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Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

dont dream that far son.
u can get such al mehdi hobblywobbly stories in every religion n cult.
muslims are not god's(real god,not allah) favourite , and u dont need much intelligence to see that.

You Gardonstani......
Vedas also states about Last prophet and LAst Armaggedon..
Bible and Gospel also quotes about Last Prophet..
You often read Holy books..
Who told you muslim are God's favorite..
Read Quran whole As you read your desirable quote.
Quran is for all humanity,,,Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Budhists,
For Israelis it is a matter of survival. They have nowhere to go. Palestinians have enough land to build their country and live happily. But that is not what they want. They want revenge and are readly to kill themselves for that. Most Palestinians prefer being killed in a nuclear bomb if the Jews are also going to be killed than leave side by side with the Jews and share the land with them.

You chootiye,,,
If israel really want peace then why they invades Gaza,,,Give them the independence....
You Gardonstani......
Vedas also states about Last prophet and LAst Armaggedon..
Bible and Gospel also quotes about Last Prophet..
You often read Holy books..
Who told you muslim are God's favorite..
Read Quran whole As you read your desirable quote.
Quran is for all humanity,,,Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Budhists,

ok, muslims are god's favorite , i take my words back.
are u happy now..??

now post on topic.
There will be peace in Palestine the day Palestinians put down their arms and start negotiating on equal terms.

This is not happening because Muslims hate the Jews gutturally.
Palestinians are not homeless. After sixty years they are not refugees. Israelis built thier country from scratch during these years, Palestinians could have done the same. But their leaders got the money from USA, filled their bank accounts and financed war with Israel instead.
Now the question is, if not in their ancestral land, where the Israelis should build their country. Where do you think they should go? Would Antarctica satisfy you or rather you’d prefer they are sent to Mars?

You should go and pass your 12th Grade and plz make sure that History and Geography should be passed..
Msg to the one who started this thread stop causing tensions there is enough in the world.. you were not confussed about the video infact you knew exactly what you were doing when posting that stupid video.MODs plzz kindly close this thread.
@Vishal Gutsy.

It seems as you're preconceptions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are being set in stone and you will be difficult to convince.

all those who say israel has captured palestinian land , please refute these verces

The verses are there for all to see. The fact is that muslims controlled those parts for over 1000 years, which can be proven.

Please provide evidence that the area in question was solely for Jews from the beginning of their state in ~2000b.c, until now.

do u agree that the country isreal always existed in middle east as the quranic and biblical verces say , and therefore they have not stolen anyone else's land , and just got back their own land that was always theirs.
u think these quranic verces are wrong and there was no such nation called israel historically n jews have no right over the land of israel.

You would be a fool to say there wasnt ever a land called Israel. And you would be a fool to say that the jews are just reclaiming their land. Most of the jews in Israel are of European stock with no connection to the land, no roots other than Judaism. How many semitic Jews do you see as opposed to Ashkenazi?

Most of the jews that returned are of secular nature, and used the 'god gave me the land' argument when convenient for them.

why do muslims claim that israel has stolen palestinian land , when in thier own quran its written that israel is land of jews.

Israel WAS the land where the jews came from, you seem to forget the 2000 odd years from then onto the present day. Why is that?

The truth is that the Jews never deserted Israel completely. Many of them have been living there forever. But their land was under the domination of other powers, such as the Romans, the Caliphs of Islam and the Ottoman Empire.

You seem to have the view that the world is static in boundaries and demographics to justify your position on Israel. This is a weak argument, and as you should know, emigration, expulsion, and changing political climate shape the world, not scripture.

The jews were living in Palestine as some would still attest. Zionism is what increased tension between the native population, as it lead to pretty much a massive influx of immigrants into already populated lands, with radically different ideologies to the natives. Of course conflicts were going to happen.

but its muslims who have been crying over a tiny piece of land israel , which was never theirs.

For how many years did the Jews have a sizeable presence in the holy land? How many years for muslims. You will find the number very similar.

You generalise too much, exposing your limited knowledge on the subject. Orthodox jews, Christians, muslims, AND atheistic secular jews are all 'crying' over the tiny piece of land.

To deny that the land was never really their just shows a lot of your mentality. You will have no sympathy for palestinans, muslims or arabs with regards to Israel, which you regard as superior in history, and present to them.

There will be peace in Palestine the day Palestinians put down their arms and start negotiating on equal terms.

Do you not see the irony of this statement brother? Israel has the munitions, manpower and control to do with the Palis anything they wish. The ball is in THEIR court for peace, as Hamas and the PLO have stated that there will be peace, as pre the 1967 borders, halting to settlement growth and the RIGHT OF RETURN OF PALI REFUGEES. Israel deems this unnaceptable, hence the pro quo.

