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Israel-Gaza situation escalating


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
3 Israeli airstrikes on Gaza injure motorcyclist, child | Maan News Agency

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- A young Palestinian man and a child were injured on Sunday morning after Israeli air forces launched three strikes across the Gaza Strip.

An Israeli airstrike in the northern Gaza Strip hit a motorcyclist on Saftawi Street near Jabaliya, injuring the driver and a number of passersby.

Two other airstrikes in the central and southern Gaza Strip left no reported injuries.
Spokesman for the Gaza Strip Ministry of Health Ahraf al-Qidra told reporters that the motorcyclist was a 22-year-old man, and that he was taken to al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City after he sustained serious injuries.

Al-Qidra added that a 12-year-old boy was taken to Kamal Udwan Hospital in Jabaliya, and that doctors said he suffered moderate wounds.

A statement by Israeli forces said that they had "successfully targeted a terrorist operative" named Ahmad Saad, who they described as "a senior operative in the 'Palestinian Islamic Jihad'" organization.

The statement added that Saad was a specialist "in rocket launching" and is "personally responsible for the launching of 5 rockets towards Ashkelon" on Thursday.

The motorcycle hit by an Israeli airstrike

Also on Sunday morning, Israeli air forces bombed two sites in the central and southern Gaza Strip used as training sites for Palestinian militants.

Witnesses told Ma'an that at least three missiles hit a military training site in the town of Bani Suheila east of Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip.

The site and neighboring civilian houses sustained material damage, but no injuries were reported.
Less than 10 minutes later, another Israeli airstrike targeted a training site of the Hamas' military wing the al-Qassam Brigades near Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip.
No injuries were reported in that strike either.

An Israeli military spokesperson said the attacks came after a homemade shell fired from the Gaza Strip landed in the Western Negev.

The airstrikes come only days after four Palestinian children and a woman were injured in Israeli bombing in the Gaza Strip early on Thursday, and a day after after Israeli forces opened fire on Palestinian protesters near the border, injuring two.

The Gaza Strip has been under a severe economic blockade imposed by the State of Israel since.......

@AUz @al-Hasani @Arabian Legend @haman10 @ResurgentIran @SALMAN AL-FARSI @RFS_Br @xenon54 @atatwolf @SinaG @Talon @Jessica_L
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Of course zionist Al Qaeda attack all people to protect Israhell

Look like the divide to conquer strategy used by the conquistadors is used now against the arabs, stupid enough to support the zionist salafists among them
Of course zionist Al Qaeda attack all people to protect Israhell

Look like the divide to conquer strategy used by the conquistadors is used now against the arabs, stupid enough to support the zionist salafists among them

This doesn't have to with Al Qaeda brother...take it easy, this is something behind the scenes we won't really understand but it seems there are plans for an offensive against Gaza.

So please don't change the tone if the discussion right now, let me gather more information.

Falafel stop 'saves' Gaza man from Israeli missile | Maan News Agency

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- A Palestinian man survived an Israeli airstrike on Sunday after he jumped off his donkey cart to eat falafel and fool in a popular restaurant in the northern Gaza Strip.

The donkey, however, was not so lucky, and wound up a casualty of an Israeli missile strike that also injured a motorcyclist and a 12-year-old child passing by.

Saad Dabour, a garbage collector, told Ma'an that seconds before an Israeli airstrike hit a motorcyclist on Saftawi Street near Jabaliya, he stopped his donkey cart on the roadside and jumped down to treat himself to a breakfast of falafel and fool, a dish made of fava beans, from a popular roadside restaurant.

"Only a few seconds later, I heard a blast, and when I turned back to see what had happened, I saw the motorbike ablaze and its driver was lying on the ground."

He added that after he recovered from the shock, he noticed that his donkey was riddled with shrapnel from the missile.

Dabour told Ma'an that he uses Saftawi Street every day to collect garbage on his donkey cart.

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Islamic Jihad: Strikes on Gaza may lead to end of ceasefire | Maan News Agency

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- The military wing of a Palestinian faction said Sunday that Israeli violations of a ceasefire with Gaza might lead to the ceasefire's end, the same day Israeli airstrikes injured two in the Strip.

Israel's "continuous violations against our people may lead to the collapse of this agreement unless they stop immediately," the military wing of the Islamic Jihad movement said in a statement.

