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Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

The Jews are here to stay whether people like it or not. The sooner people accept this the better.
Palestinians are native to the middle east.

A lot of the Jews coming into Israel are from Europe and America and have european ancestry.

Do you think that people with ancestry from other parts of the world coming in to displace native peoples is right?

Didn't the Israelites take the land from the Canaanites - Making them invaders themselves?

When the Romans created Palestine, the area was inhabited by Jews.
But people don't necessarily stay the same, these Jews probably converted to Christianity and later to Islam. So you could also say that modern Palestinians have an ancestral claim to the land as well.

I am glad that not all Muslims want to drive the Jews into the sea. But Ahmadinejad has wowed to nuke Israel out of the face of the earth.

You cannot prove this brother, because he did not say this. This misquote is widespread, and understandibly so. It provides a perfect excuse to deny Iran nuclear technology.

If Pakistan could develop nukes to counter India, who could develop them to counter China, then Iran can in order to counter Israel. No nation will tolerate such a threat without a defence, and unfortunately, to defend against such weapons, you must have them yourself.

He is also building atomic bomb and his allies, Hamas and Hezbollah, are just around the Israeli borders to whom he supplies missiles.

There is a gigantic leap between providing katyusha and anti tank missiles and providing a fully fledge nuclear bomb. That will never happen.

You don’t need to have all Muslims wanting your extinction. Only a few mad ones are enough. Not all the Germans were supporting Hitler, but nonetheless Hitler massacred six million Jews.

I agree, but i also feel that you are blowing the situation out of proportion. Saudi arabi has ties with Israel, as do Egypt and Turkey. These are the major Islamic nations, and so to say that muslims want to make Jews extinct is crazy. Did christians want to make jews extinct during WWII?

After the horrors of the holocaust became known it was clear that Jews must have a homeland. Even Einstein, who at first was opposed to the idea, backed the plan.

A fun fact about Enstein, he wanted a state that did not call for the displacement of the native palistinans. If he could see israel today, he would be turning in his grave.

Please read this if you have time.

Einstein opposes Jewish State

A quote from the great man himself.

I should much rather see reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of living together in peace than the creation of a Jewish state

The State idea is not according to my heart. I cannot understand why it is needed. It is connected with narrow-minded and economic obstacles. I believe it is bad. I have always been against it
The obvious place was their ancestral land. If you call this a myth, you are calling Muhammad a liar. They were not given Israel because their god had promissed them that land, but because historically it was thiers.

I am not denying the historicity of Israel, as you are the historicity of the Palestinans.

Today, more than half of the Jews residing in Israel are refugees from Yemen, Iraq, Iran and other Islamic countries.

Please verify with a source. I do not think this to be true, especially after the influx of millions of Soviet jews.

Jews can live anywhere and thousands of years living as second class citizens has thought them that life can be harsh. They learned that if they don’t strive hard they starve.

So Jews went after science, knowledge and business and succeeded in life. Despite all the discrimination, thanks to thier experties, they were finacially better off than the majority. However, their success also had its downside.

I give Jews great credit for their abilities. They may have been second class citizens in Europe, but i say to you, that they were treated well in Muslims lands.

I put forward the example of Jews in andalucia under muslim rule. Also, when the catholics of Spain wished to convert jewry upon pain of death, it was the muslims, under teh ottoman Bayezid who provided them a safe haven in ottoman lands where they could prosper as equals.

The losers often felt envious and made the Jews escepgoats for thier own miseries.

This applies to Europe, and everyone who thought themselves cheated by the banking system they percieved as jewish.

Indeed, both Hitler and Stalin gave speeches agains "international jewish financiers". Did the muslims say anything like this? Did they say, prior to the zionist influx, that jews were responsible for their misfortunes, as Europe did?

They spread hate against the Jews, telling stories such as Jews want to take over the world, they invented the fable of the Elders of Zion, and other lies.

The Protocols was published in Russia.

Again, muslims had nothing to do with its publication. To imply that muslims were behind this, and similar publications is factualy incorrect. Europe has always been the most antisemitic place in the world, not muslims lands as you might think.

Considering the lessons of history it is important that these people have a place that they can call home and be safe.Like i said earlier For Israelis it is a matter of survival.

