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Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

Coming such comments from you are surprising, as being an ex-major you would have understood that the ship's passengers had the right to defend themselves while they were in international waters.

They angels of death had no justification to board the ships, and if they did, then the passenger did the right thing as the commandos were the intruders and they shot unarmed civilians who were defending their turf in international waters.

The ship was in international waters and Israelis had no right to board the ship. However, and correct me if i'm wrong, the ship was approaching Israel and ignoring the Israeli blockade. In my opinion the Turkish ship should have complied with the Israeli navy, yes it was international waters and normally vesels enjoy freedoms in international waters and i do support defending a ship against hostile forces but in this case it was not some random civilian piracy ship but it was the Israeli military. Moreover, the Israelis were badly beaten when they boarded the ship, so the turkish ship was as much at fault as the Israelis. If the Turkish passengers would have stayed calm no one would have been killed, afterall the Israelis were brutally beaten and when ones life is in danger one will defend his life. In the end both sides exercised poor judgement, the Israelis should't have boarded the ship in international waters, but than again the Turkish vesel should have followed orders and the Turkish passengers should have remained calm instead of escalating the situation. And before someone brings up a hypothetical situation that goes something like this: if someone broke into my home would i defend my home? The answer is, of course but there is a big difference between someone that breaks into a home and military commandos that board a suspicious ship.
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Israel can't afford a full blown out war with Pakistan or Turkey. Not all nations can only talk about wiping Israel off the face of the map. What'll take us? 10 seconds?

I say send in more aid ships, unarmed. We should never be afraid to do the right thing.

---------- Post added at 09:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 AM ----------

And what was found this time around?

Watermelons and tons of Zionist propaganda:rolleyes:

---------- Post added at 03:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:06 PM ----------

The ship was in international waters and Israelis had no right to board the ship. However, and correct me if i'm wrong, the ship was approaching Israel and ignoring the Israeli blockade. In my opinion the Turkish ship should have complied with the Israeli navy, yes it was international waters and normally vesels enjoy freedoms in international waters and i do support defending a ship against hostile forces but in this case it was not some random civilian piracy ship but it was the Israeli military. Moreover, the Israelis were badly beaten when they boarded the ship, so the turkish ship was as much at fault as the Israelis. If the Turkish passengers would have stayed calm no one would have been killed, afterall the Israelis were brutally beaten and when ones life is in danger one will defend his life. In the end both sides exercised poor judgement, the Israelis should't have boarded the ship in international waters, but than again the Turkish vesel should have followed orders and the Turkish passengers should have remained calm instead of escalating the situation. And before someone brings up a hypothetical situation if that goes something like this: if someone broke into your home would i defend your home? The question is, of course but there is a big difference between someone that breaks into a home and military commandos that board a suspicious ship.

Who gives Israel the Right to Put a blockade for Humanitarian aid ?
Israel can't afford a full blown out war with Pakistan or Turkey. Not all nations can only talk about wiping Israel off the face of the map. What'll take us? 10 seconds?

I say send in more aid ships, unarmed. We should never be afraid to do the right thing.

---------- Post added at 09:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 AM ----------

And what was found this time around?

Do you really think Pakistan can afford war with Israel????
The Blockade is Illegal in the first place.

UN chief condemns Gaza blockade

By Middle East correspondent Anne Barker

Updated Sun Mar 21, 2010 9:58pm AEDT

The United Nations secretary general Ban Ki-moon has been visiting the Gaza Strip, where he expressed his solidarity with the Palestinians and condemned Israel's ongoing blockade.

Mr Ban visited some of the hardest-hit areas of Gaza before inaugurating projects to build 150 homes, a flour mill and a sewage treatment plant.

But he says more reconstruction is needed, calling the projects a "drop in the bucket."

"We are meeting here in Khan Younis because for nearly three years the United Nations has not been able to complete these housing projects," he said.

"I have seen still many damaged houses. It is quite distressing for for me to see all damage still not being able to be reconstructed."

Mr Ban says the blockade on the region - imposed nearly three years ago after the militant group Hamas seized power - causes unacceptable suffering and he has called for Gaza's borders to be reopened.

Israel imposed the blockade to crush Hamas and prevent the use of imported materials to make weapons, but it prevents all but the most basic humanitarian supplies from getting in.

But Mr Ban says Israel's policy of closure is unsustainable and wrong.

He has also stressed that Hamas too must change its policies, by renouncing violence and recognizing Israel.

Tags: world-politics, unrest-conflict-and-war, israel, palestinian-territories

First posted Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:11pm AEDT

UN chief condemns Gaza blockade - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
The ship was in international waters and Israelis had no right to board the ship. However, and correct me if i'm wrong, the ship was approaching Israel and ignoring the Israeli blockade.