The al-Quds Brigades said the Israeli strikes were the latest in a "long series of crimes" to which the militant group would respond at the appropriate time.

The group said Israel would pay a heavy price for further attacks on Gaza.


Breaking News - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

  • 6:41 PM
    DM Ya'alon: We will not tolerate fire into Israel, will respond to attacks (Haaretz)
  • 5:40 PM
    Hamas: Gaza calm could collapse due to ongoing Israeli aggression (Haaretz)
Time to end Israel's Gaza blockade | @guardianletters | World news | The Guardian

Today marks five years since the Israeli military launched missile and ground attacks on Gaza, which Israel named Operation Cast Lead. According to the UN, 1,383 Palestinians died as a result, including 333 children.

And what of the survivors? For the 1.7 million living in the tiny Gaza Strip, life has become increasingly desperate because of Israel's continuing blockade, backed by Egypt and with no effective challenge from governments around the world. The blockade has brought electricity cuts of 16 hours a day, which means the only street lights visible at night have been those from Israel's nearby towns. The electricity shortages have severely affected almost all essential services, including health, water, sanitation and schooling. With waste plants not operating, Palestinian children have been wading through freezing sewage to attend school. The terrible floods in Gaza brought the promise of increased electricity supplies for a few weeks, but the international community must demand that supply is constant and permanent.

This blockade has also resulted in unacceptable limits on personal freedom. Most Palestinians are prevented from travelling outside Gaza, an area of 139 sq miles: about the same size, but much more densely populated, as Newcastle. It is deplorable for us to allow this continuing collective punishment against Palestinians in Gaza. We urge the UK government to take immediate action to bring an end to the blockade on Gaza.

Baroness Blackstone
, Peter Bottomley MP, Richard Burden MP,Martin Caton MP, Katy Clark MP, Michael Connarty MP, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Alex Cunningham MP, Lord Dubs, Mark Durkan MP, Lord Dykes, John Hemming MP, Julian Huppert MP, Lord Hylton, Hugh Lanning,Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Lord Judd, Caroline Lucas MP, Sir Gerald Kaufman MP, George Mudie MP, Grahame Morris MP,Sandra Osborne MP, Lord Phillips of Sudbury, Rt Hon Dame Joan Ruddock MP, Andy Slaughter MP, Baroness Tonge, Yasmin Qureshi MP, David Ward MP, Mike Weir MP


Gaza fishermen suffer 85 percent income loss as Israeli siege, attacks continue | International Solidarity Movement

On 17 December, Palestinian fishermen and their supporters erected a tent — a traditional venue for protest, as well as celebration and mourning — inside the Gaza seaport.

“It was to highlight the situation, the crimes of the Israelis against fishermen here,” said Amjad al-Shrafi, treasurer of the General Union of Fishermen. “We wanted to send a message about the blockade against the fishermen and how we cannot fish freely.”

The protest, organized under the title Free the Holy Land Sea, ended two days later with the delivery of a letter to the nearby office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, demanding international protection for fishermen.

Over three days, hundreds of well-wishers visited a crowded tent decorated with banners and posters supporting fishermen. The organizations represented on its walls ranged from human rights centers to prisoner support groups.

Under fire

“One of our main goals was to push governments around the world to force Israel to give fishermen free lives and let us sail without any limits,” al-Shrafi said. “It’s our right to sail freely in our waters.”

“Another was to pressure the Israeli forces to release the boats and fishermen they have captured.”

Palestinian fishermen in coastal waters off the Gaza Strip frequently come under fire byIsraeli naval forces, which target their boats on both sides of a boundary imposed by Israel.

Israel deploys its gunships into Palestinian waters using an information technology infrastructure administered by Hewlett-Packard (“Technologies of control: The case of Hewlett-Packard,” Who Profits, December 2011).

Through its subsidiary, HP Israel, the US corporation won a contract to run the Israeli navy’s computer and communications network in August 2006 (“HP Israel wins navy IT outsourcing contract,” Globes, 14 August 2006).

The fishing area permitted by Israel, which doubled in size as part of the ceasefire agreement ending eight days of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip and retaliatory fire by Palestinian resistance groups in November 2012, now officially reaches six nautical miles from the shore.

But fishermen say the Israeli navy often shoots at them and sometimes captures them and their boats well within the zone it ostensibly allows them.