There were calls for massive emigration to Palestine prior to the holocaust. The holocaust provided the extra support they needed to finally get what they wanted. Of course they need a home, we all do, but to sensationalise it so, is misleading, incorrect.

You ask what about the Palestinians. That is a fair question. But who are the Palestinians? Palestinians are partly Egyptians and partly Jordanians.

Irony escapes you yet again....Who are the Jews? Russians, Germans, Ukrainians, Hungarians? How are they from this land? How can they lay a claim if the Palestinians can not?

Most of them are recent migrants. Palestine is a region. There has never been a country called Palestine for you to say Israelis have stolen our lands.

They have been linked to those lands for a long time. How ironic you mention 'recent migrants'. The recent migrants are the jews. Can you not see this? The migration of the jews has happened within the last 70 years only. I put it to you that there has been a land called Palestine, for many years. Read through some manuscripts. What did the arab armies call the land, Israel? No it was Palestine then, and it is Palestine now. It may not have had a resemblence of a nation at the time of jewish immigration as it had been a province of the Ottomans, and then the British. Was it the British mandate of 'israel' or 'Palestine'?

And the Palestinians have enough land to build their country and live happily.

No they do not, and that is the whole issue here. What little land they do have is being diminished by growth of settlements. This is THE major obstacle to peace, and you cannot see this.

If the Palestinians cannot tolerate Jews, they can go back to where they came from.

Where they came from...Where is that. I'm sure you have undertaken many genetic analyses to determine that they belong somewhere else. No, they belong there. I put it to you...that the jews cannot tolerate the palis. They should go back to where they came from. Europe. Do you not disagree?

You people can’t live in peace with anyone, not even with yourselves. You are a warrior people, or to put it bluntly, savages.

Would you say...barbarian?

You colours have emerged rendering your argument null and void.

You my friend have a superiority complex and an intense hatred of muslims. You will be biased, regardless of evidence, and will see the issue with a bias towards israel.

If the Palestinians stop their violence and hatred against Israel, they can live in Israel and have full citizenship. Palestinians in Israel are treated well.

Is that why so many are unemployed and face discrimination daily?

Read this please if you have time.

Are Israeli Arabs the new African Americans? - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

On the other hand any jew in Palestine will be killed at sight. If the rest of them abandon violence the problem will be solved.

Again, you fail to see the other side. You never will.

Israel has destroyed much of Pali infrastructure, blockades, curfews, settlements, israeli only roads and further humiliation. How can anyone not retaliate to being provoked like this. Israel is poking, poking, poking. When the palis react, Israel turns to people like you - "told you they were savages", and you lap it up.

But you don’t want peace.

I put it to you again friend. If HAMAS of all people want peace, what makes you say that "you people" dont want peace. They want the 1967 borders, a limit to settlement growth and east jerusalem as joint capital. This is unacceptable to Israel and people l;ike you who want israel to have all of jerusalem, as much land as they can extort and unlimited growth to settlements, which would end up englufing any Pali state established anyway.

Poor Anwar Sadat was assassinated for making peace with Israel. Any Palestinian politician who porposes peace with Israel will be killed on the spot.

Yitzhak rabin was killed for making peace with arabs. Any Israeli politican who proposes peace with arabs will be killed on the spot.

See how that works brother?

The war in the Middle East is not over land. It is over religious beliefs.

Of which the Israelis are also responsible.

Isnt their whole argument that 'god gave them the land'?

Also, are gentiles not deemed inferior to the Jews in their eyes?

So yes, you have got this one thing right.

now lets assume , that jews abondon that place and go to some other island.
will that automatically stop the bloodshed...???
offcourse not.

It would be foolish to wish them away. Everyone recognises their right to exist. They are they, they will stay there. The Palis dont want to send them back to europe despite what you might hear one crackpot mullah say. They recognise that Israel is not going anywhere. The issue is, as it always has been their ever expanding borders, settlements and human rights abuses (of which both are guilty).
have a look at this video.

I have seen that video. Can you not tell who it is produced by? In this day and age of propaganda, surely you must realise that the video you posted is an Israeli connection, as given away by the accent. Such a video is sensationalist and should not be posted with regards to any logical arguement. It is simply too biased in favour of one view.
The problem here is that there are too many extremists operating.