The ship was approaching Palestine, not Israel. Israel can blockade its own territories, not Palestine. Israel wants the Palestinians to vote out the Hamas before the Palestinians are allowed to eat food. They have been destitute for months and it was high time that someone took the risk of their lives to feed people in need.
Wise people Put there hands up if they Are not trained In fighting, Instead try to hit a person heavily equipped.

They started firing before they arrived on the boat something you call the fire cover.

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Who gives Israel the Right to Put a blockade for Humanitarian aid ?

Blocking humanitarian aid is unfortunate and it is a shame. I do not know if Palestine has territorial waters but if they don't than the Israelis have total control and as so they can block humanitarian aid if they wish. (i'm against this but it's a reality). My question is, did Israel know the Turkish ship was full of humanitarian aid and if they did do they block all humanitarian aid?

In my opinion Israel should allow humanitarian aid but vesels should inform Israel ahead of time so they can inspect the ships when they come do dock.
After doing research on the Charities involved in this incident. I can see why Israel is deeply suspicious. And insists on not letting them through. especially the Turkish charity I.H.H.

In fact Turkish authorities have raided their offices in the past and found illegal weapons, explosives, and cash. That is something many here would prefer not to hear and acknowledge. The linked report by a Danish institute details many none profit Islamic NGO's with terror links. If you do not like this link just Google and you will find many other sources.


Apparently you are not seeing clear enough. There is a clear pattern of behavior. After getting their butt kicked by Hezbullah, they took it out on Beirut. Point was to cause enough damage so Hezbullah will think twice. Gaza 2008/9 , over a thousand deaths, massive destruction. Now the slaughter on the high seas.

Reminds me of a paranoid Israeli professor who advocates a "mad dog policy"
Blocking humanitarian aid is unfortunate and it is a shame. I do not know if Palestine has territorial waters but if they don't than the Israelis have total control and as so they can block humanitarian aid if they wish. (i'm against this but it's a reality). My question is, did Israel know the Turkish ship was full of humanitarian aid and if they did do they block all humanitarian aid?

In my opinion Israeli should allow humanitarian aid but vesels should inform Israel ahead of time so they can inspect the ships when they come do dock.

Yes they do block the aid and let very small amount of it through every day some where around 15-20% of the daily need. And this number was also mentioned on BBC authenticated by UN.

You can read more about it here.

The aid flotilla attacked by Israeli troops today was trying to break the naval blockade of the Gaza Strip imposed by Israel in June 2007.

Israel said the blockade was intended to hold Hamas – which it views as a terrorist group – "responsible and accountable" for rocket attacks on Israeli territory. It is also intended to constrain Hamas's ability to rule in Gaza, and to put pressure on it to release Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier held captive for four years.

The blockade, preventing all exports from Gaza and confining imports to a limited supply of humanitarian goods, has failed to bring down Hamas but has heaped misery on Gaza's 1.5 million residents.

The UN humanitarian co-ordinator said last week that the formal economy in Gaza has "collapsed" and 60% of households were short of food. According to UN statistics, around 70% of Gazans live on less than $1 a day, 75% rely on food aid and 60% have no daily access to water.

Luxury foods are banned and a UN report last year said that on average it took 85 days to get shelter kits into Gaza, 68 days to deliver health and paediatric hygiene kits, and 39 days for household items such as bedding and kitchen utensils. It said that school textbooks and stationery had been delayed.

The effect of the blockade was felt even more acutely in the aftermath of the invasion of the strip by Israeli forces in the winter of 2008-9, as materials needed for reconstruction were delayed or banned from entering Gaza. A UN factfinding mission described the blockade as "collective punishment".

In the absence of imports, goods have been smuggled in through tunnels built under the Gaza-Egypt border. The World Bank estimates that 80% of Gaza's imports arrive by tunnel. The goods, which are taxed by Hamas, attract inflated prices that are out of the reach of most ordinary residents.

The Free Gaza Movement, an international human rights organisation, first sailed from Cyprus in August 2008 in an attempt to highlight the plight of the citizens of Gaza suffering under the blockade. The first sailing made it to Gaza, but subsequent boats carrying supplies during the Gaza conflict were intercepted and in June last year Israeli forces boarded a boat taking aid to the strip and detained campaigners, who were later deported.

Israel's Gaza blockade targets Hamas while citizens suffer | World news | guardian.co.uk

Than what stoping pakistan from doing it ?

Just a chance:coffee:

---------- Post added at 03:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:23 PM ----------

IT seems , Turkey has got Israel on hot nails.

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