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Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

so u mean to say that israelies should have let that ship pass without any inspection..???

is this ure point ?
They have no right to "inspect" in international waters. Blocking Waters of Gaza is also illegal. If they enter Israeli water i have no objection on checking or destroying it altogether.

Dont make me write all that again. Just go through the thread.
They have no right to "inspect" in international waters. Blocking Waters of Gaza is also illegal. If they enter Israeli water i have no objection on checking or destroying it altogether.

be clear.
that ship was heading towards gaza . should israeles let any ship pass to gaza without any scrutiny..???

like i said earlier , becoz of this strict adhernce to national security,israel has managed to survive among all the hostile nations around it.
if israel dont act this strict , the jihadis will not let is survive.
its too simple.
so u mean to say that israelies should have let that ship pass without any inspection..???

is this ure point ?

the ship was already inspected before it left Turkiye

and yes -- aid ships should be allowed to travel to Palestine to deliver aid. Oh wait, the israilys control Palestinian land and air (and pretty much every aspect of Palestinian life). I forgot.


The Turks should indeed send more aid ships, with Naval escort. A boat from Ireland is also on its way, and I salute all those Muslims and non-Muslims who are showing solidarity to the Palestinians who are under siege by a rogue state that is in violation of more international accords and resolutions that i completely have lost track

you dont send commandos to commandeer a boat run by civilians, and kill them. That was plain cowardice, and any rational voice knows this.

the analyses from these goddam hindustanys on PDF are meaningless, and just shows that they are a miserable lot of 'chaamchas'

that's right....
be clear.
that ship was heading towards gaza . should israeles let any ship pass to gaza without any scrutiny..???

like i said earlier , becoz of this strict adhernce to national security,israel has managed to survive among all the hostile nations around it.
if israel dont act this strict , the jihadis will not let is survive.
its too simple.
If israel stop illegal occupation of Palestine there is no problem of Jihadis....

Its too simple.
the ship was already inspected before it left Turkiye

and yes -- aid ships should be allowed to travel to Palestine to deliver aid. Oh wait, the israilys control Palestinian land and air (and pretty much every aspect of Palestinian life). I forgot.

yes they do. becoz they can. if they dont , they will destroyed within a week.


The Turks should indeed send more aid ships, with Naval escort. A boat from Ireland is also on its way, and I salute all those Muslims and non-Muslims who are showing solidarity to the Palestinians who are under siege by a rogue state that is in violation of more international accords and resolutions that i completely have lost track

you dont send commandos to commandeer a boat run by civilians, and kill them. That was plain cowardice, and any rational voice knows this.

the analyses from these goddam hindustanys on PDF are meaningless, and just shows that they are a miserable lot of 'chaamchas'

that's right....

yes u can call me chamcha for expressing my opinion.
but u cant simply face the obvious.
if israel dont act so strict , it cant survive.
its a matter of thier survival.
If israel stop illegal occupation of Palestine there is no problem of Jihadis....

Its too simple.

yes similarly india stop illegal occupation of kashmir
russia stop illegal occupation of chechen
thailand , phillipines etc etc. all stp illegal occupation , there will be no problem for the holy jihadis.
they wont have to take the trouble of killing civilinas into markets and public places.
wish it was so simple..
Emotion High as Turkey Buries its Gaza Flotilla Dead​

Emotions are running high in Turkey at funerals for nine activists, all Turkish or of Turkish origin, killed in Israel's raid on the Gaza aid flotilla.

The bodies were flown from Israel to Istanbul, along with more than 450 activists, to a heroes' welcome.

Israel has said there is no need for an international inquiry into the incident, insisting its own will meet the "highest international standards".

The UN Human Rights Council (HRC) voted earlier to set up an investigation.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said his troops had no choice but to stop the ships.

He argued the flotilla had been aiming not to deliver humanitarian aid to Gazans, but to break Israel's blockade.

It was Israel's duty to prevent rockets and other weapons being smuggled into Gaza to Hamas by Iran and others, he said.

Turkey, one of Israel's few allies in the Muslim world, recalled its ambassador after the incident on Monday.

