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Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

by violating the territory you are usually arrested. Nobody executes you for such a small crime :no:
If you resist arrest for a crime, depends on the level of resistance, you may be killed in the fight.
Israel is nobody to dictate a humanitarian cause.
And this aid group is nobody to violate anybody's territorial sovereignty.

It had to be given notice that the world is no longer willing to let it dictate its terms on aid to Gaza. People in Gaza are desperate. The flotilla had a political message but it remained a civilian aid convoy.
Are you saying that no aid enters Gaza at all?

Israel Continues to Transfer Humanitarian Aid to Gaza
Statistics on Humanitarian Aid Transferred from Israel to Gaza Israel continues to transfer basic food supplies and humanitarian goods into the Gaza Strip. Items such as medical supplies, meat, chicken, fish, grains, legumes, oil, flour, salt, sugar, fresh vegetables and dairy products as well as animal feed, hygiene products and clothes are all transferred through the Israel-Gaza goods crossings, Kerem Shalom and Karni.
The total amount of aid transferred from Israel to Gaza in 2009 increased by 180 percent, compared to the amount transferred 2008.

At least 10 trucks with humanitarian aid sent to the Gaza Strip by the Jordanian Red Crescent Society were confiscated by Hamas police shortly after the trucks entered the territory on Thursday evening, according to aid officials in Jerusalem.

Aqaba, Jordan - The Mile of Smiles convoy is stuck in Jordan at the Bour Sai'id port, trying to access the Egyptian-controlled Rafah Terminal, but Egypt is not allowing to convoy to move on to Rafah.
Is this true?
Gambit you sure have balls to come here and justify the killing of innocents, imagine your reaction if Iran had done the same, you and others like you would be in full war mode. Your hypocrisy has no bounds, your so called "most capable" IDF commandos murdered people without any justification for it.

I am incensed and outraged by the way you are sticking up for such a condemnable action, life to you seems invaluable, the people onboard could be someone's family who will have to suffer for life now.

Please show some respect for the deceased and condemn the actions of Israel, if you cannot do so, it would be best to shut up as you are really pushing our limits.
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ITs only gonna get worse if guyz like this are allowed to speak in news channels..

Ever wondered how much hate he would have created and how terrorists could use that hate to recruit ?

Everybody has a view point and has the right to share it . Alikes of Zaid Hamid are easily found in both US and Indian rumor mills also :agree:
..it would be best to shut up as you are really pushing our limits.
I take it there would be a petition to the admin staff to suspend my participation here. :lol: I get it and will leave this discussion before that happens.
Trying a new line of argument? Is that the latest directive and 'strategy' to defend the indefensible? I am pretty sure within last 48 hours all kind of strategies have been devised to defend Israel, including insertion of IDF propaganda videos on YouTube, waking up the 'Megaphone' brigade and other ways.
To quickly answer your questions:
1) Israel may have increased the 'aid' (basically bare-mininum substinence -ALLOWED- to enter Gaza) by xyx% but still the delivery was only about 1/4th of the required amount.
2) We are not talking about the Red Cross etc here who were blocked. We are talking about an act of TERRORISM done by the IDF which killed so many.

Boy, you people take others for idiots! Not good for your own survival.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing

There is an illegal blockade of the waters around Gaza.

There is a humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

These people want to help in whatever way they want.

Israel wants to tighten the noose, to remove Hamas by collectively punishing Gaza with the blockade.

By justifying Israels actions here, you are justifying collective punishment of innocents.