Right wing Israelis, and fundamentalist Palis. March them inro the desert and let them take our their anger on each other. Only then will the moderates on both sides be able to make any lasting peace.
The white people have taken Sacred land of Native Americans and it should be given back to them in North America , The ancestral Burying Grounds are now under White people control (The movie Avatar comes into your mind). If Jews can have their promise land so should Native Americans, but wait "might is right" so sorry they can't have it back, if Arabs were mighty like white people Jews couldn't have taken an inch back.

Hard line Religious Christian think that first promise land should be in total control of Jews for Jesus Christ to come again.
Will Jesus Christ come as Christian or a Jew and if he comes as Christian what will happen to Jews, will they convert to Christianity.
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anyways why are all the hindus pro-israel? dravidians are not white..:disagree:

so true brother. i think if the zionists saw these hindus in real life, they would be more racist against hindus than they are against arabs.
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The white people have taken Sacred land of Red Indians and it should be given back to them in North America , The ancestral Burying Grounds are now under White people control (The movie Avatar comes into your mind). If Jews can have their promise land so should Red Indians, but wait "might is right" so sorry they can't have it back, if Arabs were mighty like white people Jews couldn't have taken an inch back.

Hard line Religious Christian think that first promise land should be in total control of Jews for Jesus Christ to come again.
Will Jesus Christ come as Christian or a Jew and if he comes as Christian what will happen to Jews, will they convert to Christianity.

True, but the Native Americans find the term "indians" very offensive. I have met a Native American girl here in U.S. and she tells me that she and other Native Americans find it very offensive when people call them indian because they have no linkage with india what so ever, and Native Americans are much better looking. They look most similar to Mexicans and other South Americans than indians really.
The white people have taken Sacred land of Native Americans and it should be given back to them in North America , The ancestral Burying Grounds are now under White people control (The movie Avatar comes into your mind). If Jews can have their promise land so should Native Americans, but wait "might is right" so sorry they can't have it back, if Arabs were mighty like white people Jews couldn't have taken an inch back.

Hard line Religious Christian think that first promise land should be in total control of Jews for Jesus Christ to come again.
Will Jesus Christ come as Christian or a Jew and if he comes as Christian what will happen to Jews, will they convert to Christianity.

Whats wrong with you? Jesus Christ will come as a Musilm. Haven't you read the Qur'an? Thats why the promise land should be in total control of Muslims.
You need to visit new york to see what pakistani do in USA !!!

And lets see how indians are doing in the world:

Taxi driver from India killed in car crash in New York city. - PTI - The Press Trust of India Ltd. | HighBeam Research - FREE trial

Indian taxi driver in Australia stabbed in the lung

Indian taxi driver stabbed to death in New Zealand- Hindustan Times

Indian taxi driver thrashed, spat on face in Melbourne

Oz court refuses bail to Indian Cab driver over alleged rape - Worldnews.com

All the workers at Dunkin Donuts are Indian | Facebook

And we all remember Biden's remarks about indians in USA:

"You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking". Joseph Biden, 47th Vice President of the United States of America
:tup:Thank you:mod: for putting that racist in his place
:tup:thank you TaimiKhan For deleting those posts
A genocide ALWAYS imply mass wholesale killings of a very specifically targeted group whose members can distinguish themselves from others through unique characteristics that could be racial or cultural. Not only that, these killings must be a part of a systematic process. Systematic, not random as in the randomness of a street crime. The victims must carry those unique racial and/or cultural characteristics. They must be killed based solely upon those criteria, not because they have committed any crimes or even accused of any crime.

Sadly enough, the more the more the word 'genocide' is casually used in rhetoric, the more people in the rest of the world gradually become immune to its moral seriousness when a true genocide occur. Like it or not, it is already happening. No one above the self appointed title of 'activist' take the charge of 'genocide' seriously when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinians conflict. They, the decision makers of the world, knows what is a true 'genocide' versus a rhetorically contrived one.

Dude I have already posted the resolution that mentions the Term Genocide, go live with it.

For your slow brain this is the last time I will post the definition of Genocide accepted by the UN.

With the support of the United States, the resolution was placed before the General Assembly for consideration. Defining genocide in 1943, Lemkin wrote:
Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.[13]

.any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
– Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article II

Now tell me where does it say that you have to have a wholesale killing to make it a genocide.
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Dude I have already posted the resolution that mentions the Term Genocide, go live with it.
This is why I do not deem you worthy of my time. You cannot even understand your own source...!!!