This is not happening because Muslims hate the Jews gutturally.
Palestinians are not homeless. After sixty years they are not refugees.

Im a muslim and i do not hate Israel. I know Palestinans who do not hate israel. You generalise. Please stop. This blood libel theory you are suggesting at it incorrect. Muslims and Jews HAVE lived in peace, and CAN live in peace.

Israelis built thier country from scratch during these years, Palestinians could have done the same. But their leaders got the money from USA, filled their bank accounts and financed war with Israel instead.

Oh please. The nation of Israel had millions of highly educated refugees from Germany, USSR, USA performing aliyah to Israel brining a tonne of brain power. A brain gain unlike anything in history.

Back this up with generous funding from Europe and the US, and you have a nation that grew rapidly and became advanced much faster than the palistinians who were afforded no such luxuries.

Indeed, over 4 million refugees of Palistinan stock, which you refuse to recognise are prohibited from returning to their lands. How can a nation progress if half the population isnt allowed within it?

Now the question is, if not in their ancestral land, where the Israelis should build their country. Where do you think they should go? Would Antarctica satisfy you or rather you’d prefer they are sent to Mars?

Stop being so cocky.

It is the ancestral land as much as it is the Palis.

Can you tell me the difference between the israelites and semitic arabs?


For Israelis it is a matter of survival. They have nowhere to go.

Again, the irony escapes you.

Palestinians have enough land to build their country and live happily. But that is not what they want.

The issue at hand is that they dop not have enough land. Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas on the planet. Land is continually being taken, by the growth of settlements, and divided by Israeli opnly roads, as well as the security wall which encroaches FAR into pali territory.

You have no facts. You have generalisations and idiocy.

They want revenge and are readly to kill themselves for that.
Most Palestinians prefer being killed in a nuclear bomb if the Jews are also going to be killed than leave side by side with the Jews and share the land with them.

How can you know this unless you asked every Pali what he wanted.

Palis are humans, of course they want peace and prosperity. You refuse to see this, because as i said, you have your preset biases and you will not change your view.

Palis and jews have lived together in the past, no issue. Now due to the influx of european zionism, and the subsequent rise in tensions, they do not live in peace.

But if hamas can say they would acecpt peace with Israel, then pretty much anyone bar hitler could make peace with them.

Please stop seeing everything as black and white with regards to this issue.
Msg to the one who started this thread stop causing tensions there is enough in the world.. you were not confussed about the video infact you knew exactly what you were doing when posting that stupid video.MODs plzz kindly close this thread.

ok. so u agree that jews have every right over the land of israel , and they have every right to be there ?
dont dream that far son.
u can get such al mehdi hobblywobbly stories in every religion n cult.
muslims are not god's(real god,not allah) favourite , and u dont need much intelligence to see that.

Muslims are not Allah's favorite,,,You do your research first..
When you believed in Israel's prophecy then you should believed Mahdi's prophecy too,,,there is no need of inteligence is required...
For you I cant say....
ok. so u agree that jews have every right over the land of israel , and they have every right to be there ?

Jews have no right....
They invaded illegally,,,
The house you are living was once my house so plz get out of there..

I am glad that not all Muslims want to drive the Jews into the sea. But Ahmadinejad has wowed to nuke Israel out of the face of the earth. He is also building atomic bomb and his allies, Hamas and Hezbollah, are just around the Israeli borders to whom he supplies missiles. You don’t need to have all Muslims wanting your extinction. Only a few mad ones are enough. Not all the Germans were supporting Hitler, but nonetheless Hitler massacred six million Jews.
After the horrors of the holocaust became known it was clear that Jews must have a homeland. Even Einstein, who at first was opposed to the idea, backed the plan. The obvious place was their ancestral land. If you call this a myth, you are calling Muhammad a liar. They were not given Israel because their god had promissed them that land, but because historically it was thiers.
Today, more than half of the Jews residing in Israel are refugees from Yemen, Iraq, Iran and other Islamic countries.
Jews can live anywhere and thousands of years living as second class citizens has thought them that life can be harsh. They learned that if they don’t strive hard they starve. So Jews went after science, knowledge and business and succeeded in life. Despite all the discrimination, thanks to thier experties, they were finacially better off than the majority. However, their success also had its downside. The losers often felt envious and made the Jews escepgoats for thier own miseries.
They spread hate against the Jews, telling stories such as Jews want to take over the world, they invented the fable of the Elders of Zion, and other lies. Considering the lessons of history it is important that these people have a place that they can call home and be safe.Like i said earlier For Israelis it is a matter of survival. They have nowhere to go.
You ask what about the Palestinians. That is a fair question. But who are the Palestinians? Palestinians are partly Egyptians and partly Jordanians. They are not people of the land. Most of them are recent migrants. Palestine is a region. There has never been a country called Palestine for you to say Israelis have stolen our lands. And the Palestinians have enough land to build their country and live happily.
If the Palestinians cannot tolerate Jews, they can go back to where they came from. They actually did that but once in Jordan they plotted to overthrow the government of King Hussein until he butchered them by thousands and kicked them out of his country. You people can’t live in peace with anyone, not even with yourselves. You are a warrior people, or to put it bluntly, savages.
If the Palestinians stop their violence and hatred against Israel, they can live in Israel and have full citizenship. Palestinians in Israel are treated well.On the other hand any jew in Palestine will be killed at sight. If the rest of them abandon violence the problem will be solved. But you don’t want peace. Poor Anwar Sadat was assassinated for making peace with Israel. Any Palestinian politician who porposes peace with Israel will be killed on the spot.

