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Israel gives food and medical equipment to Gazans in Return of Rockets

So defending and fighting for own country against forginers make u terrorist? Which means u and me or our elders who faught against England were terrorist ?????

Lets for 1 sec think Hamas are terrorist.. how many Isrealies has killed and how many Hamas has killed ? I guess it must be like 100 vs 0.99

ask that question to hamas , the terrorist group that is responsible ultimately for this fate.
Dumbo , that is typical republican rhetoric right there...

'Judeo-Christian' roots bs. Christianity plays NO role in America Law , Government, and Public life. America is based on Greek Democratic Ideas that West got from Arabs. American foundation roots go back to 'post-christian' enlightenment era of Europe where individual liberty was emphasized. But I know , you watch fox news and believe that American foundations go back to Bible :lol:

I support terrorist groups against America? ARE YOU FCUKING KIDDING ME?!?! If that is the case , then you also drink cow piss because your ilk do the same.

I am Pro-Palestine and anti-Israeli right wing government. But republican idiots like you assume that anything anti-Israeli government means pro Hamas..pfft...

Look at your signature though...LAWL! Little self-obsessed ignorant wanna be bharti....

Is that what I read really???
Are you implying that Arabs Invented Democracy???

Dude Arabs were still busy silting each other throats and raiding caravans in desserts while Romans were busy inventing democracy. Not sure where you get your lessons from but your molvi sahb sure has a nice taste in whatever he is smoking.
Is that what I read really???
Are you implying that Arabs Invented Democracy???

Dude Arabs were still busy silting each other throats and raiding caravans in desserts while Romans were busy inventing democracy. Not sure where you get your lessons from but your molvi sahb sure has a nice taste in whatever he is smoking.

Democracy is a Greek word. There is nothing Roman about it.

The history of democracy traces back from classical Athens in the 6th century B.C. to the present day.

History of democracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
But for one thing , "campaigns" like this shows how "done" israel is and how far from the greater israel that was to stretch from the nile to euphratus
Is that what I read really???
Are you implying that Arabs Invented Democracy???

Dude Arabs were still busy silting each other throats and raiding caravans in desserts while Romans were busy inventing democracy. Not sure where you get your lessons from but your molvi sahb sure has a nice taste in whatever he is smoking.

Or you are just frustrated (for god knows what?) lonely man who is losing it now? Read my post again...I said "America is based on Greek Democratic Ideas that West got from Arabs." How does that imply that Arabs invented democracy? Greeks invented it...West got Greek works from Arabs since Islamic Scholars translated many ancient Greek manuscripts , while west is busy is killing each other during dark ages.
EXACTLY, genius. LOL! Thats my point...

Lol genius...They are secular that means they have laws, govt etc which is not based on religion. People are free to practice any religion they want.

Not all countries in this world make their laws based on religion and that doesnot mean people of that country have embraced Atheism.
Lol genius...They are secular that means they have laws, govt etc which is not based on religion. People are free to practice any religion they want.

Not all countries in this world make their laws based on religion and that doesnot mean people of that country have embraced Atheism.

Man that is my point. Thats why I said "Christianity plays NO role in America Law , Government, and Public life." ...Your inferior dumbtruck wanna be bharti fellow was saying that how come I am living in "Judea-Christian" USA..I just educated him that US is not some 'judea-christian' sh!thole...its a secular country....anyways , you should read previous comments before making comments.
Man that is my point. Thats why I said "Christianity plays NO role in America Law , Government, and Public life." ...Your inferior dumbtruck wanna be bharti fellow was saying that how come I am living in "Judea-Christian" USA..I just educated him that US is not some 'judea-christian' sh!thole...its a secular country....anyways , you should read previous comments before making comments.

You said Christianity is almost a dead religion while he showed you that 73% of Americans consider themselves as Christians.

Quoting myself :

Not all countries in this world make their laws based on religion and that doesnot mean people of that country have embraced Atheism.

Christianity is a widely popular religion and it is flourishing in Secular Countries.
Dumbo , that is typical republican rhetoric right there...

'Judeo-Christian' roots bs. Christianity plays NO role in America Law , Government, and Public life. America is based on Greek Democratic Ideas that West got from Arabs. American foundation roots go back to 'post-christian' enlightenment era of Europe where individual liberty was emphasized. But I know , you watch fox news and believe that American foundations go back to Bible :lol:

I support terrorist groups against America? ARE YOU FCUKING KIDDING ME?!?! If that is the case , then you also drink cow piss because your ilk do the same.

I am Pro-Palestine and anti-Israeli right wing government. But republican idiots like you assume that anything anti-Israeli government means pro Hamas..pfft...

Look at your signature though...LAWL! Little self-obsessed ignorant wanna be bharti....

Your ignorance and bigotry has no limit as evident from you gibberish - you don't even understand the history of this country and are so under educated that you think Judea Christian roots means some overtly favoritism towards Christianity. Hope to see your terrorist loving self being deported someday.
Ji-hadi Auz you maybe in the US but you have no clue about its Judea christian roots and the fact that over 73% of Americans identify themselves as Christians. to call it dead or not have a fundamental understanding of the country is a signal for you to leave our land and go live among those you treasure.

I don't even know why you live here, every instance you support every terrorist group against the US. You are a radical Islamist that can't even take yourself off from living off a Judea christian country. You denigrate other religions ( like you did above when speaking of the bible)and talk Taliban terrorists lingo- Self deport yourself ...to the land where your ilk reside. There is cave somewhere waiting for your presence.

Hamas is terrorist organization designated as such internationally. I know that mean much to you in your surroundings

Jude o Christan society is term coined by Jewish media not a reality we all know the international leaders you talk of but billions consider Jewish state a terrorist state.
Jude o Christan society is term coined by Jewish media not a reality we all know the international leaders you talk of but billions consider Jewish state a terrorist state.

nope but billions dont. Israel is a peace loving country. they are doing this in self defence
Jude o Christan society is term coined by Jewish media not a reality we all no the international leaders you talk of but billions consider Jewish state a terrorist state.

Yes, of course you are right- there are international drones flying over Israel because they are so concerned about " terrorism" from that lot. :P
sorry to say that but very narrow minded post......
We r watching in tv what exactly r the suppling that has killed 92 innocent muslims as of yesterday dont know how many they killed 2day
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