With the support of the United States, the resolution was placed before the General Assembly for consideration. Defining genocide in 1943, Lemkin wrote:
Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation.
As of now, you are on my dismissed list.
This is why I do not deem you worthy of my time. You cannot even understand your own source...!!!

As of now, you are on my dismissed list.

Great Because i dont enjoy giving classes to social rejects; now when you have conveniently quoted one part of my source to make your point;

genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation.

Surprisingly enough you missed the other;

It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups

Now read this it might help your brain.

--``What we're seeing in Gaza now, is pretty much slow-motion genocide against the 1.5 million Palestinians who live in Gaza.... If you read the 1948 Genocide Convention, it clearly says that one instance of genocide is the deliberate infliction of conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical destruction of a people in whole or in part,'' stated Francis A. Boyle, professor of International Law at the University of Illinois in Champaign. ``And that's exactly what has been done to Gaza, since the imposition of the blockade by Israel; then the massacre of 1,400 Palestinians, two-thirds of whom were civilians, in Operation Cast Lead. And that also raises the element in the Genocide Convention, of murder, torture, and things of that nature.''
Boyle spoke to {EIR} on Jan. 15, 2010, giving his assessment of Gaza, one year after the Israeli attacks. He stressed that he was speaking only for himself.

While the Israelis stopped the artillery bombardment and air strikes just before the inauguration of President Barack Obama in 2009, the deaths of Palestinians continue--from lack of medicines, infrastructure, clean water, and everything else that the world community--as shown in emergency aid to Haiti--{knows} is necessary to sustain human life.

But no international action has been taken to stop genocide in Gaza--despite the finding by the UN's Goldstone Report that Israel committed war crimes in the wanton destruction of civilian infrastructure, and in the killing of civilians, and despite the Jan. 21, 2010 letter by more than 50 members of the U.S. Congress to President Obama that due to ``the unabated suffering of Gazan civilians,'' he must press to end the Israeli blockade.

Similarly, according to Turkish Prof. Bulent Aras, there is almost no hope for a peace agreement, or for ending the growing isolation of Israel from the international community, unless Gaza is opened and reconstruction begins. Aras was speaking on a Jan. 14 conference call, sponsored by the Turkish SETA and New America Foundations in Washington, D.C. He was addressing the recent tensions between Israel and Turkey after the Israeli Foreign Ministry insulted the Turkish ambassador, and on the collapse of the Turkish-mediated Israel/Syria negotiations, which ended with the Israeli attacks on Gaza.

According to Boyle, the question of the Gaza opening must be immediately taken up by the Obama Administration. ``We need all the openings to Gaza, the crossings from Egypt and Israel, opened immediately. {Massive} provision of humanitarian assistance, medical supplies to Gaza--exactly what Obama's doing today, with respect to Haiti--I support that! But why aren't they doing it to Gaza? You have 1.5 million people over there.

``Unless this step is undertaken, certainly on Gaza, relieving the people of Gaza with massive humanitarian relief supplies, I really think we're going to see a dog-and-pony show,'' being run by the Obama White House, and the sending of Sen. George Mitchell to the region.

So far, what the U.S. has done is, ``once again, provid[ed] diplomatic cover for Israel to stall and delay its objectives, and meanwhile, they continue to steal Palestinian lands, destroy their orchards, destroy their olive fields, and build more settlements. This has been going on, right from the beginning of the Middle East peace negotiations in 1991, when I was legal advisor to the Palestinians and the Syrians at that time.''

But, ``miracles can always happen: Look at the darkest days of the apartheid regime in South Africa, and all of that collapsed,'' said Boyle. ``Well, here we have another apartheid regime, Israel. It's apartheid to its core, it always has been. This whole situation could turn around and collapse very quickly--I just don't know. But I'll hang in there, certainly, with the Palestinians.''

And recent events in the field of international law lead Boyle to say that, as in the case of Chilean fascist Pinochet, law may catch up with Israeli criminals.

- No Immunity Under Nuremberg Codes -

Few international figures can speak in as much detail about the decades-long fight against Israeli war crimes, and the political blocks to prosecuting them, than Professor Boyle, who has led successful campaigns at the United Nations to bring war criminals--for example, those who committed crimes against the citizens of Bosnia-Herzogovina in the 1990s Balkan War--before an international tribunal.

