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'Israel firmly Stands By India' says Israeli Ambassador Condemning The Terror Attack In Pulwama


Jul 10, 2017
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Israel firmly Stands By India' says Israeli Ambassador Condemning The Terror Attack In Pulwama
Saturday, February 16, 2019
By: Repiblic World

Source Link: CLICK HERE

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India's strategic partner Israel extended their condolences to the family of the deceased and strongly condemned the Pulwama attack that resulted in the martyrdom of 37 jawans.

The statement by Israel's Ambassador to India, Ron Malka read:

Israel strongly condemns the terror attack in Pulwama and stands by our Indian friends during this difficult hour. We send our deepest condolences to CPRF and their families, people of India and Indian government following the terrible #KashmirTerrorAttack

Along with Israel, the United Nations, United States, Australia, United Kingdom, Russia, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and countries across the globe have extended their condolences to the families to the deceased and strongly condemned the terror attack for which Pakistan backed terror outfit Jaish-e-Mohammad has claimed responsibility.

Washington asked Pakistan to end "support" and "safe haven" to terror groups, condemning the Pulwama attack on jawans.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said, "The United States calls on Pakistan to end immediately the support and safe haven provided to all terrorist groups operating on its soil, whose only goal is to sow chaos, violence, and terror in the region."

The following was the statement released by the CRPF which details about the attack:

- The convoy started from Jammu around 4 am. It was an Up Convoy to Srinagar.
- 70 vehicles were in this convoy with 2,500 CRPF personnel.
- Road opening party had cleared the route.
- The convoy had last checked in at Anantnag.
- A civilian car was laden with IED.
Hahaha omg the desperation? India is trying its level best to reach Israel's place as being most hated people on earth. The competition is tough.

Oh wait I dont give a fcuk I hate juice

What the fuc is this india, grow some balls

That's to be expected. Though I'd like to see India also openly support Israel against the Palestinians and the rest of the Arabs.

i think india needs indian members support here too.indian members kindly give their statements here.india needs it lol.
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