'Barbarism and Oppression'

Its President, Abdullah Gul, said relations between the two countries would "never be the same".

The mood of the crowd echoed remarks made by the Turkish president, who said that an irreparable and deep scar had been left in Turkey's relations with Israel.

The Israelis and what they did were denounced repeatedly.

Israel's version that its men opened fire in self-defence is utterly rejected here.

At the end of the ceremony the dead were taken away to be buried close to their homes.

For Turks, it is not just that civilians died. The raid is seen as an attack on their country's honour and sovereignty and, like the Gaza war and the Iraq invasion, it is detaching some Turks at least from old friends in the West and pushing them closer to the Muslim Middle East.

"This incident has left an irreparable and deep scar" on relations, he told reporters in Ankara.

In a fiery speech at Istanbul airport, Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc accused Israel of "piracy" and "barbarism and oppression".

Crowds of people, some wearing Palestinian-style scarves, gathered in the city to meet the coffins, swathed in Turkish flags, at the Ottoman-era Fatih mosque.

The funerals took place in a strongly Islamist part of the city and emotions were running high, reported the BBC's Bethany Bell.

One of the bodies was due to be buried in Istanbul while the other eight were being taken to their home towns, AFP news agency reported.

Turkish post-mortem examinations found all nine of the dead had been shot, some at close range.

The dead include a 19-year-old Turkish citizen with an American passport - hit by four bullets in the head and one in the chest - and a national taekwondo athlete, Turkish media say.

The bodies arrived, along with the 450 activists, in three aircraft chartered by the Turkish government at Istanbul airport in the early hours of Thursday, after several hours of delays.

Mr Arinc said his government saluted the Turkish Islamic charity, the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief (IHH), which played a leading role in organising the convoy - a charity Israel has accused of supporting terrorism.

IHH leader Bulent Yildrim said upon his arrival back in Istanbul that he believed the death toll could be higher than nine, as his organisation had a longer list of missing people.

British activist Sarah Colbourne told the BBC: "I couldn't even count the amount of ships that were in the water. It was literally bristling with ships, helicopters and gunfire. It was horrific, absolutely horrific."

Swedish author Henning Mankell, who was aboard one of the ships in the flotilla, has dismissed the idea that weapons were being carried by the activists.

"On the ship I was on, they found one weapon: my razor. And they actually came up and showed it off, my razor, so you see what level this was at," the author of the popular Wallander detective novels told Swedish radio.

'Double Standard'

Consular staff were on hand in Istanbul to help the activists from other countries. They include 34 people who hold British passports.

Doctors in Ankara, where some of the severely injured were taken, say they have been treating people for bullet wounds. Three people are in intensive care.

Seven other activists are in a serious condition and will remain in Israeli hospitals until they can be moved, Israeli officials say.

Another plane carrying 31 Greek activists, three French nationals and one American flew into Athens early on Thursday.

More than 100 relatives and supporters cheered and shouted pro-Palestinian slogans at the airport.

Rejecting the proposed HRC investigation, Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev said demands for an external inquiry showed a double standard towards the Jewish state.

When American or British troops were accused of killing civilians in Iraq or Afghanistan, he said, it was the US or Britain that carried out the investigation, not an international body.

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman suggested attaching international observers to an internal Israeli inquiry.

"We have excellent jurists... one of whom will be willing to take it on himself, and if they want to include an international member of some sort in their committee that's alright too," he told Israel radio.

The US, Israel's most important ally, has already made it clear it will accept an Israeli-led inquiry, the BBC's Andrew North reports from Jerusalem.

New ship

Talk in Gaza is now turning to the next ship on its way across the Mediterranean to try to break the blockade, the BBC's Jon Donnison reports from the territory.

The MV Rachel Corrie is expected in the blockade area within days The Rachel Corrie - carrying 15 people including Nobel Peace laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire - had been due to be part of the original flotilla but was delayed because of technical problems.

The ship could be in the region by Saturday, our correspondent reports. Israel has said it will not be allowed to dock in Gaza.