Even before ``Operation Cast Lead,'' Boyle had proposed that the UN General Assembly establish an International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (ICTI) as a ``subsidiary organ'' under UN Charter Article 22. Boyle's proposal has been endorsed by Malaysia and Iran, and supported in General Assembly debates by some dozen Arab and Muslim nations.

His work on bringing Israelis to justice for war crimes goes back much further--to the 1982 massacres at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon, conducted under the watch of top Israeli officials like Gen. Ariel Sharon and Gen. Amos Yaron.

Boyle told {EIR}, ``I think that I was probably the first lawyer ever to file a lawsuit against a major Israeli war criminal--that was back in about 1986, when I represented several women who were next of kin of the victims of the massacre of Sabra and Shatila, and I sued General Yaron, whose forces were occupying the Sabra and Shatila camps, and the whole massacre took place under his direction and control.''@s1

``I sued him ... about 1986. Eventually I lost the lawsuit, when the Reagan Administration entered the lawsuit through the State Department, and claimed that Yaron, since he was being admitted to the country and accredited as Israel's military attache@aa to Washington--which we tried to stop, and indeed, we held up for quite some time--had diplomatic privileges and immunities, could not be sued.''

``I dealt with that issue, saying that under the Nuremberg principles, there are no privileges and immunities in the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity.'' But the court decided that because Yaron got a ``formal certification'' by the Reagan Administration, ``this was a political question and the Court could not do anything to the contrary.'' But that was not the end of it. Since then, he has followed ``all the lawsuits against Israeli war criminals'' internationally, ``and they've really taken off, and they will take off'' further. In the U.S. he says, ``because of the pretty much Zionist control and domination of the American judiciary, none of these lawsuits have gotten anywhere,'' he says, but ``abroad, they are making progress.... ``I advise the Belgian lawyers. They filed another lawsuit, 20 years later [in 2002], against Yaron, Sharon, Elie Hobeika, and [Gen. Rafael] Eitan for the massacre at Sabra and Shatila,'' which was a criminal case. Boyle explained that the 2002 case came to an end {only after the Belgian law was changed by the Parliament under pressure}--because someone else had sued U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld under the same law. Rumsfeld threatened Belgium and NATO unless that law was rescinded, and Parliament killed it.

``But, at this point, it doesn't matter: The genie is out of the bottle. Twenty-five years ago, or so, when I filed that lawsuit [over Sabra and Shatila], there weren't too many lawyers qualified to do that work. Today, with the expansion of the human rights community, you have all sorts of lawyers qualified to do that work, and they're doing it.'' Asked about recent arrest warrants issued in Britain against Israeli officials, Boyle exclaimed, ``That's starting now! They're going after them in Britain; they're going after them in Belgium.... ``So, I think, eventually, we're going to get one of these people, just like the human rights lawyers in Britain got General Pinochet. Indeed, now we know, that before Israeli government officials travel abroad, they have to get legal advice as to where they can travel--which is good. Unfortunately, they can still pretty much freely travel here to the United States! And that's all they really care about.

``But they're really in a sort of pariah status now, in many other countries, especially in Europe. And that will continue, for sure.''

- Open Gaza Now; End Apartheid –

Nearly 30 years after Boyle's first lawsuit, U.S. policy still gives Israel impunity for war crimes, beginning with Gaza.

``In the Obama Administration, they are continuing to aid and abet the genocidal Israeli policies against the 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza,'' Boyle told {EIR}. Just recently, the U.S. ``pressured the Egyptians to build a steel wall on the border of Gaza, to cut off Gaza, to stop the tunnels that were bringing food, relief supplies, medicines, and everything else to the people,'' he revealed. And it was done with the assistance of U.S. Army engineers. This ``makes a mockery of the claim by the Obama Administration and the alleged efforts by Senator Mitchell, to reconvene the Middle East peace negotiations,'' he said. And unless Mitchell and the Obama Administration are prepared to do something--immediately--to stop the war crimes in Gaza, then the mission will be just another ``dog-and-pony show.''

And now you are on my ignore list. As your worth is not even that of a grain of salt.
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