The war in the Middle East is not over land. It is over religious beliefs.

now lets assume , that jews abondon that place and go to some other island.
will that automatically stop the bloodshed...???
offcourse not.

have a look at this video.

Last edited by a moderator:
It does not mention how many you have to kill to consider it a genocide,...
A genocide ALWAYS imply mass wholesale killings of a very specifically targeted group whose members can distinguish themselves from others through unique characteristics that could be racial or cultural. Not only that, these killings must be a part of a systematic process. Systematic, not random as in the randomness of a street crime. The victims must carry those unique racial and/or cultural characteristics. They must be killed based solely upon those criteria, not because they have committed any crimes or even accused of any crime.

And who decides what is the number of kills before you can term it as a genocide.
Sadly enough, the more the more the word 'genocide' is casually used in rhetoric, the more people in the rest of the world gradually become immune to its moral seriousness when a true genocide occur. Like it or not, it is already happening. No one above the self appointed title of 'activist' take the charge of 'genocide' seriously when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinians conflict. They, the decision makers of the world, knows what is a true 'genocide' versus a rhetorically contrived one.

now lets assume , that jews abondon that place and go to some other island.
will that automatically stop the bloodshed...???
offcourse not.

have a look at this video.

YouTube - About Hamas (palestinian terror) P1/2

India should be a better place for jews,,,I think Maharashtra province should become Israel..
In future if ISRAEL IS WIPED out then next Israel should be maharashtra..

I am glad that not all Muslims want to drive the Jews into the sea. But Ahmadinejad has wowed to nuke Israel out of the face of the earth. He is also building atomic bomb and his allies, Hamas and Hezbollah, are just around the Israeli borders to whom he supplies missiles. You don’t need to have all Muslims wanting your extinction. Only a few mad ones are enough. Not all the Germans were supporting Hitler, but nonetheless Hitler massacred six million Jews.
After the horrors of the holocaust became known it was clear that Jews must have a homeland. Even Einstein, who at first was opposed to the idea, backed the plan. The obvious place was their ancestral land. If you call this a myth, you are calling Muhammad a liar. They were not given Israel because their god had promissed them that land, but because historically it was thiers.
Today, more than half of the Jews residing in Israel are refugees from Yemen, Iraq, Iran and other Islamic countries.
Jews can live anywhere and thousands of years living as second class citizens has thought them that life can be harsh. They learned that if they don’t strive hard they starve. So Jews went after science, knowledge and business and succeeded in life. Despite all the discrimination, thanks to thier experties, they were finacially better off than the majority. However, their success also had its downside. The losers often felt envious and made the Jews escepgoats for thier own miseries.
They spread hate against the Jews, telling stories such as Jews want to take over the world, they invented the fable of the Elders of Zion, and other lies. Considering the lessons of history it is important that these people have a place that they can call home and be safe.Like i said earlier For Israelis it is a matter of survival. They have nowhere to go.
You ask what about the Palestinians. That is a fair question. But who are the Palestinians? Palestinians are partly Egyptians and partly Jordanians. They are not people of the land. Most of them are recent migrants. Palestine is a region. There has never been a country called Palestine for you to say Israelis have stolen our lands. And the Palestinians have enough land to build their country and live happily.
If the Palestinians cannot tolerate Jews, they can go back to where they came from. They actually did that but once in Jordan they plotted to overthrow the government of King Hussein until he butchered them by thousands and kicked them out of his country. You people can’t live in peace with anyone, not even with yourselves. You are a warrior people, or to put it bluntly, savages.
If the Palestinians stop their violence and hatred against Israel, they can live in Israel and have full citizenship. Palestinians in Israel are treated well.On the other hand any jew in Palestine will be killed at sight. If the rest of them abandon violence the problem will be solved. But you don’t want peace. Poor Anwar Sadat was assassinated for making peace with Israel. Any Palestinian politician who porposes peace with Israel will be killed on the spot.

The war in the Middle East is not over land. It is over religious beliefs.

Quran says about the land of israel for a particular period and it will be over soon..
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