But you apologists dont seem to see the suffering beyond that of your own.
@Gambit does not have the 'balls'; he is, to quote N.Finkelstein, 'Beyond Chutzpah'!
Of course it is 'precognition'.
IIRC, no country in the world has any laws which acknowledge 'precognition' as a crime. In this case Israel was very wrong in assaulting a sovereign flag bearing boat in what was clearly international waters.
The aid certainly was not for Israeli citizens. The International Red Cross would have been the more appropriate choice and a highly respected one at that. The IRC would have complied with Israeli requests.
The aid was for famished people in occupied territories. I do agree with the fact that an international aid body of the likes of IRC has more legitimacy in getting aid into the territories. It was utterly foolish of some individuals to club together a group and 'try to violate' territorial waters of a sovereign country in-spite of repeatedly being told not to.
I am sorry, but Israel goes too far, too often. Everybody bends and breaks the law but Israel shows open contempt for it. First the pounding of defenceless Gaza civilians, then the blockade, then the Mabhouh killing in Dubai using forged passports of its allies and now this. To me, it seems like an act of war, but we should probably wait for an investigation to be certain. The problem is - who is going to conduct an impartial investigation?

I hope Israel suffers some consequences this time, but I am not very hopeful. Symbolic protests like recall of envoys is not enough. The attitude of the Americans is the key here, and that makes me very sceptical. This is an election year and Obama might not want to anatagonize the Israeli lobby.

I am also angry at the organizers of the flotilla for endangering the lives of civilians. On the other hand, the blockade of Gaza is patently illegal. Anyway, it will probably help the cause of the people of Gaza.

Sometimes I feel that it would be best if India didn't buy so many weapons from Israel. But then I remember that we have to live in the real world. I just hope that the Indian government tells Israel that it is going too far.

PS: Somebody posted maps which depicted the shrinking of land where Palestinians live. It appears to me that a viable Palestine is just a pipe dream now.
Yes. The aid boats ran the Israeli Navy blockcade and then when the soldiers boarded the boat, the aid workers tried to push the soldiers over board so they could get to the shore.

Do Israeli soldiers also shoot the jewish settlers to death when they violate Israeli law and push Israeli troops around? Firstly, I believe this is an absolute lie by Israel that people on the boats were posing any threat, much less a serious threat, to Israeli commandos. Secondly, even if someone on board threw a non-weapon object that happens in protests all the time. Do civilized, trained police shoot such people to death as a first reaction? And that too, 10 people? These Israeli armed forces troops are the scum of the earth. They show no quarter to unarmed, aid carrying civilians, may they be damned and may their enemies show no mercy and no quarter to these filt.hy terrorists.

The Palestinian waters are controlled by israel. So you have to have permission to enter the waters. The turkish aid workers didn't get permission and they ran the navy blockade.

Israel has no right to stop ships from entering Palestinian waters. The world recognizes Palestinian right of self determination and supports Palestinian statehood. The entire world is unanimous on this issue. The fact that Israel is harassing and killing aid workers in Palestinian waters - and probably international waters - is a terrorist act.

All these crimes of the Zionist government of Israel will come home to roost. Every day they deepen the hatred against them and the day is very near when the reaction will be uncontrolled. They are no longer even capable of stopping Hamas rocket attacks against the territory under their occupation, much less armed action that is backed by states. History ultimately makes you reap what you sow.

Moreover, if Pakistani civilians have been killed I seriously hope - SERIOUSLY HOPE - that the Pakistani government, Armed forces and intelligence agencies take note of this. Israel goes around conducting rampant acts of terror on other nations' soil, e.g. the Dubai assassination, it is high time they were dealt with with a big, big stick. They are digging a deep, deep hole for themselves... they can say goodbye to Turkish support of any kind for a long time to come.
territorial waters [/B]of a sovereign country in-spite of repeatedly being told not to.

Except the Flotilla never entered nor was ever planning to enter the 'Territorial waters' of Israel.

Wanna to try something again?

Word of caution to the Indian bloggers here and elsewhere: The world can see that your bad relationship with Pakistan is clouding your judgements regarding ALL MUSLIMS. I have been to several international Forums today and, other than the obvious occasional Megaphone-brigage implants, there is widespread condemnation of Israel today.

Indians stabbed Iran in the back some time ago with the nuclear vote. And today they are doing a good job pi$$ing off Arabs and Turks as well. At least for the sake of pragmatism, if not for the sake of humanity, don't be on the wrong side of history? To this day I believe Indians are a far better people than Israelis are. We share a lot in common. Don't buy too much into the Israeli crap and learn to live in Asia where you belong.
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