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Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

If you dont know

India is one of the major Aid donors to palestine ( More than what Pakistan provides ) , and a major supporter of an Independent Palestine state.

So keep your logics to your self, its not necessary that we have agree on everything.

Pakistani members seem to be more interested in the plight of Palestenians then to the plight of Ahmedias in pakistan ( This much sorrow had not been shown for the dead pakistanis), Please check the thread about the death of Ahmedias in the terrorist attacks before commenting. Why is that so ?

Is it because most of guys think that a Muslim life is more important than Non-Muslim life.

What the hell u r talking about, go read the thread about Qadianis and than come back and talk, it seems that u are here to say strange things and mention things not related to thread, u sir are A troll, mentionuing things unrelated the thread at hand.

Why are U mentioning about attack only on Qadianis, U dude have salective memory because there have been more killiong of innocnet Pakistanis by TIP than Qadianis. So get off your Morility horse and see the facts, but stop trolling. Man

so u have a double standard, on one hand aid Palistenians and on the other hand suport killing of them, What a way to go. i guess your avatar says it all.

:pakistan: :no::hitwall:
I have highlighed in the present Post it self where you have changed the spelling of Hindustani to " Hindustanys"

If you need anymore, I will be glad to send you.

It wont matter hindustanys or hindoo are not offensive words, but yes Pak-i is. Try googling it ;)

So chill and sit back.
It wont matter hindustanys or hindoo are not offensive words, but yes Pak-i is. Try googling it ;)

So chill and sit back.

It will matter because because both the spellings are wrong


& Mind you not all Indians are Hindu's, there are almost equal number of muslims to Pakistani population.
Any change of that spelling is a wilful insult. I dont need to check google.

Why should there be a problem to use the correct spelling.
lies damned lies and israeli propoganda

Following Israel's murderous attack on the Freedom Flotilla taking humanitarian aid to Gaza, it is hard not to conclude that sections of the media in Britain and other Western countries have been desperate to find ways to justify the crime. On the BBC and Sky News, a frequent argument has been that Israel feels "isolated" by the international community and is in a "war" situation, and therefore feels that it has to take extraordinary measures to defend itself. To shore up this argument, these media outlets have, once again, repeated two tired fabrications; Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction and Israel's blockade of Gaza was imposed in response to Hamas rocket attacks.

The reality is, of course, very different. Israel is not isolated by the rest of the world. On the contrary, unlike, say, Iran and Syria (and before 2003, Iraq) in the Middle East, Israel has not been subject to sanctions in any way by the international community. It remains the largest recipient of US financial, political and military aid, despite the much-hyped rift between the Obama administration and the right-wing Netanyahu government and was recently co-opted to the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development with the blessing of the European Union Nations. Nor is Israel in a war situation. None of Israel's Arab neighbours pose a military threat to its existence and two of them, Egypt and Jordan, have full diplomatic relations with the Jewish state; Egypt cooperates actively with Israel in the siege of Gaza.

Israel's blockade of Gaza is usually said to have started in June 2007, when Hamas took control of the territory after pre-empting a coup by a faction within political rivals Fatah, but Israel had been limiting the movement of goods and people into Gaza long before that. The rockets fired from Gaza are not a threat to Israel and are not the reason for the blockade. Israel conducts frequent and deadly raids into the Gaza Strip and the rockets are fired in response to these raids. These rockets are very basic and inaccurate, capable of causing limited damage; they are very rarely lethal and are the only "serious" weapon available to a desperate people who have been brutalised by Israel for years. What about the claim that Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction? Hamas has offered Israel an open-ended ceasefire if it withdraws from the West Bank and lifts the blockade of Gaza; Israel has refused. The very fact that this "hudna" has been offered is de facto recognition of the state of Israel.

It is still not known exactly how many fatalities there were during Israel's assault on the flotilla. Most news reports claim that nine or ten of the passengers were killed by the Israeli commandos, but other sources suggest that the figure could be as high as nineteen. Israel has imposed an information blackout designed to make sure that only its version of events comes out. As part of this "hasbara" campaign, the Israeli military issued a grainy black and white video, labelled helpfully, showing some of its soldiers being attacked with iron bars and chairs, with one being thrown from one deck to another, as they stormed it from their helicopters. This film has been played without comment on Sky News, the BBC and other channels. In addition, Israeli claims that the activists were carrying knives and stun grenades on their ship have been taken at face value and reported without comment all too frequently. The Israelis would have us believe that helpless commandos were attacked by unarmed "terrorists" masquerading as activists and the main news channels in Britain and other countries have been more than willing to repeat this message.