"Everybody was very upset at what happened [with the flotilla]," Irish crew member Derek Graham told Reuters news agency by telephone.

"Everybody has been more determined than ever to continue on to Gaza."

Meanwhile, some of the 10,000 tonnes of aid seized from the flotilla by Israel has been returned to the Israeli port of Ashdod after being left stranded at a Gaza-Israel crossing.

The Hamas government in control of Gaza refused to accept the aid until Israeli-Arab activists from the flotilla were released.

BBC News - Emotion high as Turkey buries its Gaza flotilla dead
Israelis have got into this situation because of the thinking that might is right. This kind of attitude will never lead to peace for their neighbors or themselves. The blockade of Gaza is strengthening the very organisation Hamas that they want to punish. I suspect that this is intentional since it gives them a perceived moral high ground as long as Hamas is in power. The blockade of Gaza should be lifted as soon as possible.

They need to get out of Palestine and let Palestinians control their own destiny.
You are as much a member as anyone else, You are no one to decide who should be the part of this forum.

I am telling you, feel privileged to be on here on a PAKISTANI defence forum. You are free to speak your mind; but when you spit crap and propaganda, you will be confronted by people like myself. And your double-standards will be exposed.

If the forum Admins deem that this forum should only be for pakistanis then we will leave, until then we are here to stay and put across our point of view.

Agha, if things were my way, there’d be FAR fewer hindustanys posting on here than there are now. Your people are flooding this site en masse, and it disgusts me. But I am not the boss, I don’t call any shots here. Most importantly and pertinently, I respect Webby and his decisions --even if it means allowing people like you to be on here.

If you cant put across your point of view or unable to debate the you are free to leave this thread and the forum, that choice is yours to make.

Ahhhhan! And who are you??? :lol:

You seem to be suffering from deficiency where you cant understand the statements made and definitely you cant type the correct spellings.

Show me where I made spelling mistake and I will be happy to correct it.

Bold-facing your words, writing in big colourful fonts and other not-so-aesthetically pleasing tactics wont make your point any more heard or legit.

I hope you understand.

Pls. go and see a doctor there might be something seriously wrong with your health.

So now you are advising me on my health. :rolleyes:

I had my annual checkups two weeks back. All is well, all is fit. Ready to take on trolls such as yourself. I appreciate your concerns though.

yes u can call me chamcha for expressing my opinion.
but u cant simply face the obvious.
if israel dont act so strict , it cant survive.
its a matter of thier survival.

so israel should act brutal the way it has been since its existence, and think there wouldnt be reaction or retaliation?

or do the israelis always want to be running and hiding in their bomb-bunkers subsequent to massacring villages and uprooting the livelihoods and honour of the Palestinian peoples?
I am telling you, feel privileged to be on here on a PAKISTANI defence forum. You are free to speak your mind; but when you spit crap and propaganda, you will be confronted by people like myself. And your double-standards will be exposed.

Agha, if things were my way, there’d be FAR fewer hindustanys posting on here than there are now. Your people are flooding this site en masse, and it disgusts me. But I am not the boss, I don’t call any shots here. Most importantly and pertinently, I respect Webby and his decisions --even if it means allowing people like you to be on here.

Ahhhhan! And who are you??? :lol:

Show me where I made spelling mistake and I will be happy to correct it.

Bold-facing your words, writing in big colourful fonts and other not-so-aesthetically pleasing tactics wont make your point any more heard or legit.


I have highlighed in the present Post it self where you have changed the spelling of Hindustani to " Hindustanys"

If you need anymore, I will be glad to send you.
You know, its the threads like this one that really make me miss Indian members of old. Bull, Joey, Samudra, and even Adux, to name just a few.

I mean, we argued with them as well but they at least had the wisdom of differentiating between right and wrong.

Now all i see is some Indian members purposely denying the facts that are staring at them right in the face. Only because the affected are either muslims or Pakistanis.

Its a damn shame.
good to know these are atleast a few sane indians out there....

