taking over?

I think after 2000 posts on this thread, most of us already have a pretty good idea who was and is on the wrong side.
I think after 2000 posts on this thread, most of us already have a pretty good idea who was and is on the wrong side.
So there are no more questions of fact, yes? Excellent. There is only this question:

Why are you not openly endorsing the Israelis for killing the militants who assaulted them?
So there are no more questions of fact, yes? Excellent. There is only this question:

Why are you not openly endorsing the Israelis for killing the militants who assaulted them?

What do you smoke solomon:smokin:

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