In this way, the murder of at least nine unarmed people by soldiers armed to the teeth is made to look natural and justifiable. The Israeli video is so surreal and unbelievable that it is barely worth commenting on. Apart from the fact that there is another, better quality video of an announcement made by an activist to his fellow passengers telling them not to resist because there is nothing they can do against the Israelis' live ammunition, suffice to say that Israel has used this tactic before. During the war on Gaza, in order to justify its attacks on civilians, the Israeli army posted videos of rockets being loaded or fired, which later turned out to be faked. Even if we suppose that the latest "attack" video is authentic, isn't it natural for people under attack to defend themselves? And yet the activists are being portrayed as thugs, hooligans and terrorists for doing so.

Israel has called the Freedom Flotilla an "Armada of Hate" and said that the activists on board are linked with Hamas, al-Qaeda, and "global jihad"; again, these absurd claims have been taken at face value by sections of the media. The Turkish humanitarian organisation, IHH, which has played a leading role in the flotilla, has been smeared in the Daily Telegraph as a front organisation for al-Qaeda, without any evidence being proffered. This charitable society operates legally around the world apart from Israel where it is banned, as are many other legitimate charities which support Palestinians in the midst of a desperate humanitarian catastrophe; no credible evidence is ever provided for these bans. They are seen by many as just another tool used by Israel to deny Palestinians much-needed aid.

The same DailyTelegraph story mentions that the flotilla has been endorsed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the British Green Party MP Caroline Lucas. On board the flotilla were the Swedish bestselling author Henrig Mankell, the former United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq, Dennis Halliday and the founder of Northern Ireland's "Peace People", Mairead Corrigan Maguire. Did the Telegraph bother to ask why all these people endorsed and took part in a project organised by IHH if it was indeed an al-Qaeda front organisation?

One very important aspect has been played down amidst all this hostile media coverage - the dire need of the people of Gaza for the items on board the ships of the flotilla. Among other things the flotilla carried cement, building materials, school supplies and medical equipment. The admittedly limited quantity of aid on the convoy would still have been of immense value to the people of Gaza. The homes and buildings that Israel destroyed in its December 2008 assault on the territory are still in ruins because Israel has since blocked the import of building materials. In fact, there is a long and arbitrary list of items that cannot be imported: pencils, computers and other educational items, for example, are banned, as are many food items, such as canned fruit. The volume and category of goods permitted to be imported into Gaza are kept at a level low enough to create poverty, malnourishment and suffering but not too low to create a humanitarian catastrophe that will make Israel look bad in front of the cameras. Despite this, the statement by Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman that there is "no humanitarian crisis in Gaza" and that Israel is allowing thousands of tons of food and equipment in has been reported without comment. The organisers of the Freedom Flotilla have also been criticised by some for not accepting Israel's offer to unload their ships in Ashdod so that the Israelis can deliver their cargo "through the usual channels". They were, of course, supposed to believe that the same "channels" which have made the people of Gaza suffer for so many years would suddenly and willingly help to alleviate that suffering.

Media complicity in Israel's crimes has long been accepted by analysts, and Israel has spent a great deal of money on promoting its side of the long-running conflict narrative through a sophisticated propaganda machine. This latest episode, however, has exposed the double-standards and lack of genuine objectivity by the compliant sections of the media. On BBC Radio 5's "Up all Night" programme on 2 June, Bruce Shapiro, the executive Director of the Dart Centre for Journalism and Trauma at the Columbia University in New York City, said that in most cases, the "facts" which emerge within the first 24-48 hours of incidents like Israel's hijacking of the flotilla are usually shown to be false with the passage of time. Should this happen in this case (and it has already been admitted by an Israeli military spokesperson that none of the passengers had any weapons on them prior to the assault), a lot of media outlets will be left with egg on their faces because they have allowed the Israeli side of the story to be pushed almost unchallenged. How long will it be before members of the public grasp the fact that they are being duped, say enough is enough, and demand a balanced media approach to this conflict?

Lies, damned lies, and Israeli propaganda
It wont matter hindustanys or hindoo are not offensive words, but yes Pak-i is. Try googling it ;)

So chill and sit back.

Ok we'll use pakistany and mooslim, I hope you won't have a problem!

And pak - i is abusive, may be we can use pakee?

How lame you sound!
In fact, the government of India has shown more character than any western nation by condemning the Israeli attack on the civilian mission. But India can do more than mere condemnation of a barbaric attack. It will be a good idea for New Delhi to put some business and military deals with Israel on hold or cancel them.[/url]

Absolutely no need. Those are business deals not favors. When was the last time we heard our neighbors cancel deals with china for china's treatment of the uighurs or falun gong or tibetans? The bleeding hearts club is nothing but a cult, no need to join. The turks haven't cancelled defence deals with israel yet!!!
The Gaza Flotilla: How Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Fakes Photos of Seized Weapons

The following is a repost, due to the amazing hard work of one Ibn Kafka. He has taken the liberty of translating the original post from French into English.