A new video released by the Israeli government shows one of the soldiers who took part in yesterday’s bloody attack on the Gaza Freedom flotilla. In this propoganda clip, the Israeli soldier justifies the attack, claiming they were attacked first by the people on the flotilla. “It was a lynch,” says the soldier. “Every guy that came down the ropes was taken aside, and everyone there had metal rods, knives, slingshots, glass bottles.” Since the Israelis can only be victims, and never aggressors, the soldier tries to justify the cold-blooded murder of 10 people armed with “rods, slingshots and bottles.”

Enough is enough. It’s time to declare Israel a terrorist state. That’s what it is. It reacts to slingshots with machine guns. It allows its tanks to fire at stone-throwing kids. It has no qualms about firing rockets on Palestinian hospitals and residential areas. And Israel does all this in the name of fighting terror tactics of Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip. It’s difficult to defend the activities Hamas, but we can’t forget the fact that it was constant humiliation of PLO and leaders like Yasser Arafat and Mehmoud Abbas by Israel that gave birth to groups like Hamas.

And look at the way the world is reacting to this brazen attack on a humanitarian mission. The UN is saying it wants to probe the ‘acts’ which led to this ‘tragedy’. The UN is a spineless organisation, but to look away and talk in an ambiguous language when civil society people are killed in cold blood is a new low even by the UN’s pathetic standards. And the US, which leaves no chance to talk about the "threats of terrorism" and "making the world safe for democracy", is quiet. Why? Imagine, if Iran had done something similar. In that case, President Obama would be busy planning missiles attacks on Tehran. But today, 24 hours after the attack on the Gaza flotilla, the Nobel Peace Prize winner is mum.

In fact, the government of India has shown more character than any western nation by condemning the Israeli attack on the civilian mission. But India can do more than mere condemnation of a barbaric attack. It will be a good idea for New Delhi to put some business and military deals with Israel on hold or cancel them. It’s time for the international community to impose sanctions on Israel, which was accepted into the the global family after it signed peace deals with Arafat in Oslo in 1995. Later Yitzhak Rabin and Arafat made an appearance with Bill Clinton on the White House lawns and it seemed Israel was ready to join the civilised world. But, soon Rabin paid for his peace effort when he fell to an Israeli fanatic’s bullets. And since then the Israeli foreign policy has been in the hands of fanatics like Benjamin Netanyahu, whose world view is pre-medieval.

Israel is a dangerous country. It’s an irresponsible regime. It’s an undeclared nuclear power. It bullies its neighbours. It has been torturing the Palestinians living in West Bank and Gaza for decades. It treats Israeli Arabs as second-class citizens. And Israel has been doing all this because of the backing of the US, UK and other western countries, which always turn a blind eye to Israel's crimes against humanity. And the west backs Israel not because it feels guilty about hundreds of years of crimes against Jews in Europe, but because it uses Israel as a thug against the Middles Eastern nations in order to maintain a crisis situation in the oil and gas-rich region.

It’s because of this attitude, Israel always gets away with murder. After the massacre of Israeli athletes by the Black September in Munich during 1972 Olympics, Israel launched a campaign to hunt down the perpetrators of the Munich attack. Instead of finding the Black September leaders, Israel assassinated the Palestinian movement leadership spread over Europe and Africa and propagated a pure lie that all Munich criminals had been killed. In his brilliant film ‘Munich’, Steven Spielberg exposed this lie and the Zionist fanatics became angry at them. Now, Israel is denying visa to Noam Chomsky, the greatest living American public intellectual, because he has been chronicling Israel's crimes. And both Spielberg and Chomsky are Jew.

The attack on flotilla is actually an attack on Turkey. The recent nuclear deal between Turkey, Brazil and Iran has made Israel nervous. According to the deal, Iran will send its enriched uranium to Turkey for conversion into fuel. If this plan is successful, Israel and the US will have no excuse to attack Iran. That's why they have been dismissive of the Tehran deal. And now, the US is keeping quiet and Israel is spreading lies about the Gaza flotilla, which came from Turkey.

It’s time for the international community to stop Israel’s terror games. To begin with, they should declare Israel a terrorist state.

Declare Israel a terrorist state : World : Shobhan Saxena : TOI Blogs

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