Fishermen and supporters hold posters with images of colleagues captured by Israeli forces, in Gaza City on 19 December 2013. (Photo by Joe Catron)

“We were far from the prohibited zone, 500 meters away,” said Saddam Abu Warda, a 23-year-old fisherman whom the Israeli navy captured along with his 18-year-old brother Mahmoud around 9am on 10 November.

“They were shouting, ‘You must get out of here in five minutes.’ We had to cut the net to pull it out of the water. Then they started to fire bullets close to our hasaka [small boat]. As they came close to us, their boat looked like a big building with lights.”

The Abu Wardas’ small boat had no engine. “We tried to escape by paddling quickly,” Saddam Abu Warda said. “They forced us to take off our clothes and raise our hands. They were firing bullets in the air and in front of our hasaka. One soldier was shouting, ‘You have to leave your hasaka and get in the water.’ I was shocked. I couldn’t move. I didn’t know why.”

Finally, gunfire forced the brothers into the cold water. “They didn’t stop firing bullets over our heads,” Abu Warda said. “I was far from my brother. He started shouting, saying, ‘I am injured.’ He wasn’t able to keep swimming. I swam back to my brother to try and save him. His blood was [spilling] in the water. Then two small boats came close to us. They pulled my brother from the water. They didn’t take me.”

When Abu Warda reached the Israeli gunship, he lost consciousness after soldiers bound, hooded and kicked him. He awoke in a detention facility in Ashdod, a port in present-day Israel beside his brother Mahmoud, whose right abdomen was stitched by military physicians. The brothers said that Israeli bullets caused the wound.

During an interrogation after he awoke, an Israeli soldier tried to convince him otherwise. “I told him, ‘Three of your gunboats were around us. They were firing bullets. My brother’s blood was everywhere in the water. He was injured by your soldiers.’”

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Gazans militants live in a glass house


yet they cast stone at Isael

If today somehow by miracle

Gazans can control their stone throwers

There will be no Israeli attack.

But smugglers and militants are too strong to be controlled by Hammas

Nobody wants violence but the humanitarian crisis needs to come to halt, economic freedom needs to be granted to Gaza under UN supervision if this is what Israel demands.

You're not making any sense btw self hating Muslim.
Nobody wants violence but the humanitarian crisis needs to come to halt, economic freedom needs to be granted to Gaza under UN supervision if this is what Israel demands.
Based on my study, Gaza started out as self governed with decent economic freedom when settlers withdrew.

Palestinian militants looked at as a weakness of Israelis

thus the miliants quickly started using Gaza as a base for their theatrics.

and hence the clampdown by Israel

You're not making any sense btw self hating Muslim.

No need to drag personal religion into the discussion. But perhaps this very reason has been the undoing for so many people around the world including poor palestinians.
Based on my study, Gaza started out as self governed with decent economic freedom when settlers withdrew.

Palestinian militants looked at as a weakness of Israelis

thus the miliants quickly started using Gaza as a base for their theatrics.

and hence the clampdown by Israel

No need to drag personal religion into the discussion. But perhaps this very reason has been the undoing for so many people around the world including poor palestinians.

Your 'study' omits almost every possible fact which I've already gone over with with you.

No need to get personal, you need to be reasonable brother.
point the omitted parts

First of all, you say Gaza was under a government until militants took advantage of the situation and siezed power. This is not accurate, Gaza had parliamentary elections in 2006 in which Hamas won 76 out of 132 seats.

If you remember at the time president bush was pushing for these elections and Israelis warned him Hamas would win, they know that and wanted that anyways for future purposes. They aren't naive people...US foreign policy makers.

Anyways, so it was formed of a national government and Abbas was still the president. But, the US and Israel told Fatah they would not siege Gaza if Hamas representatives weren't forced out of parliament. So Fatah refused to allow Hamas to function in its role in the parliament.

They began arresting Hamas officials and gathering Hamas members in Gaza and throwing them in prison and several were being killed. Btw, Fatah had a large military wing in Gaza at the time, Hamas was weak but well trained. So this led to clashes and that's what resulted from it.

Israel and the US were hoping for a full blown civil war but that didn't happen, only several dozen militants were killed and Palestinians got their election results. They elected Hamas to govern them and the US stooges couldn't prevent the people's aspirations.

Back then, Fatah was a whole other thing. @FaujHistorian
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