On the Israeli ministry of foreign affairs’ Flickr page, the pictures of the so-called weapons seized on the ships taking part in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla provide ample evidence of the deviousness of those darned anti-semitic terrorists. Be forewarned: the following pictures are not for the faint-hearted.

Which leads us to Exhibit D: A Keffieh, kitchen knives, a Saudi flag, and and some CD-roms.

Do not faint just yet, because here is exhibit E: an electric saw – on a ship! Really, those terrorists really are beyond the pale.

Zionists and Israel have a history of faking everything!!!
Ok we'll use pakistany and mooslim, I hope you won't have a problem!

And pak - i is abusive, may be we can use pakee?

How lame you sound!

Sure, we dont have a problem with the former two words, but do check what pakee means on urban dictionary.
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You people already got the answer to this issue (in a shut up call) in that thread which was closed, so why still beating about the bush?
You people already got the answer to this issue (in a shut up call) in that thread which was closed, so why still beating about the bush?

You guys are purposely diluting this thread by purposely misspelling nouns and flaming. This is nothing but trolling, pls stop.
PR distorts israeli sense of reality

An old Israeli saying describing various less-than-esteemed military leaders says: "He was so stupid that even the other generals noticed." The same derisive remark could be applied almost without exception to the present generation of Israeli politicians.

Such healthy scepticism among Israelis about the abilities of their military and political leaders has unfortunately ebbed in recent decades. As a result, Israelis are left perplexed as to why their wars, military interventions and armed actions have so often ended in failure since the 1973 war, despite the superiority of their armed forces.

The latest example of this is the assault on the Gaza aid convoy by naval commandos, a confrontation initiated by Israel which thereby ensured that the convoy's organisers achieved their objectives to a degree beyond their wildest dreams. By using assault troops in a police action against civilians with predictably bloody results Israel managed to focus international attention on its blockade of Gaza, which the world had hitherto largely ignored. The Israeli action infuriated Turkey, once its strongest ally in the region, and strengthened the claim of Hamas to Palestinian leadership.

The capacity of Israel to shoot itself in the foot needs explanation. From the beginning the operation was idiotic, since Israel was always likely to look bad after any confrontation between élite troops and civilian protesters. Even more ludicrous is the Israeli explanation that their élite and heavily armed soldiers were at risk of their lives because they had to use thick gloves to protect their hands when sliding down cables from a helicopter and therefore could not use their weapons.

The nature of the fiasco should cause little surprise because such botched Israeli military actions have been the norm for years. The 1982 invasion of Lebanon was discredited by the massacre of Palestinians in Sabra and Shatila refugee camps by Christian militias loosed on them by Israeli army commanders. Syria, not Israel, became the predominant power in Lebanon. In south Lebanon, the Israeli army fought a long and unsuccessful guerrilla war against Hizbollah. The bombardments of Lebanon in 1996 and 2006 left Hizbollah stronger, and a similar attack on Gaza in 2008 failed to weaken Hamas.

The problem is that nobody believes Israeli propaganda as much as Israelis. Pro-Palestinian activists often lament the fluency and mendacity of Israeli spokesmen on the airwaves and the pervasive influence of Israel's supporters abroad. But, in reality, these PR campaigns are Israel's greatest weakness, because they distort Israelis' sense of reality. Defeats and failures are portrayed as victories and successes.

The slaughter of civilians is justified as a military necessity or somehow the fault of the other side. Opponents are demonised as bloodthirsty terrorists. Comforted by such benign accounts of their activities, Israeli leaders are consumed by arrogance because they come to believe they have never made a mistake. Denial that errors have occurred makes it extremely difficult to sack generals or ministers, however gross their incompetence or record of failure.

Many Israelis privately take their own propaganda with a pinch of salt, though the number is diminishing. But abroad, the most third-rate Israeli politicians strut before fawning audiences as heroic defenders of the state. Not surprisingly they return home with a dangerously inflated idea of their own abilities and in a perilously self-important mood.

The Israeli propaganda machine, official and private, has been running full throttle in the last few days justifying the assault on the aid convoy to Gaza. Probably spokesmen feel they are performing well given the weakness of their case. In fact, they do nothing but harm to Israel. The greater their success in denying gross and culpable mistakes, the more likely it is that the perpetrators will hold their jobs – and the more likely it is that the mistakes will be endlessly repeated.

Patrick Cockburn: PR dangerously distorts the Israeli sense of reality - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent
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